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Everything posted by Essiesmom

  1. The font you are using is nearly unreadable, requires a magnifying glass on a mobile device. It shows as fine script in light gray. Comic sans font does that when you are on a pc. EM
  2. I doubt that the port employees checking in guests are trained to detect fake documents. MSC is as much a victim here as the guests on the ship who expected to continue on, and those who expected to board the next cruise. When an airline fails to detect fake docs or other causes that a passenger is not admissible to a country, the airline has to return them to their point of origin at their expense. MSC is now stuck with having to send these people back…somewhere. EM
  3. There are a lot of ‘I don’t understands’ in this situation. Like in the US, I presume the people who do check in in Brazil are port employees, not MSC employees. This cruise boarded guests in San Paulo and Rio… but they called at ports in the Canary Islands, (Spain), Madeira (Portugal) and then Malaga (Spain), all Schengen country ports, before being detained in Barcelona. Were they trying to debark there? I don’t remember my docs being examined again until I got to the airport… Or could it be that during the cruise the people were researched and found to have false docs and Barcelona was the best place to stop them? I know when airlines deliver a passenger who turns out to not be admissible, whether for bad background check or fake docs, the airline is responsible for putting them on the first flight back to their point of origin at airline expense. So, does MSC have to pay for flights for all 69 back to Brazil, or Bolivia? And if they are not admissible to Spain, they can’t send them to a hotel until their flights. What a mess. EM
  4. There is not much difference in temp in Panama in January or June. Look at your geography. It is very close to the equator. The on,y difference is the rainy season, and less rainy season. EM
  5. It’s still on the first page on NCL board, second thread from bottom. It’s 24 pages long. EM
  6. There’s an endless thread about this on the NCL board. EM
  7. TJMaxx is a good place to look for luggage, as well as dept. stores. I got one in TJMaxx that looks very much like the one pictured. EM
  8. My geographic problem is Europe, or perhaps any place on the far side of the Atlantic. In the Western Hemisphere, East is bordering the Atlantic Ocean. So I have to keep reminding myself that the parts of Europe that also border the Atlantic are the west coast, not east. EM
  9. Leave your Discover card at home. Europe doesn’t know what it is. EM
  10. Decide what you want on the inside, as well as the outside, then go looking. I have bought Heys bags in Target, a carryon hard side in a department store, steeply on sale. Because I decided I wanted a slightly larger bag with two large wheels, I ended up ordering a TravelPro 25”. EM
  11. Ask on the NCL board here. There will not be a plug for a hairdryer in any ship bathroom. Likely there is a hairdryer in a drawer at the desk. EM
  12. Some of your questions can be answered by folks on the Australia/New Zealand board here. EM
  13. You might also ask this on the Cunard board. I suspect more Cunard regulars visit there than this board. EM
  14. Are you perhaps confusing Enchanted Princess of 2020 with Emerald Princess of 2007? EM
  15. No offer for me, but they must think I have money, because I had an offer for Seabourn on two cards. Eam
  16. The OP has stated twice that they have already been through the old locks. So it is about the ship, not the transit. For something different, take the Sapphire or Caribbean. EM
  17. On the Disabled Cruisers board there is a endless thread about cruising with a service dog. EM
  18. It has been reported that on some cruises it is rice cookers. EM
  19. An interesting observation: many years ago we sailed on QE2 and did a cabin crawl. We saw a Princess Grill cabin that was just a very large square. 12 years ago we were on a four day cruise on Queen Elizabeth, and when we got off, my TA was boarding. I went looking for her cabin as I wanted to leave her a gift (about 40 pillow chocolates from Celebrity). Close to her cabin was one larger and as I peeked in, it looked just like a minisuite. I thought ‘I don’t remember QE having minisuites. Later on the deck plan I realized it was a Princess Grill cabin. Looked just like a mini, but costing a lot more. EM
  20. Many, many years ago when I was in grade school, it was popular to have a penpal in a foreign country. I acquired one who lived in Japan. He/she sent me a box of traditional Japanese things. I wanted to return the gesture, but back in the 1950’s it was nearly impossible to find small item that represented American culture that were not ‘made in Japan’. EM
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