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Everything posted by staceyglow

  1. My guess is that the reason they don't have chips or nuts is that people would empty the entire serving container and take it back to their chair or cabin That being said, they could probably make a little money if they put that stuff (along with some dip or salsa) on the delivery menu for a reasonable price.
  2. A daily Crew Favorite. I have seen menus from the crew's dining hall and it had a lot of international items that looked delicious!
  3. You don't need tags if you intend to carry off your own luggage.
  4. If you are Platinum or Diamond, you can drop them off in your room and leave. Or you can drop your bags with the porter before you go into the terminal except for one small one that has all of your important stuff (documents, medication, etc.). And unless you plan to be walking around the entire time until your room is available, you can set it down when you get a drink, go to lunch, relax on a deck chair,etc.
  5. Other than Deal or No Deal, the only gambling I do onboard is with my Platinum casino credit. We usually play DOND one time on each cruise. Yes, the odds aren't great, but you go through far less cash in the time frame the game is played than you would typically in the casino. We buy three cards, and we usually win something each time we play (mostly bingo cards). We ignore the bingo upsell and bring a pencil so that we don't even need a dobber.
  6. I am just hoping that as a Platinum, I get to board the lifeboats before any of thre Blue, Red, and Gold people.
  7. It's the same every night. But kids can also order off the regular menu. As a parent, I would encourage doing some of that. It's never too early to develop your child's palate.
  8. Agreed. Without a set dining time, trying to wrangle a group of 22 for dinner every night is going to be a logistical nightmare - both for your group and the dining room staff. You are going to spend half your day coordinating the dinner time and waiting for the tables to become available. And I doubt that the Maitre D will be able to accommodate a change to the earlier seating time. Nearly all of the tables will already be assigned to specific people by then, and the chances of him having seating for 22 all together is slim to none. My advice is to either keep the late seating time for your group, or change to YTD (if it is even still available) and break up into smaller groups every night depending on when different people want to eat.
  9. In my experience, just on the 31st. But I don't think anyone would stop you if you chose to wear costumes on other days. 😉 And FTR, not everyone is in costume even on Halloween. On the Halloween cruise I was on, my guess is that participation was about 20%.
  10. Heard plenty of similar jokes. Just substitute: Is a vegan Does Cross Fit Went to Notre Dame
  11. That is not correct. I have been on several journeys cruises were I would bet the percentage of Diamonds and Platinums was at least 25%. That being said, when there is priority embarkation and debarkation the FTTF people go after the Diamonds and Platinums, so those perks are not diluted.
  12. My pet peeve is when people show up late for trivia, ask the host to repeat the 5 questions they missed, and the host obliges them.
  13. The fact that Carnival charges the regular fare for babies probably keeps most of them off the ship. I think it is more about the fact that a) it's not that difficult to bring a week's worth of baby food onboard., and b) if you think adults are picky about their food, it's nothing compared to many parents of babies. They will demand organic food only, certain brands of baby cereal, etc. And is Carnival also expected to stock the dozens of types of formula? If you really want Carnival to feed your baby, you can bring a hand-crank food mill and make your own baby food from what Carnival serves.
  14. Just another reason why one shouldn't do that.
  15. If it was the driver of the vessel, alcohol can be criminal.
  16. Personally, people who resurrect old threads don't bother me as much as people who start threads without making any effort to find out answers to basic questions on their own. And that goes especially for people start a thread about something that was answered three or four posts directly below theirs.
  17. IIRC there are some other fish cakes being served (including some Emeril specialities), so I am looking foward to them!
  18. Because there is probably a review process with issuing refunds, and during the pandemic, there were literally tens of thousands of refunds to review.
  19. In Long Beach, you are required to queue up in the line that corresponds with the check-in time on your boarding pass. Once that line is allowed into the building, THEN you can use the Priority line that is near the entrance.
  20. So, if you get on the "do not sail" list and see a Carnival ad on TV, should Carnival be obligated to sell you a cruise?
  21. Exactly. They are not going to spend the time and effort to purge the marketing list of the "do not sail" folks. Besides, the advertising might inspire the person to pay back Carnival so that they can sail again. Win win for CCL. 😊
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