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Everything posted by cruisestitch

  1. It is confusing because you are elite (compliments of Royal reciprocity) and you are working toward it so you can continue on from there and work toward Elite Plus
  2. You have the elite status due to a courtesy enrollment crossover from Royal. But the points start back at zero as far as Celebrity goes. While you are earning points on Celebrity, you will keep that elite status and only after you have enough celebrity points will you start to work toward elite plus status. The reciprocity match only goes as high as elite/diamond. Even if you would have enough oil points to be diamond plus, the reciprocity match would only get you elite status on Celebrity ??
  3. I would look first to the Pool Bar and the bars at Oceanview Cafe. They are likely to be the first ones open on your arrival on the ship.
  4. The same has happened in France for years and I don’t see people avoiding cruises that go to France. Perhaps they are and I’m just not aware of it.
  5. I hope you will write a letter to Celebrity explaining what you have done and why. They need to know the reasons behind switches like yours, in order to understand that their decisions definitely have created consequences
  6. The Points Guy covered the new fee for room service earlier this month
  7. You can’t depart any later than anyone else, and you can’t board any earlier either. You can be the last off, that’s pretty easy to arrange, which would be about 930. But there will still be a lag before you can get on the second ship.
  8. I believe that some things have been covered in the “cruise news” I read on Apple news. I seem to remember the charge for the second lobster being featured in a new story. And I think there have been other things there as well.
  9. Currently on EQ and it isn’t on the kids menu but I will ask tonight at dinner if it is still available
  10. That was never the case. AFAIK. I am afraid you were misled, but it all came out OK, I take it. Aqua class is limited to two passengers per state room. But there have been many single parents who brought one child with him over the years.
  11. Luggage Valet is not offered on Celebrity except in Seattle
  12. No I think it’s a very different principle. It had to be paid by every passenger no matter the nationality, for one thing.
  13. While Cruise Critic is a wonderful site, postings here can’t fix things like this. The only way to get it fixed is to give immediate feedback while you are on the ship, to a supervisor, who can work with the crew members who may not be doing their jobs effectively. It may require reassigning a crew member, or giving them additional training. Coming home and writing about it isn’t going to make any difference to the crew’s behavior on the ship. We all love to vent, but it won’t effect any change to write about it here.
  14. Yes, It had to be paid by Each Passenger on their credit card. Not refundable. So if the ship didn’t make it to that port for some reason, tough. There was lots of discussion about it back in October when the repositioning cruise from Boston to Florida stopped there. It wasn’t even a multi day stop, and a lot of passengers didn’t see the point of going to Shore for so few hours, especially when the ferry wasn’t even running.
  15. I’m guessing that he didn’t fully understand the issue. Changing up who sleeps in which room is easy. But reassigning one guest into Aqua from an inside room, and the other from the inside room to Aqua isn’t going to work.
  16. A prime example is Bermuda. A lot of people became very angry at Bermuda’s imposition of a $40 fee for every passenger visiting there, whether you got off the ship or not. I know several who had vowed never to visit Bermuda in the future. Is it enough to make a difference, that is will the numbers show? I doubt it. There are several transatlantic each year. Some visit Bermuda, some don’t. I’ll be choosing the one that doesn’t. But it’s a drop in the bucket and I don’t think it’ll make a wicked of difference to anyone but me that I am making that choice. There are plenty of Caribbean cruises that don’t visit Grand Cayman. Will there be enough people mad at Grand Cayman to show in any sort of statistical fashion? I don’t think so
  17. No you cannot switch the names once you are on board. You can switch which cabin you sleep in, that is you can get a key which will access a cabin other than the one you were assigned to, but it won’t be anything other than a door key. Your idea to get the parents together in Aqua and the kids not, just won’t work. Sorry.
  18. Strange, I am on the equinox now and I have had no problem the entire trip. As a matter fact I was just commenting to someone how good the Internet had been. As always, YMMV
  19. I can just imagine the hue and cry from people who really wanted to go to Grand Cayman if they would get an announcement like this “a few days ago, Grand Cayman changed their liquor laws so we cannot serve liquor on the ship while there except from one bar. Therefore our call on Grand Cayman tomorrow will be canceled” 😵‍💫
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