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Everything posted by staceyglow

  1. We have used Uber in Puerto Vallarta as well. It's basically as easy as using it in the US.
  2. I have been on several cruises out of NOLA since the pandemic and they were fine. Define "some". There are two or three cruises out of NOLA every week - so over 100 since the end of the pandemic. How many "fairly serious behaviorial issues" have there been?
  3. Technically, no one has sailed on it yet. Its inaugural cruise is May 29.
  4. If you are booking that large of a group, have you considered contacting Group Sales (or whatever it is called at Carnival) to see if they may be able to do something special for you?
  5. Thats not what Carnival pays, I promise you. But anyone who pitches a fit about not having bacon any time and anywhere they want is going to find plenty of other things wrong with their cruises. Carnival is picking its battles.
  6. Now that we are fully out of the pandemic, this is great news. If we want to continue to sail on Carnival, they need to be profitable.
  7. This is important. We always fly into port the night before and if something happened with our flight, we wouldn't be covered by Carnival's insurance. That's one of the reasons why we book through a third party company. The good ones have filters on their search engines so that you can get exactly the coverage you want - as well as price comparisons among companies. I had a claim in 2021 on a non-cruise vacation because I tested positive for Covid and was not allowed back into the United States. It took a couple of months (most likely due the volume of claims during the pandemic), but I got reimbursed for nearly everything - including a walk-up plane fare from Europe to the U.S.
  8. That makes sense. There are very few seats in Teppenyaki and it always seems to be booked solid. Why would Carnival charge a lower price for a kid when they could sell that spot at full price to someone who will likely also order a couple of alcoholic beverages?
  9. Not if you eat breakfast or brunch in the MDR.
  10. How does one get a tax deduction for renting a cabana?
  11. I got the impression that they are going to do fanny pack for awhile, then switch to the tote bag, and then switch to the toiletry bag. I don't think they are passing them out randomly, and that this whole promotion is going to last long enough for most Platinums and Diamonds that sail on a regular basis to get a complete set.
  12. The fact that this person gave the cruise 1 star in every category tells me all I need to know. They obviously wanted to slam Carnival as hard as they could. And I am guessing that if there really was Norovirus on a cruise from last month, there would have been other reports of it on CC by now.
  13. I was on a cruise in Long Beach a little over a month ago, and they had them then.
  14. It is super risky to fly in day of - I would never do it, even domestically. I have family members who have missed cruises out of Miami when flying in from a city less than 1,000 miles away. And you can always take a late afternoon/early evening flight the day before. You might be getting in late, but you aren't missing much, if any work. We have traditionally flown Southwest to San Juan and usually get a very reasonable airfare.
  15. They are specialty restaurants in the sense that they are not the MDR or the buffet and require reservations.
  16. They have over 3 months to sell a handful of cabanas to a ship with thousands of passengers. At a 33% price hike, they only have to sell 68% of the cabanas to make more money than if they had left them at the old price. They know what they are doing.
  17. It is extremely unusual to take any type of trip and have everything happen they way one would prefer. If this is the worst thing that happens to you on your vacation, congratulations.
  18. Every ship I have been on has had both PG and R+ shows.
  19. I don't really see anything wrong with this. I am guessing it opens up tables so that everyone who wants to eat there has an opportunity to do so for free. Why should a few people hog all of the specialty restaurant tables by booking them several times each during the cruise?
  20. To be honest, I am not sure a child of that age is going to enjoy that type of excursion. It is a long hot ride to a sight that he will likely not find the least bit interesting.
  21. But it is certainly not the 1000 people that you claimed in your earlier post. 😊
  22. We like to eat early. They usually open up seating requests about ten minutes ahead of the dining room opening. With the exception of one Journeys cruises which had a very high percentage of older cruisers, we have never had to wait more than 15 or 20 minutes for a table, and it's usually 10 minutes or fewer.
  23. It has been my recent experience that we have usually been seated in the same section (with the same wait team) during ATD even without requesting it. It was especially true if we checked in at about the same time every night.
  24. They must have read on Cruise Critic how horrible Carnival cruises are, and decided to wait for a better cruise line to rescue them.
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