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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. A few minutes would not bother me so much, but there seems to be people whose few minutes stretch on a long, long, long time.
  2. And also there are also cases that go to higher courts, and though a decision is made, it is rarely unanimous.
  3. Except he is wanting to be both British and American at the same time taking the benefit from each. I wonder how he'd feel if Princess did the opposite and gave him the worst from each. 🤣
  4. When we were in Athens it would have been so nice to have an overnight. We were there on a Monday, and the new Acropolis Museum which we would have very much liked to see was closed.
  5. I think we agree a whole lot more than we disagree on this topic.
  6. So you want both a new account to get cheaper rates by pretending to live in a different country, but at the same time want the benefits from your old account?
  7. OTOH, one is reminded of the line by a former Supreme Court Justice (I cannot specifically recall at the moment which one), "I cannot define pornography, but I know it when I see it.". I think the shirt in question that has been mentioned would qualify for "I kno w it".
  8. And the next most important words are hope you don't have to use it. But still better to have it, since you never know.
  9. Thanks for the review. I didn't like not too many trivia opportunities, but I guess that is not enough to cancel our cruise especially since we have already made final payment.
  10. OP back--I mentioned this in our roll call, and someone noted that another participant had mentioned he was part of a group of 100 deaf people. So, this might be the group who has taken over that venue.
  11. We once had a port day where the laundry including self service was closed due to water restrictions in St. Petersburg, Russia. And they were very, very busy the next day, a port day in Helsinki.
  12. Thank you for the kind wishes. We fully intend to enjoy the cruise which we booked for the itinerary, not the specialty restaurants. My original post was more out of curiosity as to whether anyone had an idea of why this is happening or had something similar happen to them in the past.
  13. Of course it could be worse, we once had an entire cruise, a river cruise actually, chartered out from under us after we made our final payment. 😢
  14. Better they take over 1 restaurant than the entire ship. BTW, the restaurant they have taken over is Los Lobos.
  15. I received an e-mail the other day from NCL stating that the Los Lobos restaurant would not be available our entire cruise because of an ongoing event there? Has this sort of thing happened to others in the past? Any idea what this ongoing event might be?
  16. Is there any good reason they changed the name? Does anyone see anything wrong with the name Patter?
  17. We once had a Baltic cruise for our 30th anniversary booked way in advance. (This was on Princess actually, not NCL.) Airfares were not yet posted that far out. Our TA advised us to book the cruise line airfare and then start checking airfares as we could as you said always cancel that before final payment. And then I found a great online only limited time offer deal. I went to book it, and I kept coming up with technical difficulties. After I few tries, I called the phone number provided. After I explained my situation, the customer service rep said my DW's name as well as mine. I had not got to the point of providing that when trying to book the airfare online. It seems we were already booked on the flight by Princess which is why it would not book us when I now tried to get the much, much, better rate. I explained that I had not yet paid anything and could in fact cancel everything before final payment. The rep suggested I cancel and then try again. I said please book us as I never want to have no flight booked. She relented as I promised to cancel with the TA as soon as I got off the phone with her. So, it may not be quite as easy as you have said.
  18. My DW spends lots and lots of time in the pool and if uncrowded tries to swim laps. I spend no time in the pool, but as much as I can at trivia.
  19. I would surmise that they changed the tipping policy because of the amount of passengers who stiffed the crew. There are lots of stories of passengers who ate every night at the MDR becoming buffet diners on the last night. 😒 And for many of us not having to have the bills available to fill envelopes is a positive. It's much easier to auto-tip.
  20. Mile must have come to be in the translation. After all, we are not reading the quotation in Chinese.
  21. Yes, if dining with my DW was not acceptable, I imagine we would not be anywhere in our relationship near having our 46th anniversary onboard. But, that does not mean I won't miss meeting other people and sharing both our stories and their stories. When you cruise with your son, would it be fair to say you enjoy his company, but you still would like to meet and share with others?
  22. You obviously did not click on the link I provided, or else you would have seen it was a contemporary of Confucious, Lao Tze who said it.
  23. I thought that quotation was from Confucious, and I was going to post that. But then I googled and found out that I was wrong though many do attribute it to Confucious. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Wikipedia
  24. And we are going on that line for what we consider a fine itinerary, but as you pointed out my situation cruising with my DW is different than yours cruising solo.
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