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Everything posted by dexddd

  1. Welcome to CC. Where are you seeing that info? FB? If so, that pops up to my screen and the disagreement between people on anything is too funny. I have not seen a lot here though tbh. I have read one couple took 40 minutes and they did not say YC. I can report on the 15th.
  2. We booked three rooms through TA and sailed February. Able to link on MSC website.
  3. Right, certain TAs don't participate. Ours does. We got offer. $2,000 more in total than current prices.
  4. The ship in the second picture is the one you want. Have a great time.
  5. I can tell you in two weeks. From numerous past experiences in US around 11. We've also been on trips where general boarding already started. After security they normally take you to a lounge or roped off section to check in. Then groups escorted by butlers to Top Sail. I've read zero of experience past luggage in Brooklyn.
  6. I don't waste time on those posters. Junk science. Having been in Prima Haven in a cool climate, waste. The outside areas are wasted. Inside nice but bar jammed. Elevators are nice. Better if forward and enclosed.
  7. GSC totally different. Using at least two of the old tenders off SS Norway. Those are larger than any of the ship's lifeboats.
  8. Who knows. We missed a port on Prima and nothing.....Recent Escape, two storms on two trips, reports first got stuff, second, no.
  9. Since the restart Arthur has been on at least three ships, maybe more. Luckily we saw him again two years ago. Le Muse guy in charge.
  10. The folks at curbside were regular staff? Normally third party, non ship staff.
  11. You can do either. I'd have to check if they have a ginger ale since switch to coke. Even before, they were not well advertised.
  12. Welcome to CC. MKing can give info on what happened last week. I'd expect jammed bars and specialties.
  13. Been there six times. Never saw any jellies. No issues with bugs. Have seen a couple rays at lighthouse Beach.
  14. Been there several times after delays. Beach not too bad but area going into water needs shoes or flops. Lunch there quite good and hot food hot, cold foods cold. Other areas will have long lines. Lunch 12-2. Drinks great. Nice cans of water. Cart will drive you there but we usually walk. Downside is with ships with bigger YCs it is kind of undersized. Supposedly expanding next spring during shutdown.
  15. Glad this was posted. I looked at cams and saw it going toward NYC and CM showed it there too. MSC Meraviglia left Bermuda on time today. I haven't paid tons of attention to storm but Mera is due back in Brooklyn on Sunday. I wonder if that is a go? MKing? Expecting minute-by-minute live coverage. Pull out the parka and goggles. As long as Mera is there is three weeks, we are good.
  16. In fact, first words from butler ...can't bring you drinks under drink package to room.. Upscale! Not.
  17. Plan vacation and book late. Prices crazy on NCL yet people accepting it.
  18. You should not get blasted. Under FDR grats got raised pretty much annually. Service reduced. Does not compute for customer. Maybe they can coordinate the CN robocalls to when steward in room.
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