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MMDown Under

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Everything posted by MMDown Under

  1. I'm so enjoying your travels. Thank you for taking the time to share your travel experiences. I recall saying on my first trip overseas with a family of four, that travel wasn't for the elderly.
  2. That is sad. What is SC? Is it equivalent to KC? I've always felt the law is for the rich and the poor, not for middle class who can't afford it.
  3. I love the way the British show their love and respect for the Queen. From people on horseback and tractors lining the route to the sole bagpipe player near the Palace to spontaneous cheering and clapping on arrival of the hearse at Buckingham Palace. Some people will remain camping overnight on the route of the Procession from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster. Members of the Royal Family were able to view the coffin privately within Buckingham Palace.
  4. The Queen's coffin has arrived at Buckingham Palace in London, from Scotland. Watching the crowd of people, waiting in the rain to catch a glimpse of the coffin, was very moving.
  5. Why not go for a short walk up the hill and enjoy a decent coffee and french pastry or macaroon at la renaissance patisserie and cafe, 47 argyle street, the rocks.
  6. Thank you I'm just catching up on cruise critic, after travelling. I would be very cranky if I read that as a passenger and discovered it wasn't so, especially if cruising with young children or being elderly. Disney should correct asap as this is bad publicity for Brisbane.
  7. Where was that written? It is a disgrace! Makes me ashamed! I have just returned from Adelaide which has public transport available to the airport and wharf. Seniors travel free. Interstate Seniors travel free on weekends and public holidays and during set times M-F, otherwise a concession fare is required.
  8. People are queueing already for the Queen's Funeral. People are bringing them free hot food and coffee. British people are experts at queueing for long periods in all weather conditions. When we went over to England for the Queen's Jubilee, we couldn't last waiting on the banks of the Thames, in the cold and wet weather conditions, so went back to our accommodation to watch on TV.
  9. How are the seas looking today? Imagined your hand waving on ship's arrival at OPT. Bon Voyage!
  10. I can picture a lot of overtired young children on these short Disney cruises. I plead guilty to finding my youngest child asleep under a bunk in our WDW cabin and in the bath.
  11. We used to stay in cabins in Fort Wilderness, WDW, followed by a period at an inexpensive motel outside but continue to use all the facilities of Fort Wilderness.
  12. Disney is a magic place when you can put on your Disney Ears and become a child again!
  13. Nothing is like it used to be before the Pandemic. However, we used to stay in the WDW Florida campgrounds and a week was never enough, even when my children became adults.
  14. Sad to learn of the sudden passing of the Queen. I have loved her all my life, even adding her name to mine as a young child. My first memory of the Queen was being told it was now to be God Save Our Queen, not God Save Our King, as we sang on Parade looking up at the Flag in the Queensland sun. I am fortunate having seen the Queen and members of her Family many times both in Australia and in the UK.
  15. What a shame with the majority of cruises being very short. Maybe they think that is all Aussies will be able to afford with our weak dollar. Our family adored visiting WDW in Florida, but it is a long flight from Australia with children.
  16. Not everyone. Cash is used by many people like me. Lucky you can take up to $10,000 cash overseas. On my last trip overseas, both my credit cards failed me. Imagine being in a foreign country on your own with no money! Once I learnt, I could use one credit card for amounts under $100, I could buy a coffer at a coffee shop which only took credit cards!
  17. Bon Voyage to everyone sailing on 13th September, 2022. I look forward to reading about your cruise, which is a great itinerary for a short cruise. I returned last night from Adelaide where we attended the Royal Adelaide Show. When I visited the tourist information in the City, the volunteer ladies told me there was a ship coming in this week and they would be going to the wharf. Hopefully they will have maps and tourist information available to hand out to passengers. There was none on arrival at the airport. The weather was freezing cold, with showers! Five layers weather for Queenslanders. My favourite place in Adelaide is the Adelaide Market, where we have breakfast daily at Lucia's Pizza and Spaghetti Bar. We travelled with hand luggage this trip, so we couldn't stock up on supplies from the Market. We could only buy what we could eat, such as yummy Portuguese Tarts and Citrus fruit. However, if I was on your ship, I'd be taking a big bag to fill up with SA products, such as spices, balsamic vinegars, extra virgin olive oils etc. I love their delicious sweet juicy tangelos and sumo mandarins.. Travel is free with a Seniors Card on weekends. Interstate Seniors have to get a small Interstate Seniors Card from the Tourist Information Office (M-F only) which you validate in a small box on boarding.
  18. If they want to fill their ships, why not offer no single supplement specials after final payment.
  19. So sorry to hear of your bike accident, the first since you were 17. I remember from my Life Insurance days, the danger time for accidents is close to "home". Glad the nurse at the pharmacy took good care of you. I knew someone who had a bike accident on the first day of a proposed family cycle tour along the Danube. Hope you get better quickly.
  20. I understand but it is interesting seeing what offers are available locally, even if they are not available to everyone. I regularly receive good deals from a US TA and wonder what is available locally to special clients. Maybe Covid has tipped the balance for more equity between countries.
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