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Everything posted by staceyglow

  1. If the food is that bad, why would you want thirds?
  2. This is why I insist that my family members bring carry-ons only.
  3. What's the reason you "don't do MDR"? Frankly, it is much easier to navigate for someone who is mobility impaired.
  4. In that regard, make sure your kid's sign and sail card is set up so they can't use it to buy anything - or limits their spending to the limit you can live with I have heard of kids blowing hundreds by swiping their S&S cards in the arcade.
  5. What does this have to do with afternoon tea?
  6. Not all Carnival cruises are jam packed with children. I am currently on the Pride and the CD said there were only 40 kids on this cruise. If you avoid school vacation times, as well as the ships that are more kid focused (with roller coasters, etc.), you may have a Carnival cruise that is more to your liking.
  7. There is certainly open bar at the Plat/Diamond party on the Pride. I sat next to a couple who managed to order 5 drinks each within the first 20 minutes of the party.
  8. Go to the guest services or the excursion desk. They can help you.
  9. On the Pride right now and got an invite that specifically says "you and a guest".
  10. I have had decent luck with Viator. On most of them, you don't have to pay until a couple of days before the excursion, and you can cancel up to 24 hours beforehand. Most other tour sites require you to pay at least half up front. And if you have Rakuten, you can get a cash rebate of up to 12%.
  11. Why not? If they build Celebration Key first, they have an additional port to add to their itinerary. If they improve HMC first, they don't. It's not like HMC is run down.
  12. Maybe no news is good news. Here on CC, eople are far more like to complain than compliment.
  13. If we want to eat early, DH and I will typically check in right at 5:20, which is when they normally open up check-in. We almost always get an -"under 10 minutes" wait. If we wait until 6:00, it can be an hour or more.
  14. Which is why they charge that price. People are apparently willing to pay it.
  15. Coffee that hot can cause second degree burns, and I would guess that most food service establishments would never knowingly serve coffee that hot. Remember the lady that got millions of dollars from McDonald's because she burned herself with their coffee? That's the temperature range her coffee was at.
  16. Perhaps he should see if he can work remotely from the ship. That way he would stay occupied and as an additional bonus, won't have to burn as many vacation days. 😊 As an aside, I took a Journeys Cruise out of Galveston last winter, and the thing I noticed was that it had an exceptionally large number of elderly people - way more than other Journeys cruises I have taken. Not that there is anything wrong with that. As long as you don't mind dealing with a huge number of scooters (we actually encountered scooter traffic gridlock on a few occasions) or the huge demand for early YTD seating times, you should be fine.
  17. It has been my recent experience that bacon served in London usually looks like this. I am surprised that none of the Brits sailing out of Dover have started a thread complaining about how horribly crispy the bacon is on the Pride!
  18. I have never seen a drug dog on a ship, but I have seen more several trained service animals. If your wife will be disturbed by the mere presence of dogs on a ship, she should be aware that it may happen.
  19. I am pretty sure this could all be answered by calling the insurance company.
  20. I know, right?! Once I had to sit next to a *shudder* BLUE CARD! 🤢🤢🤢
  21. It doesn't sell out as quickly because they increased the price, as they should have. They only sell a set number of FTTF slots. Just like the cabanas on Half Moon Cay, the best business practice is to raise the price to the point where they it takes awhile for them to sell out.
  22. I wish they would put the comic in the main theater more often. I am not a fan of many of the big production shows. They just aren't very good.
  23. You are clarifying a post from 3 1/2 years ago?
  24. I asked, but they insisted on myself and others with FTTF go to general seating. Looked like suites, diamonds and plats were in priority seating. Was just happy they called us before general boarding. They may be transitioning away from "special" seating. Miami used to always have an area for Diamond & Platinum and now they have done away with that too. Everyone just sits where ever and has to listen for their group to be called. Wouldn't surprise me if they may be doing this in other ports, and in this particular case starting with FTTF? I believe they have actually added or upgraded priority seating in some terminals since Covid. IMO the "priority seating" is the least valuable of all the priority perks. Seating that is segregated from the rest of the waiting passengers? Big whoop. Now if it had free drinks and snacks like an airline lounge, that would be a different story...
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