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Everything posted by NutsAboutGolf

  1. This is so wrong and pointless, it does nothing, I'm surprised they're saying this. Like social media or not, we have backyard grillers to professional chefs performing blind taste tests on youtube. However, I will mention that letting it increase to temp won't make the steak any worse. Anyone who claims to let it come up to temp has not taste tested it come to a steak cooked cold
  2. "healthy" is quite subjective, some avoid carbs, others do not. However, I will say if you order a Ceasar salad and a chicken breast with your meal, it's quite filling and you may eat less of your entree
  3. We cruise on Carnival, the most recent was in December. With Carnival you do not need your phone/app, phones can break or be stolen on a ship or while in a port. You did have the ability to walk to the host stand to check in but you may get told 50 minutes and you have no idea how accurate that is. At least with using the phone, it notifies you when your table is ready so you can be anywhere on the ship With X, if they're busy you MAY get a pager (they can run out) but the range of the thing only allows you to go to one bar, I wish they could send a notification to your phone
  4. Thanks. FLL, the port by Rome and Vancouver did not do this but it appears the outcome was the same. Quite the free-for-all cluster once they announced we're ready to board I will add with line cutters that I'm seeing more and random people let line cutters cut them. Got off the Summit earlier this month, and self-carried off with I'd guess 200 others. Watch a guy and his daughter come right up to the door who kept trying to cut people to get off the ship. There was an officer at the door, and many angry people said something like "The back of the line is that way", the line cutter just said "Thank you" to anyone who commented and continued to attempt to wedge into the line at the exit door. Within a minute of arriving, a couple just let him cut, and the officer said/did nothing
  5. Yes...To simplify it, you connect to X's wifi 1 device plan, turn on your wifi hotspot and your mom connects to your wifi hotspot. You can even connect additional devices but the speed is split between them You cannot do this with an iPhone. However, you can with a laptop running Windows or a Mac
  6. Were you in the first wave of people to board? I believe that the premise that people are asking if they have a later boarding time but show up at 10 am, will they be allowed to board with the first wave of people or are they forced to wait until their scheduled boarding time (unlikely)
  7. Have arrived 3 times early enough to need to wait at the terminal, yet was able to board the ship with the first wave of people. Arrived another 3 times after the first wave but no later than noon, and again was let right on. Was never in a suite, and no one checked/asked about your boarding time. During the restart, they were queuing up people outside for a bit but that was more about terminal building Covid capacity limits than enforcing the boarding times as they quickly stopped queueing up people as soon as they were able to
  8. So when you arrived early at 1030, what happened?
  9. I would google your phone model of how to set up a hotspot as the person you quoted has a different model. My WAG (Wild A$$ Guess) is when you go into settings, network, and hotspot. So once you successfully get your phone in hotspot mode, you would log in X's wifi, which would then share the wifi through your hotspot. Then your mom simply connects to your phone's wifi. Your phones will need to somewhat be near each other and it will split the speed between the two of you
  10. I did Phuket on NCL in Jan 2020 and Kona on X this past Sep; both were tender ports. They both were open all night and a big reason why is the crew gets to go off. However, in both cases, during the later hours, the tender boats took a while to arrive and after they arrived you could board but it sat there for a bit before it departed
  11. The ship is moving, so usually you can sit upwind and one mainly only needs to spend time on the first day. There will probably be some exposure to smoke. If one is shy, it's a great opportunity to meet people and could be the lesser of all evils...Like most things, YMMV
  12. Record the noise with your phone if you already haven't. Absolute best case would be to get her one on one and show her the video. Otheriwse, check the app for the Q&A session as that would be the best time to bring it up. Capts usually host some sort of jewelry reveal, but like during disembarkation, I would be very surprised if she gave any kind of satisfactory answer. I would also recommend having a good counter if she replies "oh no, report this to maintenance"
  13. For most, it only takes a couple of days to get used to a new phone if it’s the same brand. If going from a iPhone to non-iPhone or vice versa, that’s different. We personally get a new phone every other year. You only live once, for most (it’s somewhat age specific) you’re on your phone at least an hour a day, and it’s in your hands more than anything else
  14. With completing the safety videos without a phone/tablet, if you do the safety video in the App it's tracked. In my direct experience, if they see it is NOT yet complete, they'll ask something like "Have you had a chance to watch the videos on the stateroom TV?"
  15. The main benefit is a smaller venue and therefore better service; there generally isn't a wait on the E-Class ships. In Blu, you used to be able to order any item MDR but that seems to vary by M'D as some only allow the classics to be ordered. Filet mignon, more Lamb, and more duck should appear on the menu more often. We find the food quality to be the exact same as the MDR but do enjoy the more premium offerings
  16. It's all about $$$, they have to spend more to support iOS 16 and older
  17. If it was a data breach, they want your credit card #, would be a very bored hacker if they logged into your account and booked cruises for you
  18. The first link is dead, second link states that 7-Eleven has the most caffeine. Very few who discuss coffee would be buying coffee from convenience stores or gas stations. It's a cheap cup of Joe mostly for construction workers I looked at Starbucks own nutrition info which lists the caffeine and the light does have the most, yet that link is interesting. With Starbucks at least, they're most likely using different coffee beans for their lights and darks Looks like we're both right...The CO2 bubbles attach to the natural oils and fats present in coffee, then rise to the top of the beverage https://urnex.com/blog/what-is-crema-and-what-does-it-say-about-your-espresso#:~:text=The espresso crema is comprised,the top of the beverage.
  19. To oversimplify, as they charge more, they don't do much of anything to improve their product; food being one of the best examples. If there were noticeable product improvements added from time and time (NOT counting the reversing of cutbacks), people might not be as negative. Like it or not, we saw firsthand the real outrage that can erupt from something as minor as X introducing a $2 cookie
  20. Sorry for your loss; I'm sure she wants you to enjoy life and it sounds like you love cruising. I'm going to type the following for ANYONE in the OPs situation who desires to be social, the following is NOT directly addressing the OP - On embarkation day, there's a singles meetup - Try to have as many meals as possible at a shared table at the MDR - Spend some time with the smokers; most smoking sections are outside - Conversation DON'Ts, avoid politics/religion/s3x, talking for straight minutes, or endlessly asking questions without answering your questions - Conversation DOs, while a conversation will generally start with small talk such as where are you from and what do you do for work, those may lead to long conversations but once that's out of the way, a good way to make a connection is to find out what brings a person joy and share what brings you joy. I'm much more likely to remember the "couple who loves tennis" than the "Nurse and Accountant from Ohio, couple"
  21. 1) If you love coffee from big chains like Starbucks, order your CAB (Cafe Al Bacio) coffee with an extra shot 2) With coffee enjoyment, while overall taste is a huge factor, the caffeine content is also a huge factor right behind the taste; it can make even "battery acid" tasting coffee drinkable 3) Starbucks has the highest amount of caffeine of the major coffee chains which in part is why it's so addictive for many 4) Light-roast coffee usually has more caffeine than dark-roast coffee 5) The big difference between coffee and espresso is that espresso uses high pressure which creates a layer of fat called crema (many call it "froth") on the top
  22. Google your phone model and hotspot. It should be noted you can also turn a PC with Windows and Macs into hotspots and also could use a travel router
  23. Sounds like a blast and I personally would find giant toads more fascinating than bananas. To rephrase what I said, it would be like someone saying "I like farms, does Celebrity have any ports that stop at farms?". I'm not shaming anyone, just pointing out it's an uncommon request
  24. We can have more "fun" than this... -"I know it's against the rules to smoke, but would my stateroom attendant bring me an ashtray if I asked?" -"How do I remove the tips? I want to leave the stateroom attendant a quarter bottle of vodka I smuggled on" -"If I say it's for health reasons, will they let me bring my rice cooker on?" -"Everyone knows pot isn't allowed, but are homemade brownies allowed?" -"If I sit at a shared table, is it wrong to ask table mates if they're not ordering lobster to order one and give it to me?" In the spirit of remaining on topic, I was also a bit confused as to why ANY type of plantation would be of interest. I like coffee, I guess I would go to a coffee plantation but I wouldn't be interested in a pineapple plantation. However, maybe some folks are gardeners and their dream is to own a plantation or vinyard
  25. I was going to recommend this. OP, call and ask X if you can swap rooms
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