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Bin man

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Everything posted by Bin man

  1. That's exactly what I do with P and O .People that don't use or have website facility wouldn't know how it works on the select price on P and O so wouldn't be any the wiser
  2. See we are back to large amounts of OBC again I know its swings and roundabouts and fluid pricing but this must upset people who have just booked and then they throw you a wad of obc . We booked on the last obc offer and is about £100 better now then 6 weeks ago
  3. Question do both adults have to purchase the soft drinks package like the drinks passage
  4. We scanned both our boarding passes when we first got on but for some reason mine hadn't scanned on his machine and I got a letter posted to cabin 3 days later that I hadn't been to my muster station wasn't happy for been on ths naughty step
  5. See today's Mail stating £20 a pint to save the pubs Will P and O increase their prices ? Drinks package would cover 2 pints in your local !
  6. That's the risk you take .I have bought such items before ie Samsung pad no problems after 4 years and as I have a large obc to spend doesn't worry me at least its not going to waste
  7. Noticed a YouTube video of iona shops selling phones anyone know any prices ? Noticed one was a samsun A33 but not sure if they sell any other models
  8. I think they have covered themselves in point 40 in terms and conditions. I think each individual case will be different if the cabin is changed so I guess each person has to try their luck getting some kind of compensation if the cabin is a lower grade
  9. Does anybody know if there are any isolation cabins on Iona deck 10 aft at the moment ?
  10. Well spotted .I was thinking they haven't put it in the stern yet due to the bug chunk of metal attached not sure what it's for guessing for towing .I can imagine a mand in a rowing boat trying to paint Southampton on the stern
  11. N is Ventura G is Iona don't know why they picked G for Iona though
  12. I think our cruise is still under booked at the moment even with Gary Barlow onboard .
  13. Yes you always wonder if you did the right thing .We booked Iona 14 nights October 22 and is still the same price but the £660 obc has now gone .We did the same cruise time and date as last year and taking off the £660 obc was about £200 cheaper then we paid last year so not to bad . We wanted to do this cruise again as it was one of the early cruises after the restarted so are hoping to enjoy more this time around .
  14. Only 1 hrs 26 mins left to book on present offers .I wonder what the next will be ?
  15. I remember we had the same problem on Arcadia to close to the desk .The electrician on board was called and he turned the plug socket upside down to get adapter plugged in .Guess when she was built they didn't think about charging phone/ipads etc but they found a solution for our cabin
  16. The email I sent is only for share obc nothing to do with missed ports do maybe someone can help you not sure who you need to contact
  17. I have never had an issue either by just requesting as I usual do but how about this for quick response .Replied to request stating how I had always just sent email and requested the obc which was always applied straight away as they have the proof already at 6.00 pm tonight .Got an apology at 6.35pm and that the credit had been applied and they were sorry for the mistake. So somebody must be working late not expected to hear till next week .Well done p and o
  18. Well after 30 cruises of which 20 have had shareholder obc granted since proving I own 100 shares on the first one and usually just send them an email to add to next cruise they now are asking me to prove ownership when they already know that . Proof can be share dividend statement are they having a laugh don't they know no dividend has been payed since covid. Or is it operational excuse not happy why make things complicated .If they want the proof ever time then say it before sending email
  19. Thankyou I will only be spending my £660 obc between us so no worries on that score .My limit on a watch would be £150
  20. When you say expensive watch how much are we talking about
  21. Arcadia todays passenger no 1164 crew 868 so that is fully maned but low 9n passengers
  22. Have never taken a credit card ashore always left in the safe and if the Spanish insist on proving you can pay then holidays may be a thing of the past
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