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Everything posted by Ombud

  1. HAL has had a slightly younger crown than Princess for many years now Princess had better get on the ball then. Hopefully 50s+ on average (accounting for minors & grandparents). But it does look like this is what it is going towards according to current commercials, medallion, following your created avatar around the ship, new music venues (Take 5 = jazz), and updated shows Wish they'd bring back the televised sports in Vista Lounge ..... loved when they did that in 2021
  2. My kids & grandkids love opera & symphony. PLEASE no big band era music. Ballroom dancing is my parents generation (ex salsa-type which the 25 yo taught me). Unless Princess is going to grow, they become stagnant. No one likes that. Even HAL is trying to attract a younger group (although that group is still 60+)
  3. They are lowering their target age and becoming intergenerational to stay profitable.
  4. Hi. I'm back. Tried really really hard to stay on track while cruising but obviously failed. Jo, enjoy Bruges. Good luck avoiding all those chocolate deals. Jan, virtual hugs Izena, missed hearing about your surgery!! Good that you can walk Jazzper Hi also Susan & Ginger. Fell in love with a new city -- Southampton. Wild horses. So easy to get around. Left before HRM passed away but was able to watch it onboard. So sad. Hope that family rift can heal Feel in love all over again with tea time. Just tea, veggie sandwiches, scones / cream / marmalade. The ship brings enough for 4 even though I'm a solo. Hence my skirt problem. I have no willpower. This is June after I declined accepting 3/4 but July, August, & September had just as much food. And it's just an afternoon 'snack'
  5. There are numerous items from the specialty restaurants that can be ordered from room service even for us lowly balcony passengers. For a fee
  6. Should be on channel 9, 10, or 11 (unless NFL is on 11) on your stateroom TV
  7. I was on a cruise and couldn't understand why I all of a sudden had new expiration dates on refundable FCC. Previous CVP had already repositioned FCC to use Goodwill 1st. Thanks & remainder is all used up in April 2023. Lasted thru 7 cruises. So many canceled 🙄 but life has returned to normal
  8. No Yes. Spotlight Bar is the same one they showed on July Discovery Princess cruises (although Marcus stated it was premiered here). Shows were at 7:30 & 9:30 except 1 night when 8 & 10 due to a piazza all officer celebration. IMHO those under 50 will understand 5 Skies much better than those over 70. (Its a virtual game thru 5 levels ..... my new favorite show barely beating out Silk Road)
  9. So if I fly into Vancouver to cruise to Alaska I complete 2 ArriveCAN apps? 1 for 1 terminal / 1 for ship??? And complete both together?
  10. Not OP but according to @sultan_sfocovid testing for the 65 staying on cruise (B2B) with Canadian ports was done in Vista Lounge 2 days before end of cruise. No testing at port
  11. It was the last sea day on the Enchanted Princess Transatlantic (9/15). Great mushy peas. Several options but I saw this thread too late to take a pic of the menu. Also nc
  12. Glad you made your flight, Peter. I can attest to it being messy. Incomplete shore side directions, ppl walking right in front of busses trying to exit, immigration on Friday then spot customs inspections on Saturday (WHY couldn't they be done together??). Princess not responsible for either shore personnel or CBP. Just seemed to be 3 different ideas about what should or was going to happen.
  13. 😬 oops! Obviously was still tired after getting home late last night
  14. Ok. Since no one else pointed out a glaring *****? This is the 1st time I have ever seen folding chairs :: Princess Live / Singles & Solos in Take 5 / available for show nights in Piazza (in sundrei store). Seriously?!?! I'm not new to Princess, just new to being offered a folding chair. Nope. I don't do that Another 1st time: their request. Boarded with 1150 OBC, left with under 35. Almost gone 🤑 now to book one of those fall ones w/o solo supplement (if my repaired or replaced air conditioner doesn't blow my budget)
  15. That's what my receipt said (would post but tossed it once I saw it on my account). Weird Didn't say elite discount so maybe it was on sale?? All I know was it was 15,% off ... regular sizes (3 oz tube) regular products. No onboard up pricing
  16. Regular clothing labels & prices. So if I need jeans, shirts, or sweaters I can get them without princess logo at Macy's prices (they carry Lauren & Chicos too!!) using my extra OBC. Sundries are also more down-to-earth pricing (toothbrush $3, toothpaste $3, tweezers $2.50 .... all 15% off for elites). Gone are the days of $7 toothpasts
  17. Almost back & no longer fit into my faded jean skirt (old one not new one .... no idea if I'll fit into that). New goal : be able to zip it all the way up after a meal. And re-dye it medium denim
  18. I can post but I cannot respond sometimes. Took 2 port days to get this to 'take' @Jadn13 I'm on Enchanted Princess A few other questions answered,: Yes the onion soup is vegan!! I had to ask for cheese. Menus have vegetarian & vegan dishes. No pescatarian ones I got the menu by informing the waiter that fish / shellfish cannot have a V as in the animal / plant / rock world it's animal. I've had 4 very different menus now but order dessert off the standard one as I'm not keen on vegan ice cream I became vegetarian as it was just to hard to find kosher chicken. Never ate mammals The 1st few nights I had a paper menu handed to me. But now I have Santorini table #87 (midship deck 5) available for me to arrive between 6:30-8 every night and have the vegetarian menu in the regular folder waiting for me. I get there at 7:1
  19. This makes me so happy 😊 ☺ last nights menu listed mussels as vegetarian so I asked my waiter if they were made out of mushrooms. He said no as vegetarians often ate shellfish. Nope. Pescatarians will eat fish, vegetarians will have eggs & some cheeses. Vegans just don't. So he brought me this menu --> All items can be made vegan!!!!! Thats day 8 for tonight, i had D7 yesterday
  20. I'm in a very nice upscale hotel in the UK. No tiny sample size takeaway containers of toiletries. Just 3 large bottles that they refill just like on Princess. Get the feeling it's the way now. Less plastic waste.
  21. Agreed. I go to Alaska to be walking outside. Hard to get that in Skagway The chocolates weren't that good, I can order whatever snacks I want brought to me anywhere, and I'm personally glad they're cutting down on tiny plastic bottles. I just fill my purse one from their larger bathroom one. Less plastic, less waste, JMHO.
  22. I've had 2 troublesome EZAIR flights. (1) BA canceled flights worldwide & American Airlines let me switch to them. Intransit office not involved. Princess shuttle was waiting for me at Heathrow. (2) Delta messed up my return flight. I was supposed to catch a connection in TX less than 30 minutes after my flight would get in from Fort Lauderdale. Texted my CVP as I landed for my cruise. Before I collected my luggage my CVP had me on a nonstop flight. So 2 issues: 1 I fixed / 1 they fixed. Have used EZAIR for all flights ex 1 (that went from SF / home base) boarding my 40th Princess cruise tomorrow
  23. What i would not tolerate is removing musicians or limiting them to only shows & piano bar. That would send me off to another line. We all have that tipping point
  24. Thats what I do if not ordering from the roaming servers in the piazza
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