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Everything posted by complawyer

  1. tomberly: this past summer,we flew from los angeles to london and stayed in london for 3 days. we arranged a shuttle to pick us up at our london hotel and drive us the the port in southampton (about an hour and half trip) we looked up shuttle services on google. it was slightly under 300.
  2. for me, cagney's is top of the line, with teppanyaki an incredibly close 2nd. im not crazy about le bistro, only because they're snooty and demand men wear a collared shirt. come on, what's the big deal? and la cucina i can avoid on any cruise. just not my cup of tea. i'd like more choices on their menu. to show how people differ, i absolutely hate o'sheehans, and would rather not eat than go there. while i'm not trying to be an ncl cheerleader, for those who knock the food, think about what it takes to make a few 1000 meals, 3 times a day, plus buffet, specialty restaurants, for that many people. someone is bound to be unhappy. the chefs (cooks) would have to have used some of the skills in hogworths to make everyone happy. the only really bad things ive ever had, was one time i ordered french onion soup at the mdr, and it was only a step up from dishwater (one time only). another time, a few years back when they were still serving lobster, i ordered it and they looked just like a shrimp on steroids, and finally, i try and stay away from the hamburgers, as no matter where i ordered one, buffet, out door grill, the buns always seem to fall apart. (lol)
  3. no question, "six". one of the best shows i've seen on a cruise ship in 20 cruises on ncl since 2010. we walked out of jersey boys, it was a carbon copy of the movie and the sound was terrible.
  4. we were recently on the gem . we were in a non-haven 2 bedroom suite. we got all the exact same perks as the haven, breakfast at moderno's, lunch at cagney's, butler, concierge, priority boarding, disembarkation, all except access to haven pool and courtyard. only difference was our suite was around $3000 less. for a savings of $3000, i dont need access to the private pool. by the way, the cabins are almost identical.
  5. traveling man. dept of water and power, monitors the meters and know exactly your monthly water and energy usage. if you over use, you get fined. if you really over use, you're in deep doo doo also, i guess i have a screwed up sense of direction still LOL
  6. whenever we've booked a suite, we had the same privileges a a haven passenger, minus access to the haven complex (pool and bar)
  7. we're in los angeles with severe water restrictions, consequently once a month has to do. to over compensate, we buy the industrial size deodorant. but if we ever end up on a similar cruise, you have my word i'll stay upwind LOL!!!
  8. sorry, lucky. club balcony suites are just renamed (and slightly remodeled ) mini suites. no private dining, no butler or concierge, you may get a free bottle of champagne, a delivery of chocolate covered strawberries, and a free bag of laundry, but no private dining the "real" suites on the star (or any other ncl ship) are almost identical to the haven cabins, with almost the same perks. on ships with an actual haven deck, the only difference is access to the have pool and bar area (haven complex) so if you really want the goodies, i strongly recommend you pop for the star suites, if it fits you budget
  9. ive worn jeans and tennis shoes to le bistro, with no problems, their only real requirement for men is a "collared shirt". ive always brought along 1 collared shirt (in case we decide to go to le bistro), but im much happier and more comfortable in cagney's
  10. tennis shoes are perfectly acceptable, as are jeans. no need whatsoever to pack nice shoes. be a port and get him a new pair of tennies!
  11. you should get the same service/treatment from your butler, regardless of being in a courtyard suite, or non- courtyard suite. even on ships with both haven and non haven suites (ie the ncl gem) the perks and the service are the same even if your cabin is just listed as a "suite". i have been advised, that the only real difference on ships that have both haven suites and suites, is the price and access to the courtyard area pool. the cabins are virtually identical and on our last cruise (gem in early november) i saved around $3000 just booking the 2 bedroom suite, as opposed to the haven 2 bedroom. i dont need access to the pool for an extra 3 grand
  12. UNBELIEVABLE !!!! other posts ask about getting an extra drink for friends that dont buy the package, you're trying to scam the whole thing. really i'm LOL
  13. read my lips: there is no dress code,(of course, within reason) only minor exception is le bistro requires men to have collared shirts. we have had dinner in the mdr, and i was wearing jeans, no one said a word. besides, there are ususally 2 mdr's with essentially the same menus. so if one doesnt work, go to the other.
  14. i have often ordered 2 drinks at a time, with no problems whatsoever. ididnt feel like it was stealing, my wife and our travel companion were lounging in t he sun, so i went and got the drinks. after i got them their 2, i immediately went back and got mine. i notice that some of these posters consider it stealing, and taking away from their package, but even with the bottom line drink package, you can get as much alcohol as you can consume, so an extra drink here and there probably doesnt matter to the cruise line, and certainly doesnt warrant being removed from the cruise, or losing your drink package. by the way, all 3 of us had the drink package anyway, so really, no harm no foul
  15. not only did they raise the price, they jacked them up sky high. the costs for 2 people are higher then they were before the sale. i find consistently, ncl has a bad habit of doing this and calling it a "sale"
  16. groundloop. why dont you go on the ncl website, check out their prices and destinations, and go ahead and book what looks appealing to you. if it's within your travel budget, book a haven suite. if you do, you may never consider carnival again.
  17. hockeymum. since you can check in on line 21 days before sailing, didnt you get your cruise docs? your luggage tags would have been available to print with the docs. if you didnt get your cruise docs, didnt you think it was kind of strange that 21 days out you had not as yet received them. and how long did you wait before you contacted ncl or your travel agent. in any event, i certainly sympathize with your problem and hope all works out. please let us all know what happens
  18. if you cancel before the final payment is due, )usually 120 days out, you will be refunded whatever you have already paid. just make sure if you do wish to cancel, its prior to the final payment date
  19. while i've never sailed on carnival (22 on ncl). it seems historically, when something goes wrong on a cruise ship, or there is bad press, it's usually a carnival ship. i think the cabin sizes, and the itineraries are better on ncl
  20. why cant you have fun and enjoy doing both? ancient ruins, temples, are still amazing that they're still standing. ive mentioned before, i choose ncl primarily for it's itineraries. sometimes we're in ports that dont interest me, so i stay on board. we've differed in the past, and also agreed in the past. but why stay aboard and play bingo, when you can see the leaning tower of pisa, all the sights in rome, old castles and forts etc. maybe you should venture out of steerage once in a while LOL!
  21. we were on the bliss to alaska in july. there was a gentleman who's job it was to greet people into the buffet area. he was always singing, smiling etc. i had to comment to him, that in my entire life, i have never met anyone who took so much joy and pride in their work, even if his job was just to greet people. after over 20 cruises with ncl, i have never been more impressed than i was with that individual. he is a blessing and a godsend to the company (imho, ncl could use some more blessings, godsends, and more employees like him)!!!
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