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Everything posted by julig22

  1. Not actually arbitrarily denying anything, if it is, as suggested, that the booking is under a special rate. That clause has always been there AFAIK. Maybe they are paying more attention to details. In theory, as a solo, I'm only supposed to get half credit, yet most times I get the full $100. On the rare occasion that I only get half credit, I take what they give me and move on, since I know it's actually the correct amount. ALL4CHO has absolutely nothing to do with rate codes. It indicates you chose all 4 FAS options. There would be additional codes on the NCL invoice. Ask your TA for a copy.
  2. No need to rebook - just make a payment using a certificate, assuming cruise is still prior to final payment date.
  3. They will answer general information questions. If you book through a TA they don't own your reservation so can't normally answer specific questions relating to your reservation or make any changes, although I believe they can book excursions for you.
  4. Not really. What they were told is exactly how it works, how it has worked for quite some time. So they may think they were deceived but they were in fact given the absolutely correct information.
  5. It's been quite some time since "double up" for balconies and up wasn't the current promo, so highly doubtful that it's going to change any time soon. It's the double up on any balcony that comes and goes. So no, you can't really say you were deceived until the day comes that they change that promo, which seems to be semi-permanent.
  6. NCL is not going to check to see if you are actually booked on the flight you say you are taking. On my last cruise I booked a later flight just so I didn't have to worry about not making it on time but I wanted to get to the airport earlier so I could try for an earlier flight if there was time. So I put in the earlier flight info. However, you aren't able to really choose between 3 or 4+ hours - the transfers are bunched so for example, flights before noon, flights after noon, depending on the distance to the airport etc. Asking for a time has pitfalls. How many people would put their flight times instead of calculating the 2/3 hours they need at the airport
  7. If you have never seen double up on an inside you simply aren't looking. In fact, you can currently use 2 on any cabin that's before final pay. But only through Oct 9.
  8. I just checked the pricing on a cruise I've booked, as a solo, for next April. Solo OV is about $200 less than OV booked as a solo BUT no option for reduced airfare - and no solo lounge anyway, even if that was something I was interested in. I am considering arriving earlier than 2 days so might be dropping the airfare but at this point, not a chance!
  9. If cabins are currently " best available " and no cabin choices it could change, according to my PCC. Since they seem to be doing some sort of cabin category reshuffle at the moment, who knows!
  10. I was on the Pearl years ago, through the Panama Canal. Deck 4 porthole, first forward cabin. No noise from tendering, cabin too far forward for any passenger traffic. Some noise, guessing it was the anchor dropping but could have been other stuff needed to maneuver. Rough seas - well we had to avoid Mexico because of a hurricane so yea, seas were rough, don't know if it was any better or worse than anywhere else on the shiip. BUT not a good location if you are claustrophobic - your window can go underwater in rough seas.
  11. I see it - same price as dbl occupancy on the one I looked at so why? Weird. At a year in advance can't imagine it's a lifeboat capacity issue.
  12. I agree that generally speaking, roll calls would be the appropriate place. Price drops are somewhat relative - depends on when you booked, what you booked. Much simpler to just bookmark the relevant info for your cruise and check it periodically. But wide sweeping change info is always appreciated. Like when they dropped prices on European and Alaska cruises - or were giving 4x points.
  13. Bidding is usually available around 110 days. Prior to that, you'll get not found or something similar.
  14. Not sure what the "that" is that you are referring to. Increased taxes are not in the contract, fuel surcharges still are as far as I know, although I don't know that they have ever been implemented. Fuel surcharges, increases in taxes are definitely NOT the same as increasing cruise fare. Separate line items for a reason. Highly doubtful that your state consumer rights would apply if taxes increase and NCL chooses to pass on that increase, per the terms if the contract
  15. Sure they could if they wanted to, although they would have to change the contract. Just like they are allowed to charge a fuel surcharge if they need to. That's already in the contract.
  16. It isn't. But they are pooled so if they underestimate overall taxes, no refund on individual ports. Alternatively they could legally charge you extra if they miscslculate. Would you prefer that option?
  17. You can board. However, your edocs contain info that you might need in the case of an issue with transfers, excursions, paid services, etc. Always a good idea to have a copy. Print as PDF to your phone or tablet.
  18. True, fees probably don't change month to month but they may change over time. However, fees are set years in advance and for those that are not based on actual passenger count they are divided by estimated passenger count. They cannot keep excess taxes, I don't know about pilot/port fees and how/if those are refunded by the port to the cruiseline. But they also don't charge you if they didn't collect enough. Fees are pooled, so missing a port doesn't mean that passengers overpaid in taxes. But of course, they could adopt your assumed model and charge actual port charges individually, add any discrepancies to your final bill. Personally, I'd rather the cruiseline absorb any additional fees.
  19. Might help to say which port. Tenders not usually necessary on that route but that does depend on the port and the number/size of the other ships.
  20. CNCs are 1 per cabin, not per person. They often run "double up" promos where they allow 2 (rarely 3) per cabin. Usually 2/cabin are allowed for balcony or above, sometimes for any cabin. So if you are booked in an inside or OV, and you make a price adjustment now, they would remove that 2nd CN since the current promo does not include those cabins. However, you could add them back if the "any cabin" double up promo comes back before your final payment due date.
  21. DSC rates are based on the booking date so those do not change as long as you pay prior to boarding the ship. SH obc stays. I believe FAS charges are grandfathered as well. Excursions will stay. BOGO airfare rates seem to remain, although I'm always told they could change. Latitudes points will be adjusted to the current promo. CruiseNext certificates will be removed if you applied multiples and no longer qualify for that promotion. What happens with any TA promos is anyone's guess.
  22. On the Sky now. Paid BTS tour is $89. It is an activity, so no latitudes or FAS discount. I'm not taking the paid tour but NO photography is allowed on the latitudes tour. The wording on the notice is odd, I was told it's what corporate sent them, so very possibly subject to interpretation which could explain the discrepancy by different ships. Photos have been allowed during tours, with some limitations, on other ships.
  23. It was a sign for the port of Boston, not NCL.
  24. Not sure my Dr. would sign off on that, since I'm wanting to bring soda!
  25. Wondering if it's also a can vs bottle issue? I'm at the Boston port right now and their sign says no plastic bottles, full or empty....
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