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Everything posted by staceyglow

  1. Yes, the bar was removed. I don't have a picture, but I can tell you that the casino cage is now where the bar used to be.
  2. Again - what is there to complain about? How does this affect the quality of the job they are doing? I treat the crew with respect, so I am not worried that they are talking smack about me. But if you happen to be a chronic complainer, I can imagine that you might feel differently.
  3. What exactly is there to "complain" about? Yes, it is a nicety if they speak English only in front of guests, but if you aren't directly involved in the conversation, who cares if they speak to each other in their native language? They are communicating to each other in the most effective way. I have been to plenty of restaurants and other service establishments on land in the U.S. where the employees speak to each other in a language other than English. If it increases the chance that they get my food order right or hand me the correct bag of dry cleaning, it doesn't bother me in the least.
  4. I have never heard of a Carnival-organized bar crawl on any ship. Try finding a roll call for your cruise; sometimes they organize them.
  5. I am sure you would agree that if your wife had to cook those dishes for thousands of people at a time, they probably wouldn't be as good as what she makes at home! 😊
  6. I have been on 16 cruises since the restart and my experience has been the same. The rudest thing I have seen anyone do is say "no, thank you" to a crew member who offered them a mask.
  7. I don't know about booking ahead of time, but I do know whenever I have been on ships with the Teppenyaki, I have never seen an empty seat in that restaurant during the scheduled serving times.
  8. But why would you do it if it is explicitly against the rules?
  9. MDR breakfast/brunch can change day to day based on docking times, whether it is a sea day, etc.
  10. You have a 3 1/2 hour window to eat dinner at the buffet. I think that is reasonable. They can't keep the entire thing open because a handful of people want to eat later. I don't think the rush at 11:00 at the late night snacks is mostly people who didn't make it to dinner. I am willing to bet it is mostly people grabbing a snack, as it was intended, and didn't want to wait until midnight or later to do it.
  11. For all intents and purposes, there is no dress code for elegant night anymore.
  12. Most Carnival cruisers who are still up at midnight aren't exactly the vegetable quiche crowd. I am not judging; it's just reality. I think Carnival knows their audience. And as far as the menu being "designed for drunks"... to be fair, most of the people up at midnight have been drinking since noon, especially if it's a sea day...
  13. I don't think the purpose of the late night snacks is to encourage people to stay up and enjoy it. It's just a little something for the people who happen to be up that late. Give Carnival a little credit for responding to the requests for more late night food.
  14. They didn't bring it to guest services as a courtesy to its owner. They took it to guest services because leaving it outside one's cabin is against the rules and regulation a major safety violation. If I were Carnival, I would have charged this person for storage and for the hassle involved in relocating this scooter every night.
  15. This might help: https://aquabanas.com/products/inflatable-floating-cabanas/party-bana/
  16. I am sure that has something to do with Pride being over in Europe. It is much more difficult to stock the ship over there, so they probably didn't want to further complicate things by making major changes to the menu in the middle of the season.
  17. If YTD and the early seating are both full, I think the chances of getting all 11 of you switched from the late dining time are pretty small. That's especially true of the early seating. Everyone has an assigned table by the time they board. Finding a place for a party of two is one thing. Getting one large table or two smaller ones next to each other would likely require moving other diners, and I don't think they do that.
  18. I think that was rather generous, considering that it wasn't Carnival's fault that they couldn't make the port.
  19. My PVP also posted about it several times on her Facebook page.
  20. Tennis shoes don't take up any room in your luggage if you wear them onto the ship. That's what I do.
  21. It is any two entrees for no charge. A third one is an extra charge.
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