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Everything posted by SeaJane

  1. Maybe in the Caribbean or on Iona and Arvia, but I’ve never seen shorts allowed after 6pm on Aurora or Arcadia.
  2. No she still does have the same atrium and curving staircase although the sculpture no longer has water cascading. I actually prefer the welcome onboard party being in the Crows Nest or show lounge. On Ventura I found it strange to be all gathered around the atrium staircase.
  3. Pleased you had such a fabulous time. Aurora is our favourite ship and we have sailed on her several times.
  4. We had aft suite A751 on Ventura and didn’t notice any noise from chairs etc being moved above. We did have a slight hum from the ventilation shaft alongside when on the balcony, but it didn’t really disturb us and we spent a lot of time out there.
  5. Oh dear! Fortunately we’ve not had that happen (yet!)
  6. We always take a 2.25 litre box of wine and have so far never had any problems.
  7. I agree he was brilliant. However when we last saw him he said he would not be performing on ships anymore as he wanted to concentrate on land based work.
  8. @Grandad John Happy Birthday John - hope you have had a lovely day
  9. @Adawn47 Happy Birthday Avril 🥳🎂🥂 hope you are being spoiled on your special day x
  10. We also had thick fog here in Polzeath this morning. It’s now cleared, but still very grey and gloomy. Sunshine is promised for tomorrow and it’s looking much better for next week too. Just hope the forecast is right for a change!
  11. There is only one narrow road that runs through Polzeath. They repainted the lines on the road leading down into the village before Easter, but were unable to complete the job due to the awful weather. Over the Easter holiday cars were parking on both sides making it very difficult to get through even in a normal car. There is no excuse for the inconsiderate drivers as there are plenty of car parks in Polzeath, but of course they charge ………
  12. We are currently staying in Polzeath (a couple of miles from Rock). We’ve eaten in the Mariners many times over the years, but have not been there since Paul Ainsworth bought it - he’s certainly put the prices up, but the food looks delicious. We’ve also eaten at Rick Stein’s St Petroc’s In Padstow on several occasions and found the lunch menu very good. The weather has been windy with heavy showers for the last couple of weeks here and sadly we didn’t get to see the eclipse last night due to thick cloud. After last night’s storm, strong winds and torrential rain today is bright and sunny although still very windy. The sea looks spectacular, but it’s a day best enjoyed from indoors rather than walking the cliff paths!
  13. That’s one of our regular walks - we were there on Monday. Our other favourite is around Denbies vineyard as it’s been much drier during this wet weather!
  14. Am I right in thinking this is looking at Tanners Hatch from Polesden Lacey?
  15. Completely agree. We like a few drinks, but do not do specialist coffees, juices or buy water. We always have a bottle of wine with dinner and a few glasses of wine or beer for OH at other times on a sea day. When in port we usually use the local restaurants or cafes. For us the drinks package isn’t worth it. For a family with children having a lot of soft drinks as well I can understand it totally makes sense.
  16. Thank you @mrsgoggins for your interesting blog. Our longest cruise so far has been 22 days and I’ve often thought about a longer trip to visit further afield. Reading blogs such as yours gives food for thought!
  17. We met Ian and his wife on our first cruise on Adonia in 2012. He was a very amusing guest speaker and they were both lovely friendly people.
  18. We had already booked internet for our October cruise at 15% off plus our loyalty discount. With this new offer we have cancelled and rebooked with the additional discount.
  19. You are absolutely right - we also have a relatively short journey to Southampton in comparison with many CC posters.
  20. We have a tracker on our vehicle so we know where it is kept. We generally have longer cruises and my husband regularly checks on the location etc whilst we are away.
  21. We always use CPS. It may not be the cheapest, but the service is excellent and we need to know our car is being kept safe and secure so for us it’s worth the extra cost.
  22. We had this one on Ventura in May. It was the first time we had seen one since our first cruises in 2012.
  23. Me too! It drives me mad and I’ve been told that it is now often not only allowed, but taught in schools. I accept that language changes and adapts through time, but “haitch” is just wrong!
  24. Many thanks again @Eddie99 I’ve really enjoyed coming with you on your cruise and reading about your experiences.
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