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Everything posted by pyrateslife4me84

  1. Perhaps Royal will follow along and drip testing for most Europe cruises in August…would be nice.
  2. He was, to me, giving a rather nondescript “soon but not now.” I would not take it literally as “2 months from this moment.” I read it as, “later this year, if conditions allow.” No commitment was made. My real takeaway was, “testing will go away first. Vaccine mandates won’t end any time soon.”
  3. Exactly. Just get one of those holders that keeps it close to your body and be safe.
  4. It is not hard to verify that it must be a passport. They will not accept a US driver license. https://www.army.mil/article/123870/u_s_army_europe_reminds_members_to_carry_passports_for_travel_outside_country_of_assignment
  5. In Europe, authorities can demand to see your passport at any time. I suppose you’ve just been lucky.
  6. Honestly, we are going to Pompeii most of the day. If there is time, we will explore Napoli a bit and look for pizza. If we don’t like it there, back on the ship for pizza and water slides.
  7. Noisy dirty chaos feels like nyc. I love nyc. Guess I’m going to love Naples lol.
  8. Actually, if you want to be as thorough as you are pretending to be, you do have to read those documents. Otherwise, you aren’t reviewing the data. You’re reading someone’s interpretation of the data. No need to give yourself a pat on the back for that. Anyone can do that. No need for condescension after doing a small amount of research. For the record, I did read all of the data and presented on them to faculty at the college where I work. These documents are not meant for public consumption. People should just trust their doctors. That’s why we have doctors. Every time you get a flu shot, you are getting a vaccine combination that was in development and testing for less than a year. So you really don’t know what you’re talking about.
  9. Most people don’t actually review the hundreds of pages of data submissions to the CDC. They just take the available vaccine. Who even knows the brand of any vaccine they’ve received prior to Covid?
  10. Perhaps they just want their child vaccinated? If they plan to get the child vaccinated, why not do it in a way that dramatically reduces the testing requirement?
  11. Okay, but they aren’t fully vaccinated. So they need the PCR test. That’s how this gets cleared up. They won’t be allowed on board otherwise.
  12. Most likely, someone noticed this and realized you didn’t fully vaccinate your kids. Unsure of why you only got one dose. Pharmacies, the CDC, and Royal have been very clear that “fully vaccinated” means 14 days after dose 2 for Pfizer and Moderna.
  13. They are less claustrophobia-triggering than true interiors but with kids, I’m not a huge fan of balconies. Plus the view is actually pretty cool! And Spacious Promenade View Interiors are enormous! As for privacy…I don’t really care. If someone decides to peep into my window and sees something, that’s on them. Don’t look into someone else’s window. If they have compliments or critiques to share with me on the pool deck, I guess that’s fine. I also like the Central Park View Interiors on Oasis class. Actual light is nice.
  14. You would need several politician friends, honestly. Took quite a bit of work to get the international flight testing requirement removed.
  15. Why pay more money to add the risk of being thrown in the brig? I don’t see the upside. I give the money to RCI and in return, I supposedly don’t get left behind but I’m reading more stories from people getting contact traced than I am hearing about people being left behind on a Viator excursion.
  16. It just makes me more likely to consider a non-RCI excursion, honestly.
  17. They should just do a full cavity search of all passengers to be safe. They could be bringing all sorts of things on board!
  18. At a minimum, this means Royal may remove testing for Europe cruises on 7/1. I’m sure it will take longer for US and Canada. When they extended the current policy through 9/30, I presume they did so since they are under the impression that the CDC won’t budge on this.
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