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Everything posted by broberts

  1. Just be careful if your phone is roaming. Without a settings change it will most likely automatically change to local time.
  2. Simply bookmark your roll call thread in the browser you use. You could also copy the URL and paste it on your desktop for immediate access without first having to start your browser.
  3. You find this confusing? Cabling me a liar doesn't make it so.
  4. The only people that are confused are those that want to be. From the very first post the OP has been clear about the problem.
  5. Sadly, to some mask wearing is a political statement rather than the health choice it really is.
  6. IIRC Shrimp and grits, #1 on board, #2 overall Roti, Charlotte-Amalie, #1 overall
  7. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/settings/signature/
  8. In lists unread posts will have bold titles. Once read they revert to regular text.
  9. Does https://boards.cruisecritic.com/settings/?area=newsletters show a subscription? You might also need to adjust settings in https://boards.cruisecritic.com/notifications/options/
  10. @At7Seas, thank you for documenting your voyage for our enjoyment. The pictures are wonderful.
  11. You obviously haven't read all 181 posts as I have offered what I believe is a constructive suggestion. I was not mocking people. I was pointing out that many posters seem more interested in proving the OP in the wrong. Must let any stain on the holy cruise line. 🙄
  12. Wow, the company cheerleaders are out in force! 😒
  13. That is none of your business. Regardless, the question is irrelevant to the problem.
  14. The gov't press conference said that only 17,000 fans were expected! In what universe?
  15. My goodness, do people not bother reading. 🙄
  16. I was wondering if a lawyer's letter to NCL clarifying the situation might produce results or help indemnify you in the worse case.
  17. When it's a passthrough. The holy corporation is claiming it has made a payment and is seeking reimbursement. The billed party is simply asking the holy cruise line to prove it made the payment.
  18. Apparently people are unable to understand clearly written descriptions. Asking pointless irrelevant questions only suggests a propensity to cheer lead for the cruise line. Understand, the issue HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE INSURANCE POLICIES IN PLACE. The issue is that NCL / Oceania is unwilling or unable to produce proof of paying a charge for which it billed the passenger. OP, I wish I could offer some useful suggestion. I can't, but it does seem that you are quickly approaching a point at which legal guidance may be necessary.
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