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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. Thank you, and since there are always people there with signs, that must be in the area you can access without going through the boarding process.
  2. Yes. the Sofitel was the hotel we booked. Did not even consider we could not get to the baggage area. If and when we do something like this again, I will have to ask our TA about this.
  3. And right after that, there will be a new variant. It seems to be a never ending cycle, though less deadly is a positive development.
  4. Yes, agree at least for those of us fully vaccinated and boosted. But the one factor that seems not to have changed for too many people is the fear associated with the term Covid.
  5. One of the people we had lessons with (not the one quoted in the above post) was the late Jackie Horner who was the inspiration for the movie Dirty Dancing. (The article says she is 86, but it is old. She passed away, dancing and teaching dancing, until well into her 90s.) She was an extremely elegant lady to the very end. We miss her. https://nypost.com/2019/04/17/borscht-belt-crew-that-inspired-dirty-dancing-to-reunite-in-catskills/
  6. My DW is serious about dancing, and wants to get the steps perfect. OTOH, I just want to move my body to the music which constantly frustrates her. We have taken lessons, and one of the instructors as I just moved my body to my own rhythm said "I was very creative.". I do not think he meant it as a compliment.
  7. In 2020 on our cancelled cruise from Southampton, we were going to fly in on British Airways and stay at the hotel that is in that terminal, 5 IIRC.
  8. If you left it in the safe, would they think you were not only in your room, but locked up in an extremely small space?
  9. Better late than never. I'm glad our booking was for next summer, not this summer.
  10. If it was an isolation deck for quarantine purposes, I don't see how the TA could have got it back the first time.
  11. Thank you for sharing that. DW's late father was at the time of his retirement the head of computer operations for British Airways. He was a pilot in the RAF before emigrating to the US after the war. he went to work for British Airways (BOAC back then), and worked his way up.
  12. Basically those are the majority; the exceptions are the ships (and ports they sail from) that have the requirements removed.
  13. I'll raise you 1, as I am 75. And I'll raise you another 1 as I'll be 76 on the Prima next summer.
  14. Actually, you are right; I was thinking of a cruise to nowhere. This is one of the things that the PVSA protects American commerce such as the Alaska ferries.
  15. DW also hates having people wait on her especially in the dining room.
  16. That first part about going to the pool sounds like my DW. We were once on a cruise that was delayed returning because of a hurricane. The captain brought us somewhat closer so people could get cell phone reception to call home, TAs, and or airlines. DW was in the pool in the morning, and it looked like the ocean with waves. They closed it in the afternoon.
  17. Wishing you good luck with your upcoming phone calls. Please come back and say how it all worked out, hopefully it will work out with you getting your 10% off.
  18. No, it would not be a PVSA violation, but it would need to have a crew with a more expensive type of work visa. And the cruise lines have not found that to be a good alternative.
  19. I was going to give a like, but that might be interpreted as a I like the idea of a recession coming when it was meant as a more of an agreement with your post.
  20. We once met a couple from our roll call since they lived only a town away from DW's family. Then on the cruise when we were at the muster drill, we were standing right behind them. And I said, "You fly all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, and you can't get away from people from Long Island."
  21. If you have a TA, let him or her fight about this with NCL.
  22. I think your post is overly broad. Yes, you should not be soliciting others to join your private excursion while in a Meet and Greet as that is against the rules. However, I see nothing wrong with passengers who have only met through the roll call getting together at a Meet and Greet to discuss where they will meet to get to their private excursion.
  23. Yes, I believe I posted earlier about a large roll call in which only 2 tables worth of us showed up. Not even the person who organized the meet & greet showed up. I'm sure the 2 NCL officers who attended wondered why they were assigned to go to such a small group.
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