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Everything posted by 3CatsInMA

  1. That's understandable. Everybody should know that the correct name is VROOM!
  2. Does this mean my 11/6 sailing from NJ is cancelled???🤣
  3. Thanks for taking us along, John. Respect for your drink list! 🍷🍸🍹🍺🍻🥂🥃👍
  4. ....but enough about the fashion police. 👮‍♂️
  5. What page of the Diamond Manual is that on? 🤣
  6. Looks like you're running out of shooters. A Buttery Nipple is never a bad choice...
  7. Is sharing headphones better or worse than sharing a wig?🤔 😁
  8. Nice! 👍 *checks clock and appointment book, sighs* I guess I'll have another coffee for now....
  9. I'm definitely going to need to try a Dark & Stormy or two when we're on Anthem in a few weeks.
  10. If he catches a crock pot, there's no way they'll let him bring it on board. ☹️
  11. Do you have a balcony room? He could do some trolling. 😃
  12. No charge unless you order the Chops filet or the whole lobster.
  13. I saw one guy get pretty upset when he couldn't bring a big bag from McDonald's aboard in Nassau a couple weeks ago.🤣
  14. Hopefully your daughter has a prenup in place, otherwise in the unfortunate event of a divorce the points will be divided and they could both be busted back to Platinum.
  15. You forgot to tell us how much extra you're tipping everybody.
  16. I guess you've never had the urge to whip up a quick meringue...😁
  17. My wife uses a cane and we are virtually always directed to the wheelchair line upon arrival.
  18. I agree. Plus I've found that if you stand at the table, leaning over it a bit, the people will tend to finish dessert a little quicker.👍
  19. That's weird, I was parked in the garage from 9/18 to 9/25. There was no restriction at all as far as handicapped or b2b. I pulled in, was handed a ticket and I was on my way to find a space. * shrug *
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