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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning to all from the Island of Guadeloupe. We will stay on board today. Last time we were here we had a not too good experience so we will not venture off the ship today. Thank you to Ann, @cat shepardfor taking over for Sandi who is taking over for Roy who is taking over for Rich. The list gets longer, LOL. Thanks also to Vanessa @JazzyV for the cares and celebration list. Prayers to all that need them. Especially the citizens of Ukraine and the victims of the shooting in Michigan and the victims of the earthquake in Turkiye and Syria. I pray also for those in our group who are ill and awaiting results of tests and those in pain. Roy, Tana, @tupper10, Jacqui, and all others who need our prayers. @grapau27Graham, glad for the good results. I like gumdrops, Glad I am not single, and hats off to Susan B Anthony and her work. No to the meal and the wine is above my budget. I enjoyed the quote. Have not been to the port. Not sure what is going on but all of a sudden there are announcements to use the hand sanitizers and in the dining rooms the menus are just a piece of paper instead of being in the folders. When asking why, the waiters just say they don’t know. Huh! Interesting. There has been no mention of illness, either GI or Covid so it is left to one’s imagination. Other from that, we are going to have a quiet, restful day on board. Have a good day and stay safe and well. God Bless, Terri
  2. Good afternoon from beautiful Barbados. We spent the day on the Silver Moon Catamaran and it was lovely. It took me a long time to get through all the posts. I really need to take a shower so this will be short for now. First of all HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL! Prayers for al. Especially those who are still having problems. Tana, Jacqui, Roy, Sandi’s Brother, Debbie’s brother’s inspection, etc. I love Ferris Wheels. I tried to post a picture of DH and I on the London Eye but it did not show here on CC. Sorry. Terri
  3. I understand what you’re saying. We also decided a while ago to try another line and have not been sorry. It was a good decision for us after a few unpleasant experiences on HAL. Terri
  4. Good morning from St. George’s Grenada. We were going to go to Grand Anse Beach today, but DH doesn’t feel like doing so. Instead we went to the little mall at the end of the pier. We are joined by the Costa Fascinosa in port and we look like a little row boat next to it. Bought some spices and specialty coffees and am back on the ship. Will spend the afternoon at the pool. Thank you to all who make this thread work. @cat shepard, @JazzyV, @dfish, @summer slope and all the others. @Quartzsite Cruiserthank you for the lovely photos of both Le Havre and Paris. Brings back wonderful memories. I changed my name years ago when I married DH and have no intention of changing it again. I just got a new laptop, so it is clean as a whistle. Don’t think I need a wingman. I love lasagne, but not today. No to the wine and the drink. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. We are just taking it easy. Tomorrow we are on our favorite catamaran in Barbados—Silver Moon. Will probably post late in the day. Take care and stay safe everyone, God Bless, Terri
  5. Good morning to all from Roseau, Dominica where we finally have calm seas. It is a beautiful day. We did not have anything planned for today so we are just chilling out on our veranda right now. Everything in town looks closed because it is a Sunday. We are the only ship in port until noon when the Windstar will be joining us. Thank you to @cat shepard for the Daily and Fleet report. Nice of you to step in for Sandi and Roy and Rich. Thank you also to @JazzyV Vanessa for taking care of the Cares and Celebration lists for Roy. Glad to see that he is improving and slowly getting up to speed. Prayers for all on the Cares list and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. We heard from our contractor that the Master Bath is moving along and they hope to be finished by the time we get home on Feb. 20. YAY! Also they were able to fix the light fixture that went kaput during a power surge. There will be SuperBowl festivities beginning at 6 pm (Atlantic Time) in the Sirena Lounge with a Tailgate Party and then the game starts here at 7:30 pm since we are one hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time. As for the days, Happy Birthday to Honest Abe, I guess I have lost a few pennies in my lifetime. I don’t think I have ever had plum pudding. I like the quote. I have not been to the port. I will skip the meal and the drink and definitely the wine. That is way above my budget. Don’t want to squander my casino winnings on that. Thank you to all who contribute to make this a happy and positive place. Have a great Sunday and hope that whoever your favorite team is, that they win. I am not a football fan. Here’s a photo of the Windstar coming into port. Have a great day everyone and God Bless, Terri
  6. Good morning from the Oceania Sirena. Today is Day 5 of our cruise and as predicted, we missed our port of call in St. Barth’s. So far we have missed 2 of the first 3 ports on this cruise and I predict there are more to come given the condition of the seas. It appears that we will probably not dock at any ports where the pier is not protected—especially on this little ship. According to the Marine Forecast, this has no intention of letting up anytime soon. So this may turn into a “ Cruise to Nowhere”. We shall see. Thank you to @cat shepardfor the Daily and Fleet Report for today. I like the combination of days. I think that we should take care not to spill milk these days or we will cry, given the prices of everything. I have made many friends here and treasure them. Hope to meet you all some day. Inventions are always good and interesting. I like the quote, the full quote, The wine is a bit above my budget. Will skip the meal. We circled Cape Horn on the Veendam in 2012. Enjoyed that cruise very much. Thank you to @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration list. Prayers to all that need them. Good to see that Roy is improving slowly buy surely. Jacqui, hoping that Spring comes quickly for you and that your arm heals just as quickly. Joy, hope you are feeling somewhat better. Prayers for Kathi, Tana and all others who need them. Cheers for those who are celebrating and cruising. Bon Voyage to @StLouisCruisers. I hope you have calmer seas than we are having. Thank you to @summer slopefor the drink recipe. May try one. And a thank you also to @dfishfor your dedication to making sure we are well nourished everyday. Since we have an unexpected sea day, I plan to work on some ports for our upcoming Baltic Cruise. i have put that on the back burner due to all the problems with our house. This is a good opportunity today. Hope everyone has a good Saturday and God Bless, Terri
  7. Thank you to Paul @kochleffel for the Daily and Fleet Report for today and to @JazzyV for the cares list. Prayers for those who have lost loved ones and to those who are ill and in pain from injuries. I do agree about the pain medication being of utmost importance. I remember when I had the pulmonary emboli and in great pain. I was prescribed pain meds and I did not want to take them. The doctor insisted, saying that they would reduce the pain and help me breathe better and that was very important to help me recover from this terrible ordeal. Bon Voyage to Sandi @StLouisCruisers. Hope your journey today is not too arduous. We had another rocky night on the ship. i pulled up the NOAA weather app (NIH) and it contained a Marine offshore water warning. There seems to be Gale warnings in a number of places, and high wave heights and sea swells that will last at least until Tuesday. I am betting that we skip St. Barth’s tomorrow. It is a tender port and I remember skipping it when seas were not this rough. When we were on the Insignia in December it was not half as rough as this and we had to skip it. We then tried to go to St. Maarten and we could not even dock there. So I am thinking that we are looking at another sea day tomorrow. Nothing has been said yet, but I would bet money on it. I hope everyone has a nice day and looking forward to a nice weekend. Take care, stay safe and God Bless, Terri
  8. Good Afternoon from a very sunny and windy San Juan, Puerto Rico. The ship docked at 7:30 am but I did not get out of bed until about 8 am. After a nice breakfast we left the ship and walked in the Old town and stopped at the Iglesia de San Francisco. When I was a student in Ponte back in the 70’s we had to do community work on the weekends and I volunteered to work with the Priest at this parish at the time. He is now deceased and his pictured hangs in the rear of the church. Then we walked around and I was able to buy myself a nice pair of sunglasses and Jim got a nice shirt. It was hot and as most of you know the walk is steep from the port and we tired quickly. After about two hours we called it quits and found our way back to the ship. Here is a photo of the Church of San Francisco.
  9. We have had no internet all morning and I don’t know how long we will have it now. Since Tuesday, when we left Miami two hours later than scheduled (no reason given) we have been racing to get to Puerto Plata on time today (11 am). We have been rocking and rolling since we left Miami. This morning during breakfast there was an announcement that we would be an hour late because we could not make up the time and all tours would be adjusted. There was just another announcement that the Port of Puerto Plata has closed due to high winds and that we would not be docking. So all that rushing to get here for nothing. Just another day at sea,. The one nice thing is that we will be docking in San Juan at 7:30 am instead of 1pm as originally planned and will have a nice long day there. I love San Juan. I studied Spanish in Puerto Rico back in the 70s and used to go to San Juan for my work on a regular basis. So we will enjoy the longer stay in port. And I wil get a pair of sunglasses. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor the Daily and Fleet Report. I wish you a happy cruise. Thank you to all who contribute to this thread and make it the positive place that it is. Prayers for all who are on the cares list and condolences to those who have recently lost loved ones. Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. @Seasick Sailor hope you are doing better and enjoy your cruise. Hope all those who have injuries from recent falls are healing. @rafinmd Good to see that you are trying to be out and about, albeit ever so slowly. Glad you are making progress. I am signing off before I get knocked off. Take care everyone and God Bless, Terri
  10. No, I am not going to use the shipboard credit for sunglasses. I will buy a decent pair in San Juan with some of the money. We had intended to book the cruise before we got on board. Our TA said the room category was available so we should book it on board for the additional savings and the OBC. So we waited. The casino winnings made all the sweeter. Our intention is to go to Italy the third week in October and spend time in Venice, Florence and Rome and then take the repositioning cruise from Civitavecchia back to Miami on November 13. Hope this works out. Same ship we are on presently. Terri
  11. Joy, I am sorry the results are not better. You need to be under doctor’s care for this. So that the lungs may expand and contract for proper breathing. My prayers for your quick recovery. Terry
  12. Well, here’s an update. I went down to book another cruise with the Oceania Ambassador. She was at a meeting and would be back in a 1/2 hour. So I visited the Casino while waiting. Went to the Quick Hit machine and put in $20 and emerged with $620. Think I can get myself a nice pair of Sunglasses in San Juan for that price. The deposit for the cruise was only $500 so I am still ahead of the game. Still have my $20. Terri
  13. Good morning from the Sirena as we head towards Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Last night we had to put the clocks ahead one hour. Did get a good night’s sleep for a change. Can you imagine that I somehow left my sunglasses in the car and don’t have any! The most inexpensive pair on the ship is $272. No way. I will wait until San Juan in two days and see what i can buy there. Thank you to @StLouisCruisersSandi for your wonderful dedication to keeping us up to date with the Fleet Report and Daily. Condolences to those who have lost loved ones. Prayers to those who are ill and in pain. And cheers to those celebrating and cruising. We are hoping for some sunshine today. Haven’t seen it yet. Take care everyone and God Bless, Terri
  14. Good morning as the sun rises over the port of Miami. Thank you @StLouisCruisersSandi for your dedication to making sure we are cared for each morning. Really appreciate your efforts. You are doing a wonderful job. i am up early and thought I would post before I jump in the shower. I am letting DH sleep a bit longer. Slept a little bit better last night, but still wish I didn’t wake up so many times. Maybe tonight will do the trick as the ship rocks me to sleep. Prayers for all who have lost loved ones and for those who have illnesses and injuries from falls. Cheers to my fellow Dailyites who will be cruising along with me Bon Voyage! Enjoy today and God Bless, Terri
  15. Well I can add my name to the list of those having trouble sleeping. The last two nights have been terrible. i don’t know whether it was the full moon, or the fact that I am on Prednisone again, or the fact that I did all the driving from home to Miami. DH does very little driving these days so it falls on me. I think I have some nervousness about it and it keeps me awake. Well, now we are here and the car is safely tucked away in the hotel garage for the next 12 days. Hopefully, i will sleep better tonight. Good night to all and God Bless, Terri
  16. I have a lot of difficulty trying to post more than one photo. Some day I will learn. Anyway, I am in the process of reading through the posts and will try to post more later. Prayers to all on the cares list, especially those who have fallen and those with injuries and pains. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. God Bless, Terri
  17. Good evening all from the Beautiful Marriott Biscayne Bay in Miami. We had an uneventful drive from Titusville to Miami and almost made it without a hitch until I missed a turn getting off I-95 and ended up at the port. After a tour of the port we had to get on the dreaded MacArthur Causeway. What a mess! Anyway, we finally got to the hotel and we have lovely accommodations. We were upgraded to a Junior Suite overlooking the port. The hotel just opened their lounge again after being closed for three years due to Covid and is now on the Lobby floor. It just opened this weekend and we were one of the first guests. We spoke to the F&B manager and made some suggestions for which we were rewarded with a treat when we returned to our room.
  18. We went to a very nice seafood restaurant called Dixie Crossroads. It is a very casual place. We had Rock Shrimp. Never had this before. They look like small lobster tails. They are prepared broiled and then you peel them and dip them in butter. They are very sweet. Unusual taste. Enjoyed them very much but told the waiter that I thought the restaurant should pay me for having to shell my own shrimp.LOL! A nice fun evening with my significant other (who, by the way is NOT A JERK) Have a good evening everyone, God Bless, Terri
  19. Good evening from Titusville, Florida. We arrived without any difficulty and very easy driving. Upon arrival at the Fairfield Inn we had a very unusual greeting. First time I ever saw a peacock. Sorry he did not spread his wings for us.
  20. Brenda @bennybearcondolences on the loss of your Aunt. You and your family are in my prayers. Terri
  21. Good morning to all my Dailyite friends. This is short but sweet. We are getting ready to leave for Miami. We will stop in Titusville tonight and then continue to Miami tomorrow. First we will stop in Total Wine in Jacksonville to pick up our order. Easier than doing it in Miami. Nicer store and it will be ready for me and they will bring it to the car. Hope everyone has a great Sunday. Prayers for everyone. God Bless, Terri
  22. Glad that Wheelchair is getting some use and can be used for a fun trip. Enjoy the cruise. Terri
  23. @cat shepardMy condolences on the loss of your nephew. You and your family are in my prayers. Terri
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