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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Nope they didn’t request one and I believe they are enjoying their cabana. I have wished them well.
  2. Depending on your excursions it can get pretty darn cold at higher altitudes even if it’s warm around fjords. Weather can change significantly so always have a jacket or sweater nearby.
  3. Actually a nice pair of jeans without tears frays can be worn on regular nights in main dining room. Though you don’t see many.
  4. Jeans are fine. We cruised in Norway two weeks last August. I wore jeans and cargo pants that could convert to shorts if desired. There are no dress rules for day wear and excursions. The minimum dress requirement for a Dressy Night is collared shirt and slacks. Not sure where you got the idea that jeans during the day would be inappropriate on Hal. It’s probably the dress of choice for many. Happy Birthday!
  5. Good morning! Survived the storms that passed through yesterday evening and now it’s a windy 46 degrees and will only reach a high of 59 today. Not good for the spring breakers. I’m definitely aware, humbled, grateful and mournful for those who have made the supreme sacrifice.🙏 it will be weird watching DW sail away on the Rotterdam today. First time we have not sailed together. @rafinmd have you recovered from your bout of pneumonia or is it still dragging you down? Just curious. @RedneckBob good to see your humor after such a let down yesterday. Pray all works out. Haven’t put much thought of what I will do today. Sure won’t be going outdoors in my present wearing of shorts and polo shirt. Maybe this cold front wind gust will let the oaks shed their remaining leaves. Time for a second cup of coffee. Sandi thanks for getting up so early and getting the Daily started. Your loyalty is appreciated but it’s OK if you sleep in now and then. Have a great weekend everyone. Bruce
  6. She had a long life and my condolences for your friends passing.🙏
  7. When you’re born on St Patrick’s Day every birthday can be a big celebration. Ms Artemis aka Arty. She’s pretty independent and sassy but she loves her Pop Pop. She’s growing fast since these pics. ❤️
  8. You doing a stand up gig on Celebrity? Have a great cruise Bob
  9. Good morning. Moi the shuttle driver is back from the airport and now I’m the Head Chef and bottle washer. I know she will have a great time with her dear sisters but does seem rather odd not going on a cruise with her. We had our corn beef and cabbage earlier this week. We are currently 68 degrees which will rise to high seventies with a good chance of rain and storms later in the day. Forecast states we will have more cool weather next week. Not sure how we got a fish recipe on Corned Beef and Cabbage Day? Received my new prescription glasses yesterday and the world appears sharper and clearer. My prescription changed quite a bit over the last year. Not sure what’s on the agenda today but will enjoy my coffee and morning reading, crossword and The Daily. I’ll be calling my three year old grand daughter who turns three years old today. Have a great day and enjoy your St. Patrick’s Day. Bruce
  10. Good morning. Another brisk morning starting out at 40 F. DW has been financially supporting Marlborough Sauvignon Blancs for years and we have enjoyed visiting and wine tastings in the region. Last night we watched Tom Hanks newest movie Otto which finally came off the buy only list with a reasonable rental price. Good movie. This morning our new house cleaner arrives and we are hoping it becomes a long time arrangement. Definitely don’t like the Oscar Wilde quote but I imagine he said it in jest but sometime you get what you wish for. Received a text that my new glasses are in and maybe I’ll have some better eyesight later today. I need to do some preparation for our small group. It will be an early to rise morning tomorrow as I need to drive Sue to the airport, as she flies to Fort Lauderdale for her upcoming sister’s cruise on the Rotterdam. Maybe I need to talk son’s and son-in-law to go on a cruise together.😎 Thanks to all who make the Daily entertaining and fun. Have a great day. Bruce aka Chief.
  11. Rich. Does the Zuiderdam have the new Star Link WiFi system? If so how is it?
  12. Phew! After reading my earlier post I apologize for all the grammatical blunders. Maybe I should have stayed in bed or at least finished my first cup of coffee.
  13. Good morning. I’m an early riser today but I had plenty of good sleeping. It’s 41 degrees with temperatures only get to high sixties today. This is probably not making many of the spring breakers who picked our beaches to frolic. To bad as the weeks before have been beautiful with record highs. There is a zero tolerance for underage drinking so there are many arrest. Looking forward to Redneck Bobs comments on Dumbstruck. Last nights corn beef dinner was fantastic. So good. Today it’s off to my Internal Medicine doctor for the big checkup and the annual lecture to lose weight and exercise more. If reading and posting on Cruise Critic was considered exercise I would be so skinny! Thanks for today’s report. Bruce
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