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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. Page 1 explains but I just copied the 'form' and filled in my data.
  2. Probably why he gave me a 'side eye' when he spotted the cloth/candle....as I said, I would have asked but 'be prepared' is my girl guide motto and just can't shake it..😁
  3. And they did themselves a disservice last Nov. '22 Equinox. First Murano online res. was 6pm. We arrived a few minutes before to an almost full dining room. They had opened the res. at 5:30. With less staff and full tables it was not a great dining experience and our table seemed to be in the 'overflow' area. Even the maitre d' looked harrassed and was trying to serve.
  4. A different # shows on my home page X screen...maybe because it's in Canada. I'm assuming you're in Mexico? Just tried the number and it's not one I can use. Tried our # and there's no 'payment and refund' option. Thanks for trying to help.
  5. Is that the main X number? Never heard any option like that but I'll try it.
  6. I booked directly with X and the transit sheet copy they provided me had the correct last 4 digits of my Visa card. The only thing I can think of now is I have an X account and DH does as well. Last 4 digits on both our Visa cards are different. I wonder if they could have applied the refund to my '4 digits' with his name and X account? Even though we share accounts perhaps that could hold it up at the bank? I'm out of ideas and wish that the Bank and X would come up with some. My head hurts trying to figure this out...🤕
  7. How did you get in touch directly with 'Refunds and Payments' dept?
  8. Sure would hate to think they're deliberately withholding our refunds until we put a lot of pressure on them either here or in print elsewhere.
  9. I hope not and if so, absolutely ridiculous. Some getting refunds quickly and others not. I've also been in touch as posted above; they have documentation they sent my deposit 12/23. My bank hasn't rec'd it so I had to put in a dispute claim for the bank to investigate. I'm wondering if they're intentionally delaying payment to keep the $$s in THEIR kitty. If you've booked with a TA Celebrity can't help you. Also, a TA keeps the funds in their own drawer until final payment, so it's easier to issue a refund. Not sure what to do about my refund if the bank isn't successful. Hate to get a lawyer involved.
  10. Yes...we used the round table on the balcony; brought my own round tablecloth (the butler may provide but I didn't want to chance it) and one of those battery type large round candles. Sounds perfect...he's going to enjoy a terrific b'day!
  11. I agree with CVP's being a helpful point of contact. I've had 3 over 10 years; 2 were very good but promoted and the last disappearing for personal? reasons at different times during the last year of 3 years. Phone and emails not being returned for weeks has impacted deposits, changes to cruises and pricing. I've since booked with the general reps who have provided efficient, if not knowledgeable, service which has resulted in errors. I'd like to try another CVP for a one source representative but not sure if I'm still associated with the prior one; not sure how to even find one as it seems we're being pointed toward the general number.
  12. We were surprised also last Nov.....we had our anniversary dinner in Murano and the next night they knew they had missed it. Gathered around and sang in HARMONY! Very practiced group...this was in Equinox Luminae. BTW...dinners look delicious!
  13. How cynical you are! FGS....they're as honest as they need to be and in fact are a part of the exec. office not lying. Do you feel better served thinking that a highly exec. person is hearing your problem and personally can do nothing about it, except to refer it or that what you call a lowly level CS person is actually solving it. This thread and others on FOOD are becoming too much.
  14. Thanks for the reminder. We ordered from the MDR in 2019 as well....didn't seem like an issue then or now as there was another alternate menu, but I still think the L menu should be one from which you don't want to order elsewhere.
  15. I just spoke with the direct name and number given me, providing more info to them. It was answered by an Executive Office person, then transferred to the person I was trying to reach. At the end of the call, when on a personal note, I did take a chance asking if the person I was speaking to was in the CS Dept. Hesitation..... then offered she was attached to the Executive Office, but in the CS escalation division to help those persons who are reaching the Pres. Office. So maybe this question as to who we are speaking with can now be put to bed......LOL.
  16. We were in Luminae last Nov. I think the cuts were evident then. There was a shorter menu than in 2019 when we last cruised; we ordered some options from the MDR most evenings. IMO that should not happen. The dining in L should be a cut above. Presentation and service was great.
  17. I was part of the exec. office of an international company. The Head Office Executive staff, on it's own, is usually limited. Yes, there are escalations to CS from a 'switchboard' ...long gone BTW...or an answering receptionist. But there are occasions when an Exec. Office staff member would become involved in 'routing' to an actual person or dept. who could be of more immediate assistance if the subject warranted. This also would be in effect with emails and letters to the President.
  18. I, as well, had responses from the exec. office to my email to the Pres. address. One response is signed with the persons name and title of Executive Office, so I do believe this is an extension of her office. During the calls I perceived they had an elevated level of authority to 'fix' our problem if they can. In my case one issue was resolved and the other issue was forwarded to their Acctg. Dept. No resolution yet. These were two different people with two different phone numbers (not the one you show). So there are a 'few persons' who deal with these forwarded emails. In my case, I don't care if this person does or doesn't sit at the Pres. right hand....just want a response from the people with the authority to understand and resolve my issue.
  19. I rec'd one refunded NR deposit (FCC) manually from the exec. office after emailing and phone call...but the problem now is with another cancelled cruise refundable deposit (Visa) they said they sent but I haven't rec'd. This is going to take a while between them and the bank and the registered dispute. Just wondered if anyone had registered a bank Visa dispute and how it turned out for them.
  20. I'm still waiting for a deposit refund which was expected in Dec. '22 for a cruise cancelled in Nov. '22. Celebrity Acctg. transcript sent to me shows it was disbursed 12/23/22 to my credit card. Bank says definitely NOT in their system so contacted X again. They insist they sent it. Now I'm in limbo. Bank asked me to register a dispute claim so their credit dept. can complete an investigation. Has anyone any insight into how these 'disputes' work between X and a Bank?
  21. Generally, if modify is frozen (and may say pending) you're in the running for a move up.
  22. Thanks so much for researching and finding this info. These menus seem fine to me.......I'd have no problem with ordering (and I'm a picky eater); I like the themed menu and it seems much thought has been put into the choices and giving the reason why the 'lobster' is 'different' is important. The Column I read was from a major newspaper...and we know how they love their soundbites and critiques.
  23. I did read a column reporting cutback in buffets on RCL and Carnival and people were NOT happy about it. I think it was last week so can't find the link.
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