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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. $50 for cruises less than 7 days $100 for cruises 7-13 days $250 for cruises 14 days or longer
  2. Has any cardioligist ever advised a patient with a pacemaker not to carry a cruise card?
  3. See post #52, the cabin door was opened when they were around the corner. Someone could have just entered their cabin without their permission. Also, I remember reading a post (I don't remember whether it was in this thread or not) in which someone did an experiment. He ordered a drink the old fashioned way (pun not intended) with his card while his friend used the medallion to order a drink. The drink ordered with the card came immediately. The drink ordered with the medallion came 20 minutes late, and it was the wrong drink. So, I guess if you want to wait 20 minutes for the wrong drink to appear, you just cannot beat the medallion technology.
  4. First, we have been on several cruises including Princess pre-medallion. Neither of us has ever had a problem opening our cabin's door. Seems like a fix to a problem that never existed. Second, you mentioned "many other wonderful functions" . Yet, there are numerous posts saying you do not need the medallion for all these other functions like making dinner reservations, ordring a drink, or even registering your information now that they reinstated the personalizer function. Third, why are there so many posts reflecting frustration with using the medallion if it is such a great invention?
  5. So, now would you say there could be a problem?
  6. Actually, the mention of the 20k club was meant to be sarcastic as I said I was so far away from it; I guess I should have put some emoji in the post.
  7. Right, I am over 7000 posts from the 20000 club and have nothing to do but keep posting to reach that mark. And I guess someone else getting access to your cabin is not something you consider a problem.
  8. But at least they have the Medallion, and it has not problems. 🤦‍♂️
  9. That really does not answer my question about could someone else access our cabin as the door unlocks as we get near it even if we are not entering the cabin.
  10. Just remembered what we did other than the Book of Kells. DW, who is usually not a shopper, spent a lot of time buying sweaters both for herself and her Mother.
  11. Here's a question. I may have the world's worst sense of direction. Often, I will leave my cabin and turn one way only to realize I have turned in the wrong direction. I then have to double back, obviously walking past my cabin. So, as I walk past will the door automatically unlock? And if so, will someone else who happend to be nearby in the same corridor be able to access our cabin? This would not be a problem if the only way to open the cabin door was with your cruise card.
  12. We have always bought travel insurance basically for medical and especially medical evacuation, but in these times with the present airline situations, the missed connection/ trip delay,/ trip interruption has become very important also.
  13. Actually, you can get similar individuals by booking an escorted land tour. We have done this in both central Europe (Budapest, Vienna, and Prague) and Peru featuring Machu Picchu.
  14. If you have a card and a medallion and lock your medallion in the safe, will they think you never left the cabin?
  15. Or maybe the Medallion will pick up your card and charge you for someone else's drink. Better to make them use the card!
  16. You have totally ignored my question as to why you are always referring to $25 cruises, and then answer were there ever such cruises. I now totally give up on you.
  17. Not the OP, but that would be fine with me as long as I can use the card to get on and off the ship.
  18. As long is the crew is doing their jobs, I hope you let them have some mindless fun. 😊
  19. Then why are you always referring to them? 🤦‍♂️
  20. Sometimes I am amazed at all the information you have that is not related to engineering. 😊
  21. We were supposed to do that in the summer of 2020, but we cancelled before sending in final payment knowing the cruise line would have to cancel, which of course they did. With Norway closing ports, and hotels in London closing, we could see there was no way that cruise could ever happen.
  22. When did that happen? We were in Talinn in 2007 on our cruise for our 30th anniversary. I remember tablemates telling a similar story about the crew "rescuing" passengers who were about to miss the ship (the Star Princess). The story I heard was that the passengers in question had actually taken a ship's tour, but lingered and did not board the ship after the tour ended.
  23. If I am not mistaken, it is now a CDC recommendation, not a requirement. The cruise lines have just been following the recommendations as if they were requirements.
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