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Everything posted by travelberlin

  1. I have received today a letter from the assignees. Their conclusions in my case are wrong! They have reduced the amount of my claim indicating that I have been already refunded by Crystal! Go figure… this is like telling me I am lying. I am objecting their conclusions but I am so tired of having to deal with this! Ivi
  2. Yes, we were there on the WC 2019 right? Ivi
  3. One year ago during our hiking vacation in Switzerland we encountered a group of Italians with their Ferraris. I have posted that picture on this forum. Today, also during our hiking vacation, we saw this cars parked in front of the hotel in Switzerland. The owners appear to be Germans. The cars this time Porsche 😃. Ivi
  4. Unfortunately I am not an Instagram user. So I could not see the post 😔 Ivi
  5. Not for my cruise which included ports in Italy, France and Spain. Ivi
  6. I have used my OBC for my transfer from the ship to the Airport without problems. I have booked it on board. This was less than one week ago. For the transfer from Airport to the ship, I had paid extra. It was not possible to book OBC. Ivi
  7. I could not do the check in online. My TA got me from Azamara my eticket. I had my documents with all my booking information including OBC, payments, etc. The check in at the terminal was done in 10 minutes. If you have your paper documentation about your correct booking you should not have problems for the check in at the terminal. Ivi
  8. I have seen another officer hosted dinner served for some people on the Discoveries restaurant on Onward. Any body has any idea who gets invited and for what reason? I have asked the waiters but they did not know the reason. Ivi
  9. travelberlin

    USB Ports

    I did not realize your post was a long time ago. I have read a warning from German internet security companies warning not to use those USB ports because by using them you become vulnerable to hackers. Ivi
  10. Maybe some of you would have seen the Provence in early July when the lavender look beautiful. For you a picture taken at Luberon. Ivi
  11. Once you are onboard you forget this incompetence. But I agree that is a stressful situation pre cruise. Ivi
  12. I fully agree with you. They will refund all your costs. But in your case is the issue of not having time flexibility due to still working. For me the cancellation of my cruise was also not painless. Several plans had to change because of that. But we are not competing about who suffers more in case of cancellations. I feel your pain and as I have said, I agree with you. And I wish you luck. I hope you will be able to book something you like. Azamara maybe? Ivi
  13. I am not sure that it was Explora who did not get the certification. According to the article in the financial times it was a provider of certain panels, the one who did not pass the exams. Since other cruise lines are also using those panels, is not a problem from Explora alone. Ivi
  14. They have cancelled other cruises and have not offered a free cruise as compensation. It is like it is. In this case is a safety issue. In my case the cancellation was because apparently of popular demand they decided to stay in the Caribbean. I was not a happy cruiser trying to find another itinerary to rebook and realizing that their “generous offer” was diminished by price increases. Ivi
  15. Thanks Terry. Any idea what is the reason? Ivi
  16. Not all. Different personalities. Some are just distant and won’t even make eye contact. And others like Nagwhila, and of course previously Heike, are always approachable and asking if everything is fine. Ivi
  17. Yes this i what I have heard. Captain Sanguineti makes a very good impression also. Ivi
  18. I have just asked. They do not have that machine. Ivi
  19. Here are some names: Captain Gianmario Sanguineti Staff Captain Daniela Epuras Chef Dhabi Limboo Cruise director Eric de Gray Guest relations manager Wresly Fernandes I have decided to take a break from Internet during this cruise. This is why I am not posting immediately. Ivi
  20. I am still onboard the Azamara Onward and loving it. Unfortunately my cruise will end in two days. It has been a great cruise. Ivi
  21. I am onboard the Azamara Onward. It feels like coming home! I am so happy to see this friendly crew again. Ivi
  22. My booking is Miami to Miami in January. I would have book for November this year but I am afraid of hurricane season and flight disturbance. I understand that the risk reduces in January. Ivi
  23. You are right Keith 😃 thanks for the correction. This happens when you post before breakfast… Ivi
  24. I find the development from the old Crystal to the new company which bought the two ships Serenity and Infinity, decided to call it Crystal again, appointed the same manager and crew, thought it was a good idea to benefit from the years of wonderful experience and forgetting the bankruptcy, interesting. The horse would be dead if the new company would have not decided to call it Crystal again. I think the discussions and opinions on cruise critic will continue as long as we remember this sad part of what happened to the old Crystal. Now, some people on cruise critic think that because they had enough of this discussion, the others should stop talking about it and give them a break. They actually demand (capital letters included) that posters shall move away and leave this forum. I find that attitude interesting also. Posters here are not to amuse others. As long as they follow the rules they can post what they wish and do not have to be told by others to stop it, or to move away. I get bored about many things that posters write or post, and even before I read their posts, I know what they are going to say about a particular subject. But who am I to tell others to stop it? Social media forums like Cruise Critic are based on respect for other opinions if we like it or not. It would be good to remember that before telling other posters what they should write or not. Best regards from the Eternal City, where I am waiting to board my ship. Ivi
  25. We have used Jam transfers from Nice Airport to Cannes once. It worked out very well. Ivi
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