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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. Thanks so much for researching and finding this info. These menus seem fine to me.......I'd have no problem with ordering (and I'm a picky eater); I like the themed menu and it seems much thought has been put into the choices and giving the reason why the 'lobster' is 'different' is important. The Column I read was from a major newspaper...and we know how they love their soundbites and critiques.
  2. I did read a column reporting cutback in buffets on RCL and Carnival and people were NOT happy about it. I think it was last week so can't find the link.
  3. Thx....at one time a user had to be precise.
  4. My result as well. Hopefully next week Accounting will contact us both to our satisfaction.
  5. Hi....Above is the wrong email address. The upper cases should be: lLutoff-Perlo@celebritycruises.com (see post #15).
  6. You mentioned booking with a TA as X wants to deal directly with them...not sure if this will help but.... Try the Engagement Centre first with all the politeness and detail you can put in it... CelebrityEngagementCenter@celebrity.com If they can't respond quickly.... Then try the PO office..... lLutoff-Perlo@celebritycruises.com I really didn't want to go there without going through channels first. Good luck.
  7. I've had reason to contact them recently by email concerning a refund issue and had a phone call back within hours, same day, on the week-end. In the email, I included the Booking # for the cruises and the amounts owing and other detail. I also included my captains club # and phone #. Received partial resolution on one issue same day and call backs after investigation on another, with a request to contact my bank first (who did not have any credit in their file for our account) before they started an investigation into their accounting system records to see what happened to an already disbursed credit last month to my card. I can't say I'm being ignored and very pleased with the service 2 pleasant and cooperative CS persons provided.....and in appreciation I'm giving credit where it's due 🙂.
  8. You could do that and when onboard go to any of the stewards taking reservations who are usually around the Ocean View Cafe or the main dining room Maitre d' immediately on boarding and change it to a better time, if available.
  9. Yup....in a nutshell. Small print is everything most of us decline to read...haha...too small to read. The cruise lines have many disclaimers. But PR is important despite that we seem to have no legal recourse (usually)...so it's in their best interest to make some kind of acknowledgement, not only in print, but also dealing with the actual problem...provide more choice in the OV, design healthy but upscale MDR items on the menu as far as budget will allow, and continue to provide what we PAY FOR in the Specialty restaurants.
  10. If this is the case in LV....these prices for reduced servings (small plates) are off the charts. Are you suggesting that X should highly increase their prices for all of us to justify more OV choices for some of us? Yes they're busy and have a high waiting period for a high price but gamblers gamble...maybe take a chance they can return more than once or twice....😉
  11. Right on.....but when retired from whatever if was that kept your day busy....an opinion based on past experience is worth listening to whether it comes from a CEO, Exec, or not. I suppose continually posting here is what's keeping some in the game...😉.
  12. You misunderstood....'Cost' (or price paying) to the diner has increased.
  13. Cdn. $$s....$175 with 18% gratuity. Cost has increased so much that I doubt some cruisers will find it a good alternative to MDR or a replacement to the OVC.
  14. The 18 min. video only told us what had been reported in many prior threads and many posts. Even a version of the OV video had been shown in some respects by other posters in other threads. So....what it actually did was keep the dialogue going with more and more getting upset over what might be the case when they cruise. This dialogue has had the expected effect in that we may find 'things' have changed by the time we cruise as I'm sure the 'powers' that can make that change will take a hard look. They will amend if they can and not realize the potential revenue as a result. If they make the decision to not amend, they'll have to understand the market will not bear these changes at the $$s they're charging and some of their clientele will try other vacation alternatives. Catch 22 for us and them.
  15. This is my problem with all the 'cuts' and perhaps 'changing to another cruise line to enjoy better dining' comments. It's pretty expensive in $$s and time to go line to line personally and presently in order to experience what each has to offer, and perhaps be disappointed in some way by each. I have read other boards.... there are similar comments to the ones posted here. Our X cruisers have enjoyed, for the most part, a little better dining offerings in both MDR, OVC, and Specialty restaurants by comparison to most lines, and now with the abrupt changes in both pricing and menu it has created anxiety in those anticipating a great cruise, not really sure what to expect, and will they realize full value considering they now will be paying more for less (in some experiences). We're taking the next cruise with an eye half closed to the negative and the other eye fully aware of what may be. And what may be for us afterward will depend on what we ourselves experience resulting perhaps in a rest from cruising all together .... I don't believe this is the only cruise line having these cuts and in particular the smaller cruise lines; not making similar cuts may result in loss of revenue. We've seen how they go under in the blink of an eye (to us anyway) with deposits forfeited or in some cases, full payment.
  16. Do you have an idea what that call center handled? Probably not reservations.
  17. In my experience, the calls will not reach her 'phone'; there are levels in between. And I would bet that her email address is no longer a personal one, if it ever was. It will be funneled to high level customer service personnel who know how to get the job done but they WILL be monitored.
  18. Please let us know your experience; hopefully you will have a great vacation despite (perhaps) the lack of OV choices.
  19. Hesitated to add to these oft-repeated comments...but.....how do you know X OVC is "the worst is in the industry". I don't think there's been enough cruising hours for you to have experienced, in the past 2 weeks, first hand which line has the "worst" buffet. Sometimes I think there are posters here who have a severe ax to grind and has found a cause and posting whatever comes to mind to help bury the cruise line or they are trolling. Yes, there are problems, and if you read other boards, some of their posters feel the same. I really appreciate those who have actually sailed in the past few weeks for letting us in on their perspective. The other comments are how they would feel if they were actually on board and experiencing their 'loss'. Over and over it's somewhat the same posters repeating the same comments and for some reason, influencing some other newbie cruisers to X. We blame the media at times for this kind of overloading influence, but here on a (benign) message board the same is actually happening. Flame me...I expect it.
  20. This balcony is similar in size to some of the Celebrity concierge class hump cabins; enjoyed them more than once - usually first booked.
  21. Officers and Entertainment MAY eat in the OV. They also have a DR of sorts below. Then the service staff have their own DR.
  22. I'm seeing Beyond TV spots daily on Cdn. TV channels.
  23. Was that in the MDR? The butter is served in little containers now? Always has been 3 choices in a common dish.
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