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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. Thanks for the update. Maybe everyone's prayers are beginning to take effect.
  2. Oh my, that 20 minute deadline is not something you previously mentioned. And just when we think Princess could not be any more callous, we learn that they actually can.
  3. It is great to hear a story like yours where everything works out perfectly. Thank you for sharing. It makes me feel better about our Newark to London and then Reykjavik back to Newark next summer.
  4. For all those affected, let us hope for the best.
  5. Glad to hear the credit charge is being reversed. Since this only happened after you were given the idea by fellow posters here on cruisecritic, let us all be thankful for all the helpful people who post here.
  6. I think one thing we can say for sure, Princess is no going to do a writeup of this story for their Circle Magazine. There are so many things involved here that they should hang their collective heads in shame over. And once again prayers for your Aunt.
  7. It is a dilemma straight out of Shakespeare---"to pack or not to pack, that is the question".
  8. OMG, prayers for your Aunt. And no one should ever have to go through an experience like you had. It does seem that the confluence with Covid problems made everything go much worse than it should have. But Princess could have shown some compassion instead of focusing on show me the money.
  9. Sounds like you have had experience with this.
  10. My write up story (Not actually a Princess cruise, but a HAL cruise)---In the buffet area there was one of the servers who seemed to be always aware that my lemonade glass needed a refill. I finally called her over and told her that I wanted to write her up as someone who made my cruise special, but I needed her name and thought it would be impolite to stare at her chest to learn her name. She told me her name and how to spell it. And after that I could not take a drink of lemonade without more going into my glass. And even after I told her I had done the write up she would quiz me on the spelling of her name. It is now almost 4 years later, and I still remember her name, Honeyeyeo.
  11. And if you really, really want to show appreciation for a crew member, give them a write up as someone who made your cruise special. These contribute to promotions.
  12. That should be no, unless they are booked in separate cabins.
  13. Yes, a busy and very enjoyable day. The Rijksmuseum, BTW, is basically next door to the Van Gogh Museum. You should try that too. And if you are a swimmer (like my DW), there is a pool near the Rijksmuseum.
  14. If you do not want to be close to someone with covid, maybe you should not be on a crowded cruise ship or fly to the cruise port.
  15. That is great. Enjoy your trip, hopefully now worry free.
  16. 🤦‍♂️, and yet another less than wonderful result from having the medallion.
  17. Of course, you have already said how well they would have to plan this caper. You don't suppose they would make some elementary mistake like that. 🤣
  18. So, after the "finder" goes to your room, he or she after doing whatever, just leaves the medallion in the room after departing.
  19. Thank you. That would not be a problem with a lost card as it would not give those directions.
  20. You tell the server what drink you wish. He or she then gets the drink and delivers it. You sign the slip after handing over your card. I guess no one was ever able to get a drink on Princess pre-medallion or on any other cruise line at the present time. 🤦‍♂️
  21. $50 for cruises less than 7 days $100 for cruises 7-13 days $250 for cruises 14 days or longer
  22. Has any cardioligist ever advised a patient with a pacemaker not to carry a cruise card?
  23. See post #52, the cabin door was opened when they were around the corner. Someone could have just entered their cabin without their permission. Also, I remember reading a post (I don't remember whether it was in this thread or not) in which someone did an experiment. He ordered a drink the old fashioned way (pun not intended) with his card while his friend used the medallion to order a drink. The drink ordered with the card came immediately. The drink ordered with the medallion came 20 minutes late, and it was the wrong drink. So, I guess if you want to wait 20 minutes for the wrong drink to appear, you just cannot beat the medallion technology.
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