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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. Is pre-cruise testing requiered in the US by the CDC, or is it only RECOMMENDED?
  2. And of course if they were not on the same cruise line, there would be no problem. I wonder if you used a TA, if he or she could hold 2 at the same time for you for the same line.
  3. And not having to deal with the traffic and tolls to drive to NY City and especially to drive within NY City makes it even more appealing to just bus there.
  4. We once flew from Newark to Paris, then Paris to Amsterdam, and finally back to Newark from Amsterdam with me wearing a walking boot on my left foot. (About 9-10 weeks earlier, I had broken my ankle.) The boot had all kinds of metal clips on it. At Newark, they almost fought to be the one TSA member to just let me through. In Paris, no problem. But in Amsterdam, they asked if I could take it off. And I could tell by the tone of voice that it was an order, not a real question.
  5. Not only do they not track that closely, but there is nowhere in the rules that say you cannot do that. It may be a loophole, but that's the way it is.
  6. Wishing you good luck. The best would be to be on your original flight. The next best would be for your luggage to make its way with you through any connection. (We were once on a Baltic cruise, and several days in I heard a woman say her luggage was finally found and sent to the ship.)
  7. I do not believe that is true, though I would send in the requests separately. That is assuming the shares are in both your name and that of your husband.
  8. When I wrote a bus, I meant a bus to NYC from upstate, cheaper than parking in NYC or the terminal especially with a senior discount on the bus line,
  9. If you want to talk about cheating, how about advertising $50 off as "free"?
  10. OK, I get it now. I misunderstood your previous post.
  11. You left out a recommendation not to gamble. 🤣
  12. When we have sailed out of NYC, we have always taken the bus to the Port Authority and then walked. We have not found that hard to do. I suppose it would be much more difficult if the port was in Brooklyn (still NYC), but I have taken all the references to NYC as sailing from Manhattan.
  13. Basically, you are saying common sense should rule instead of hysteria.
  14. Now that is going back a long, long time ago. And I remember when the price of gas was $.50 for a half gallon since they had no way to post the price as high as a dollar, so they priced by the half gallon.
  15. I see you are responding to me, but frankly, I have no idea of what you are trying to say.
  16. I don't know specifically about HAL, but we were once on a Baltic cruise on Princess where I heard a woman in the laundry room say that her lost luggage had finally arrived. I think it was about day 7 give or take a day. (She also said Princess had been very good about giving her credit in order to buy clothing onboard.)
  17. That is a good point. Just like any negative publicity about cruises is bad for the cruise industry, any negative publicity about private tour operators is going to affect all of them. As you said, they are willing to help each other out in order to avoid that sort of publicity.
  18. I did not say or mean to imply that the ship would definitely wait for you. All I was saying was if there was something like a terrible traffic jam that caused the delay, the chances were excellent that ship's excursion buses would also be caught in it.
  19. No need to apologize (especially around the 4th of July). And yes, sailing by the Statue of Liberty is very special.
  20. You can find a long discussion of this over in the northern Europe forum https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/116-northern-europe-amp-baltic-sea/
  21. I second that. Maybe it has changed, but when we went there straight from the ship and they had not opened yet, we just got in a not too long line and were among the first ones in.
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