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Everything posted by Ombud

  1. Sounds like another cruiser who discovered the medallion isn't as awful as those who haven't cruised with it state 🤔 Which is why I always try to find out if those posting opinions have actually personally cruised / experienced issues
  2. When I'm at Starbucks or my local patisserie I leave my stuff, go to the counter, maybe restroom. and it's not touched. So, yeah, I expect the same on a ship. But I have a small mesh bag that I hook to my belt loop when off the ship (hate purses) so I'll leave that. Thanks for the tip @PescadoAmarillo. Now off to Ace Hardware to get a better clip.
  3. I have cruised on Carnival (with kids) but now Princess. Both divisions in Carnival Corp
  4. Here in Canada you can't even get PCR unless you are in care of old people, at least it was like that, maybe not even that anymore. Home tests don't work properly, we learned it last year on our family, so we don't even bother to do them. As you said if we get sick we just put on a mask but definitely not reporting anything. Not to get off into the weeds but the saliva test is supposed to be as accurate as the PCR. We're operating on the thought that they are. Still not reporting. Will mask up
  5. Dtr works in home heath, so she tests Sis has a new granddaughter, so she tests I'm carrying tests on my cruises but IDK if I'd tell anyone if I pop positive. I can just shelter in place & on the balcony & mask while getting off. I pick my room bc I like that balcony
  6. Why couldn't they just put them off at the next port and let them find their own way home? Could be interesting if that port was not in their home country & they were cruising under WHTI (birth cert instead of passport) I'm not sympathetic
  7. It's fortified wine. Thought that couldn't be brought onboard. I'm trying
  8. Good idea!!!! I'll try that in December (I once left my phone and had to retrieve it from PSD)
  9. What happens to wine or alcohol that they take from you in port?? I like a glass of tawny port at night. I don't like what Princess offers. So I'm tempted to try to carryon. If confiscated I'm okay with getting it back at disembarkation. But as many of us know, 'that' desk is often unmanned in fact I've carried 2 bottles on initially and recently a 3rd mid cruise. That's why I'm thinking of risking it Leave it with me -- fine Take it from me & return at the end -- fine Take it & not return it -- not happy but, oh well, good try
  10. I know everybody is concerned about deck chairhogs, but what about the solo person in the piazza who needs to go to the bathroom? Or perhaps that person is going to the IC to get a salad? I had my lunch removed on recent cruise while I went to get just 1 more thing from IC and came back to someone's mask there. I removed the mask and then the person who owned them left the dance floor and started yelling at me. So I asked her what happened to my lunch? Not all IC options are on the app. I'm all for everyone being able to save a chair for 20 minutes
  11. I go to PSD and ask for the ones I'm interested in .... if the line's too long I get them from Shore Excursions. I wish they'd have a stack printed out but I seem to be the only one who wants one Yes but I cannot find the desk to declare them.
  12. It is still given on the Princess shops ... I can't say if there's a shortcut way to determine which shops are Princess and which are vendor but I can say sundries, liquor, candy, tshirts are all Princess. Effy is not
  13. +100% It will never disappear much like colds, flu, norovirus. Therefore JMHO it is up to each of us to venture out when comfortable
  14. JMHO Carnival has gone a long way in improving their brand by initiating & making a $500 fine for abusive behavior. Plus its miniscule reimbursement for the costs involved in security time. Hand those out, let it be posted online, then watch ppl pull their horns in. But in reality there's also car-wars, neighborhood-wars, store-wars, etc
  15. Does this apply to transatlantics?? So now Amari (F8) doesn't need to test? SWEET!!
  16. I can't address Carnival issues but behavior issues on Princess has been restricted to just a few horrible cruisers. Maybe the brig isn't big enough?? No real issues on Cunard
  17. Carnival Corp certainly has brands that span the affordability / luxury spectrum: Seabourn - Cunard - Princess - HAL - PO - PO Australia - AIDA - Costa - Carnival
  18. @Wildcatllamas what about music? Specifically wind / strings / classical?
  19. Ask for the vegetarian menu and skip options on the other one.
  20. You will be locked out so if you want to return & play, you cannot. I ran a slot pull once and cashed everyone out at the end without going through the casino mgr and then was prevented from playing. Casino mgr knew what I was doing & got me back in but it was a headache.
  21. You clearly have more confidence in the process than I do. AONs communication and claims portal are terrible. That said I do give them credit for finally paying out, even after 6 months and multiple followups on my part. My claim was small, around $700. I would hate to have thousands tied up waiting on them. At some point businesses need to stop using Covid as an excuse for long delays and poor customer service. Could it be that no one wants to work there? Lack of employees would certainly slow things down .... has in our local stores
  22. Sounds like it has to do with contracts in UK. Like maybe all upgrades / upsells / bid ups have to have a firm room and acceptance. Which this program isn't set up to do Does UK law always stop cruisers from getting upgrades?? If so, at least you don't have to monitor to make sure that "no upgrade request" is honored But I digress ... thread is about Virgin cruises experience
  23. So the "PTR" not Princess limits it?? If so, nothing to see here. Off to Google PTR
  24. Yes ... how did you get the coupon??
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