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Everything posted by lovesthebeach2

  1. Your way is better! But one question, when you're posting multiple pics at the same time it’s possible to add a caption on each right?
  2. If you have an iPhone just open the photo, choose the option to copy, then go to here and choose paste.
  3. What I would like to see Royal do is offer something to the equivalent of one of the 4 quarter segments…..for example a 40+ cruise to different places. A B2B2B2B that we can do now would never fly with my DH, but an interesting itinerary definitely would.
  4. Have you been to “The Best of British Pub and Cafe” on 27 in Davenport ? We went there once for dinner and I remember that it had food items for sale too but I’m not sure if they had freezer foods or just cupboard items. Some of of the items you have on your breakfast list we see in the WJ on cruises out of Europe, including black pudding which we saw on our last cruise. Haven’t seen fried bread, but all others were there including the bacon that I had no idea what it was, I think DH tried it. I like that you have some plant based options in your freezer, I do too!
  5. Ah…solar flickering candles……now I’ll have to check them out on Amazon and add another item to my things to bring on a cruise list…..your cabin sounds amazing
  6. I have notifications off on that place for mostly everything. I only have them on for a few things. 😉
  7. I’m laughing here because we were on Odyssey TA and I kept negotiating the price for Giovanni’s. I had booked lunch and we considered an early dinner instead and I had him down 30% off the price. My DH gets a kick out of the way I do it. It’s fun.
  8. Oddly when we were just on Odyssey for 27 nights, we got bored with drinking 🤪 I just couldn’t do 5 drinks every night anymore……I would get to schooner and say, what do I want tonight. 🤣
  9. When we were snowbirds in FL, I would start with a clean toilet, add a bit of bleach, cover it with plastic and leave. We came back every 3 months and it looked the same as when we left. all the other drains in the house I closed to keep water in them. Never had a problem
  10. Too bad I wasn’t on that cruise….i went to school with Richie Minervini. He used to own a very popular Comedy Club in NY that started careers of lots of famous comedians.
  11. The Book is the only snow that needed to be reserved prior to the cruise. That theatre isn’t big, so reservations are required. If it’s not full, they aallow others to go in 15 min prior to the show. We were on in October for 27 days and there’s entertainment in the theatre most nights.
  12. We’ll see you on that leg, we’re doing 2 segments, Venice to Barcelona
  13. The place in the back is called Cafe 270 and it is a hidden gem..but unfortunately no bags of chips any longer 😕
  14. True, but when I would ask for the vegetarian menu, others at our table of 8 asked to look at it too, and started to order things from that menu. So part of the reason that there was wasted food may have been due to the fact that people that weren’t vegetarian weren’t even aware there was another menu! so it’s too bad it wasn’t included in the main menu. I think it’s harder for vegans to find things than for vegetarians who will eat cheese. I always can find things to eat off the menu
  15. They used to have a vegan/vegatarian menu you could request that had a few choices, but unfortunately when they changed the menus this year they took away that menu and only have the 1 choice for each course. I’m not vegan but I don’t eat meat, and I have mentioned it on every survey after a cruise.
  16. We’re doing 2 segments next year and will be getting a block on Serenade. We already have one, but it’s the old type, so will be interesting to see what we get this time.
  17. They must have read my post wrong. I wasn’t raving about it, just mentioned that it’s fine.
  18. I’ll add some of the positives. Odyssey is a beautiful ship (we think so). It’s one of our favorites. And yes, things have changed with the menus and room servicing. We like the once a day room servicing much better. We like all the shows on Odyssey. The menus have changed, and although they are very limited (especially for me because I’m not a meat eater) we didn’t starve. We do go to the WJ now for some nights which we never ever did before. The menus are boring ( the same identical menu all the time gets boring when you cruise a lot) but thankfully eating isn’t our main reason to cruise. I love the ocean and that alone, with the added plus that it takes me to destinations all over the world are why we cruise. Not the food and not the room being cleaned . you will love Odyssey. Enjoy your cruise!
  19. Sorry to hear no more World Cruises, but maybe do longer itineraries like each of the 4 quarters? That may sell better and fill the ship?
  20. So excited for you! Have a great time, sorry we’ll just pass each other in Barcelona when you’re rejoining and we’re departing. Looking forward to following you on your journey
  21. Or a hefty fine may do it too.. and not just a threat of a fine, but actually follow through. The problem is if Royal doesnt enforce their rules, no one pays attention to them since they know there’s no repercussions.
  22. Unfortunately for us we flew a few days before the American Airlines plane crashed in NY…which was just a month or two after 9/11….We lived in NY then and were afraid to fly home.
  23. Or the airlines with initials ”SW” that constantly advertises fares as low as 49 or 59…. But never to anyplace we want to fly. So I ignore their fantastic deal emails now,
  24. For us I had notified the card, to know where we were going, so when someone purchased gas in Georgia using that card, the company cancelled the card immediately. Due to the time difference I only found out when we woke up the next day. EDIT to add…. 2years ago we were getting ready to get on Mariner and I got en email from my credit cards that I changed my home address. Of course we didn’t, and spent the whole day trying to lock our credit and correct it, I was so annoyed at Chase for allowing someone to do that by calling!! I asked to hear the recording but they wouldn’t give it. So now our credit is frozen and every type of credit alert is turned on for all cards.
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