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Kay S

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Everything posted by Kay S

  1. I don't know if things have changed, but kids used to be able to get OJ at dinner without the extra cost. (That whole charging for OJ after breakfast always seemed weird to me.)
  2. Thrak, I don't know if your little girl will be going to the kids' club or not, but it used to be they provided snacks and such for the little kids. We always loved Princess kids' clubs, and I hope they are still the same after this restart.
  3. It was actually on your recommendation that we decided to go for CC on our short upcoming cruise. We have lots of FCC to use, and I remember you talking about how easy it was to be seated and served. If I were a cynic, I might think Princess is trying to drive people into CC with the current DMW brouhaha. 🙃
  4. Yes, and the shrimp fountain. I hope that's not gone, too.
  5. Some people lead charmed lives.
  6. I recommend a mini suite. The cost difference might not be that great. We have done that with teenagers and it worked fine. Having only one bath might be an issue, though.
  7. I have done mini suites with teenagers twice, once on the Star and once on the Regal. The couch bed was not the full length of the couch, but only part to make a twin size. Another twin size came down from the ceiling over the couch. Teenagers were comfortable. I don't remember any significant differences between the Grand class and Royal class setups.
  8. I have not done the Royal Tea, but maybe I'll try it with all the FCC I have to use up. My last Princess cruise was on the Majestic where regular tea service was offered. I missed a day but was happy to find out they had taken the tea items to the buffet for late afternoon snacks.
  9. One more reason we are through with Princess as soon as we use the FCC. It's kind of breathtaking how they managed to mess up EVERYTHING in such a short period of time.
  10. Hard to imagine it could be worse, but then again... That vegeburger tastes like fried paste.
  11. Don't send anything delicate. They wash in hot water and use a hot dryer. It's great for underwear and such, though.
  12. ArriveCAN is almost as bad as the Princess Medallion app. You have my total sympathy.
  13. We booked CC for the first time (on Princess' dime--lots of goodwill FCC) so it will be interesting to see how the experience differs from regular minis, which we have often done. Princess is not shy about offering opportunities to take your money, but I can see how selling CC access to anyone would soon cause a problem with the "no wait" dining.
  14. Thanks for this. We have CC coming up, and I didn't know what to expect. Steak sounds good, but I think I could overdose on penne pasta!
  15. Having finally cracked the password disaster, we are booked on two cruises in order to use up FCC left from covid times. We're doing Club Class on the first one. I can't face the nightmare the reservation thing was on the last cruise. On the nest cruise, next summer, I'm going to try the Jan Swartz solution of "making friends on the cruise and trying to replicate traditional with same time, same place, linked reservations work around." After that, I'm gone from Princess forever. They have completely ruined the dining experience for me.
  16. Ugh. I see things have not improved. I have done two HAL cruises since the startup with traditional dining like the good old days. I have booked Princess again for June '23 to use up a bunch of FCC from Covid times. I was hoping Princess had seen the light, but I guess not. Making the best of it, I guess it's back to nightly reservations and standing in line for a table for two and chatting with the other twosomes next door. This will be my last Princess cruise. I sure hope the Corp geniuses don't decide to ruin HAL next.
  17. We have done EZAir a few times. The price is usually better than booking independently. I have a question, though. How late after the cruise can you book the return flight? We want to hang out in the area after the ship docks (Southampton, UK) but how long can we do that before the EZAir option is not available?
  18. Cowards know they have angered too many people.
  19. Answer du jour: it works on our end. Gee thanks. Now it would be nice if it worked on my end. I am not booking a cruise until they sort this mess out. I guess they don't want me to use my FCC.
  20. Don't get caught in the horrible nightmare that is Princess technology.
  21. Tried these. Didn't work. Still can't log in. Most inept IT people ever.
  22. "Most inept IT team on the planet"?
  23. Yesterday I got on Live Chat and the person told me they have told IT about the problem but "were not informed of a turnaround time to fix" it. So Princess does not care that we are having trouble. This cruise line is in the toilet since they decided to "improve" their technology.
  24. I just had another go around with them on Live Chat. I was told this was a problem for many people and they have told IT but not "given any turnaround time" on fixing the problem. I said this is how you treat Elite members? He said it was a problem for lots of people not just Elite. I told him I didn't feel any better knowing they treat everyone like dirt. I did manage to find out my FCC, so I'm going to use it and never, NEVER, set foot on a Princess ship again.
  25. John, what address did you use to contact the Princess execs? Was it email or did you go old school snail mail? I am having the same problem you did and having no luck getting it fixed. This is how Princess treats its long-time Elite customers. I've had enough.
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