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Everything posted by staceyglow

  1. Actually, he does use the General. I saw him in an interview where he said that when he was young (pre-NBA) and had his first car, The General was the only insurance company who offered insurance he could afford, and he never forgot that.
  2. I would also suggest doing carry-on luggage for your cruise. DH and I have done it many times, including trips that were 2+ weeks long. You can do it!
  3. Not going to happen. Shaq has famously said on several occasions that he only endorses products that he actually uses. 😝
  4. If you are unsure what plan you want, you can always get the basic plan and upgrade later if you need more. I am not sure you can downgrade. You can even wait until you are onboard to get it at all. Also, if your 20something is the one who wants internet, shouldn't he/she be the one paying for it? 😁
  5. I believe there is a charge for everything else now. I am not sure; on 20 Carnival cruises I have never ordered anything but the continental breakfast.
  6. What do you need it for? If you are only checking emails or social media, the basic package is fine.
  7. I am not saying it wasn't deserved. My point is that it is one of the most visited specialty restaurants, because it they have locations on many very popular ships, and that gives it a bump it wouldn't normally get. In my own case, I would have voted for Cucina as well. I have never sailed on an Excel class ship. I have only been in a specialty restaurant once on any other cruise line besides Carnival. If I had done either of these, I may have voted for another restaurant, because I would have had more experiences to choose from. And I am sure there are lots of people like me.
  8. I am so sorry to hear that! I hope you recover in time to enjoy your cruise. 🙂
  9. I do remember that. But I am certain that is not the case for 100% of the people who do that.
  10. At a minimum, I would have all carry-on luggage so that you don't have to check bags once you are at the airport.
  11. I love Cucina, but a poll like this will always by skewed by the availability of some restaurants as opposed to others. It's the same reason McDonald's wins polls for Best Milkshake in some cities.
  12. Perhaps they have determined that not many people actually watch television when they are on a Carnival Cruise and decided that was something that they could cut and not affect many people. Most people I know don't watch much TV when they cruise, Nor do they choose a cruise line based on the TV channels that are available.
  13. When our kids were teens, they spent no time in the room except to sleep and shower. They were off doing activities with the teen clubs, spending time with friends that they made, hanging out on Lido, and going on excursions with us. They couldn't have cared less about an "amazing room experience".
  14. If earnings numbers are calculated using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and are signed off on by a reputable CPA firm, they are facts. All data of any kind is subject to interpretation.
  15. I guess it is presumptuous of me to assume that a group of teenagers who literally ran onto the elevator and then ran off of it were able-bodied, but I think the odds are in my favor.
  16. Perhaps the OP should have given Carnival the benefit of the doubt. And given the fact that posters on CC complain about anything and everything, and I have never seen anyone else post about this, I think it is pretty safe to assume that it does not happen very often.
  17. I don't know the answer to your specific question, but what do you have to lose by signing them up early? Camp Carnival is included in the fare, and signing them up early guarantees your kid a spot. You can always opt out later.
  18. I am pretty sure it is standardized. You had a small, uncommon hiccup here, and did not want to "bother" anyone to get it rectified. Stuff happens. For well over 99% of passengers this week, this perk worked just fine. I am sorry this happened to you, but I don't think it's fair to use your extremely uncommon experience to slam the program as a whole.
  19. They have discontinued the door hangers. Continental breakfast is still free - at least it was the last time I sailed (a few weeks ago).
  20. No. But order it the night before if you don't want to wait for it.
  21. All I am saying is just because you didn't see any Carnival advertising on TV, it doesn't mean it didn't happen. And watching only sports means that your viewing habits are very narrow. And I know there are many, many people who never watch sports. And that is especially true when it comes to women, who I imagine are involved in well over half of all vacation planning decisions.
  22. If her second marriage license shows her maiden name, I think that would be all she would need. I don't know why she would need a death certificate,
  23. If I am remembering correctly, I saw these commercials on network prime time. That may be why you never saw them. And it's perfectly reasonable to assume that an ad is going to reach a wider audience doing that than, say, advertising on streaming sports.
  24. You've never seen the ones with Shaquille O'Neal? I think it's been a couple of years, but they exist.
  25. Or take pictures of them with your phone. That's what I do.
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