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Everything posted by gsmt47471015

  1. Ah ,well that clarifies that ,thank you , the lady we saw on Azura was definitely from Hungary but for the life us we cant remember her name 🤔
  2. If she is the lady from Hungary with blonde hair she is an exceptional pianist 😀
  3. We also visited in the nineties and it appears as though they have managed to keep its charm and not over developed it , when we visited there was a lot of Russian investment happening and not many brits went there, we will always remember our kids clinging on to the seats of our car as I drove along the winding clifftop roads to get to it !!!
  4. And as I’ve mentioned before the lack of other dining venues on Arcadia does make things even more congested , Unfortunately
  5. We have always opted for freedom dining whatever ship or company we sail with , however every time we have sailed on Arcadia we have always encountered waits of varying times as we prefer to eat around 20.15 onwards, felt it was worse on our last cruise since they moved freedom downstairs in the mdr ?
  6. Many thanks for a positive report , we are on her for the world cruise in January so hopefully all the good things you have mentioned will still be in evidence then, and also glad that they appear to have sorted out the temperature issue which we have fallen foul of before 👍
  7. They are a cut above all the other lines we have been on , the white night is quite something to behold , that been said two weeks is probably long enough for us as the evening entertainment can become a little limited , do agree that a lot of people prefer not to fly though 😀
  8. We have tried all methods to get to Southampton with the exception of rail ,including overnight stays pre boarding. Cant say we enjoy any of them and it makes the journey home a chore , I know its our choice to live a six hour car journey away but we do get envious of people who will be sat at home with a suitcase unpacked before we are even a quarter of the way back. Its the same with flying, most holiday departures are centered around the south and to fly from anywhere north incurs flight supplements , even though in lots of cases the aircraft and crew are based in the north
  9. Would definitely recommend Azamara , loved them and will look to sail with them again when a suitable itinerary and timing suit us , however they are more expensive
  10. From recent first hand observations P and O appear to be leading the field in cancelling ports , either before sailing or during a cruise , all the more frustrating when other ships manage to dock with no apparent problem on a regular basis 😠
  11. Yes we did hear the noise from the theatre, not intrusively loud as we often went back to our cabin around 18.00 for a drink before showering and we then knew what songs would be in the show that evening! As we were never back in the cabin before 23.30 it was not a problem 😀
  12. I have had cause to use this route twice now ,the first time I received an acknowledgment within hours and the matter was resolved within 21 days ( not completely to my satisfaction ,but he ho ) ,this time the same acknowledgment reply and awaiting what action will be taken .On both occasions they were carbon copies of messages sent to guest relations on the same day , I am still awaiting responses to both of them( one was three months ago)
  13. No problem with those two , however I suspect after 99 nights it might become a little monotonous
  14. Doubtful, unless somebody realizes how much revenue the Glasshouse generates on other ships, same with the beach house to a lesser extent
  15. If I was to highlight one thing( other than the cold every time we have been on her) it is the lack of alternative dining options in relation to all the other ships in the fleet
  16. Very true, however they did open up the viewing balcony in front of these cabins when we sailed through the Panama Canal ( its normally only accessed via the crew staircase)
  17. We have for summer 2025 and also the one next door for the 65night 2025 cruise, so much natural light but very little passenger/crew disturbance, but as stated earlier been at the front of the ship will not suit everybody
  18. We had cabin C101 at the front overlooking the bow and it was a full picture window , some people will not like been that far forward but it never bothers us.
  19. Sorry also to clarify on formal/celebration evenings you can request a table for two ,although you may have to wait via pager as it always busy on these evenings
  20. I may be incorrect .but the "free" drinks are usually at the captains welcome and at the pennisular event , on formal/celebration nights you will have to buy your own
  21. Only found out about this on social media, no contact from P and O regarding this change , not that it matters, were only the paying passengers 😡
  22. One point that may help you decide how to navigate to Battery Park ,on our visit taxis were virtually non existent at the cruise terminal and some people had to head up to the tourist areas to hail one, we also attempted to get one back to the ship from Times Square as our companions are a little less mobile, at around midnight and none would take us there, presumably because they knew it would be a one way fare with no chance of picking up a return fare from the terminal . Also been to Boston and it is a beautiful city, almost a smaller version of NYC , however you get around I'm sure you will have a wonderful time , plan wisely and you can see most of the top sights within your shore time 👍
  23. We docked at pier 72 (next to the intrepid ) on our Arcadia cruise last year , just a steady fifteen minute walk to Times Square
  24. Your comments re. noisy young passengers has only confirmed our view that it will be adults only for any future cruise ( our next three are). Thank you for the very balanced and factual updates on your cruise 👍
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