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Sea Hag

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Everything posted by Sea Hag

  1. We don't do HIA since the math doesn't work out for us. I was just looking to see if there was a coffee card option like Princess used to have, and I found the one listed in the subject of this post. The text says this: "This beverage card can be redeemed for a variety of beverage selections from soda and espresso to non-alcoholic beverages." My question is, how many drinks does this buy me? How many capucchinos could we get with it, and is it shareable for both of us?
  2. And Carnival. At least they did some years back when we booked a spa cabin on the Splendor.
  3. I haven't had this happen, but I think you're right to be very concerned. I'm sure you'll keep trying to get either chat or a live human on the phone to get them to explain this asap. Please come back and tell us what the upshot was. Wishing you the best.
  4. I got off the dime this morning, called HAL, and got CO. It took a little while, but really not all that long. The lady on the phone was very nice and helpful. I now have the veranda cabin that I was too thrifty (cheap!) to book at the get go. And I'm hoping for one of those orange tote bags to add to my tall stack of Princess blue tote bags. 🤣
  5. I have a question on CO that I either don't see an answer to or that I'm not clear on. I booked our first cruise on HAL a couple of months ago, and didn't find out about CO until afterward. No worries on that one. But for the next one I book, I'd definitely like to get CO. My question is that, if there's a cabin upgrade available, so you get an exact cabin assignment when you add CO? If so,are you given some options on which cabin is assigned?
  6. Costa Maya was cancelled on our recent cruise due to high winds, so I can't really comment on that. I will say that we had a great excursion in Belize. We did the Altun Ha ruins and river cruise excursion. The ruins were great, and so was the river cruise. Gorgeous ruins, with a couple of them still being climbable. The river cruise was really nice. Saw some crocs, birds, and even manatees. The included lunch was terrible. I would recommend this excursion, but be prepared to not have a decent meal.
  7. We're not suite people, but we did finally book one after the restart. For years, I'd heard people here saying the the suite breakfast in Sabatini's was the best perk of having a suite. Having tried that, I'm inclined to agree. They definitely do have other menu options there, and they're very agreeable about making something that isn't actually on the menu. Oddly, or at least I think it's odd, my favorite breakfast entree was poached eggs served in a glass bowl over crispy hashbrowns. Simple but perfect.
  8. So would I except for the fact that it's too under-the-buffet for me. And it looks like it's under the kitchen. I put us under the buffet kitchen once. Never again!
  9. HAL's app and website are way worse.
  10. You have all my sympathy. Hives really horrible.
  11. It'll be fine as long as they don't carry the astronomical theme too far and end up with Uranus Princess.
  12. I don't plan to bid, but if I change my mind, I'll go to my method for deciding whether to get a guarantee. I look at the deck plans, and if there's even one cabin in the category or above that I wouldn't want, then I don't book a guarantee. As you can imagine, I never end up booking a guarantee. But this is the method I would use on deciding whether or not to bid.
  13. I'm not arguing against bringing printed copies of all relevant documents. I do that, and I'll continue doing that. Not arguing against it. But. On our last cruise, we had a problem with our obc, and the customer service desk absolutely refused to look at the printout. More than one of them. They absolutely refused to even look at it so we could point out what we meant. I found that odd at the time, and I still do.
  14. Many years ago, probably in a fit of insanity, we decided to do carry on only, using our big backpacking packs. With all the straps and belt cinched down, they did fit through the scanners just fine. But it was much more of a nuisance than it was a benefit. Never did it again.
  15. I miss this too. We saw pub lunch listed in the buffet one day, but we didn't go there for that. I doubt it would be the same.
  16. It's a really interesting feature of that site. I paid $10 for a membership there probably 20 years ago, and that's been a really good purchase.
  17. Thanks for the suggestion, but we've tried that and he's worse off in on a bench seat than a pull-up chair. He's fine if we can move things along, but two hour dinners are just out for us.
  18. My hubby has a bad back and can't comfortably sit in one place for long. I imagine a lot of people have this problem or another equally valid one.
  19. Sky Princess Obstructed Stateroom View (cruisedeckplans.com)
  20. We love these cabins. When we settle down to sleep, we open up the curtains. Keep them closed after dark until then. We love motion on a cruise, but we haven't had much of that in these cabins in Alaska and the Caribbean. On the subject of noise, if it's foggy you WILL hear the fog horn loud and clear.
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