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Everything posted by chemmo

  1. Having followed your posts for many years I really hope you don’t say goodbye…I have always found your posts both useful and interesting…If you do move to an alternative line let us know your opinions…
  2. We were in a PH too and simply asked the concierge out of curiosity… Perhaps if we had actually dined we wouldn’t have been charged. We asked more because I was doing a live thread and wanted to be able to answer possible questions…
  3. Agree… When we sometimes book cruises as they open 2+ years out. We do see them as ‘provisional’ in that we don’t know what may happen to us, the world or the cruise line in the meantime….We may peruse hotels and tours but won’t book them. It is about 10 months out in our experience the cruise becomes ‘real’ and we will book flights, hotels tours etc…To say nothing for the fact that many people need to fix in holiday dates one year out… Quite simply Celebrity has really dropped the ball on this. I am not affected by this change but really feel for those who are…. No matter how the world economy is major itinerary decisions should be made 12 months plus to reduce flight and hotel booking issues for guests. I do understand major breakdowns etc can’t be predicted but this decision could have been made sooner. I feel the same about cruises that become charters. Do it before guests commit to further expenses! Why not allow a bigger selection of cruises to swap to? I do understand they may want to block out one or two ‘hot’ itineraries but there are lots of cruises at present with capacity…Surely it would be to Celebrity’s advantage to keep as many bookings as possible? Surely they have made the decision to move the ship to ensure the remaining ones cruise at capacity… Sincere best wishes to all of you caught up in this mess…
  4. We were told it wasn’t included on the Silhouette last year…
  5. We asked if they preferred added to a $0 bill or cash, they preferred cash…
  6. Totally understand…Would you go for the taster menu again or the dinner menu?
  7. ‘Overpriced and underwhelming’ such a sad description of a meal! I must confess to having felt similar about several ‘taster’ menus both on land and at sea…
  8. Some concierges, in our experience, do focus more on the clerical and organisational part of the job but others are far more people centred…They will notice who is celebrating a special event on board, will ask about how your cruise is going and listen to your response, will respond quickly and with genuine concern if you do encounter any difficulties. My point was, if you read both posts, that we would tip for the ‘above and beyond’ not the day to day job. The perfect answer!
  9. I saw that and can believe it too having recently started browsing for a possible Autumn break.
  10. The concierge arranges things like helipad sailaways, behind the scenes tours of the galley, theatre, bridge. The concierge will deal with any service issues you may have anywhere in the ship. For example, a wrong charge to your bill, difficulties getting on excursions (he/she will get you priority waitlisting). The concierge can print off your boarding cards, check or arrange a pick up from the port at the end of your cruise, liaise with your post cruise hotel to see if early check in is possible… Anything you would normally go to Guest Services for…
  11. Exactly… Generally we don’t tip the concierge staff as we usually have little to do with them other than say ‘Hello’ as we pass in the Retreat Lounge…Nice to know they are there but usually our butler can sort most things for us. On one occasion, however, my husband mentioned to the concierge that I had ‘missed’ my 60th birthday as I had been very ill and the cruise we were on was to celebrate my return to health…The concierge then helped my husband to create a second birthday for me. I awoke to flowers, cake and balloons! We were already booked in Murano that evening and they were also in on the planning telling me I must be The Queen as I had two birthdays…Definitely worth a special thank you. The second occasion was when I cruised in an orthopaedic boot. The concierge on boarding talked us through every port and excursion and what was viable to do and what was not. She made phone calls for us to check on excursion details and did lots of little things too. When it became evident I wouldn’t be able to get off the ship in Lisbon owing to tidal issues she phoned us offering to arrange a special lunch. We were happy going to the very quiet buffet but so nice to be offered…
  12. The holiday market in the UK and Europe apparently has not worked out quite as expected this year. I saw a program yesterday… Families in the UK are either continue to staycation on a budget or if they are going abroad they are looking at self catering (often as a multi age group). It was suggested that grandparents are frequently enabling these family break. Holiday spots from London to coastal are all busy but restaurants, cafes and bars not getting their usual income as guests are watching where they spend their £. Several pubs reported that it isn’t unusual for a family to sit in the beer garden, order a drink and then get out their own sandwiches… Young professionals in the UK are apparently doing a couple of city breaks and skipping the longer more expensive breaks they would usually enjoy in the summer months. Mortgage rises apparently the reason, Older 50+ group are booking later and more flexibly (perhaps looking for the luxury adult only resorts the young professionals are not taking?)… Even the UK rich are not helping the holiday industry. Apparently many of them bought second homes during lockdown and are still using them so instead of booking several holidays a year they are just having one or two… In Europe a similar pattern…Many people reporting that they simply cannot afford a holiday. It also said (as in the UK) it is self catering options which are selling best. Not surprising that the cruising industry is keeping its options open.
  13. It is always good for someone to try simply to see if they think the ambiance and service level of Luminae are worth the extra $$$ next cruise. Whilst Luminae isn’t the full Retreat package it gives you a flavour…
  14. Yes there are some tables for two. However, we do know a couple that were seated with another couple. It wasn’t a big deal but get your butler to let the M’D know you want a table for two just to make sure. Re included for higher suites…The only things I can think of that are not included are the Chefs Table, the Champagne Dinner and the one off meals like the Indian Banquet in Sushi…
  15. I have so enjoyed reading your review. We are booked on The Best of Greece cruise on Infinity next year and can’t wait! Like you, we will be ‘returners’ to most of the ports rather than first timers…There is something so nice about this. No pressure to do the highlights of a port or island (already done) but every opportunity to do something different or simply to sit somewhere nice and soak up the ambiance and the views! Re on board the ship, glad to hear she is in good shape.
  16. We have neither found hotels better value through Celebrity (or other cruise lines) nor transfers. When we have looked at booking hotels in the past there has been a limited choice, some restrictions on room types (for example unable to book a concierge room or guaranteed sea view). Prices have been more expensive. Re transfers…Definitely in our experience extra price to hotel. You are likely to be shuttled by a coach. You will be given a time to be ready in the hotel reception. You will then wait, your time will be approximate. If it is early you will most likely be on the coach early and then have a journey around other hotels before finally heading to the ship. If it is later you may head to the ship but then you may not be boarding until maybe 2pm when boarding is usually underway at 11am. Can I suggest a few things… Firstly, look at Athens hotels with shuttles. Then look at hotels and private bookable transfers (three of us plus three luggage prices from Plaka to port we have got quotes from $24 standard to $36 larger vehicle). If you don’t like booking yourself maybe visit your roll call and see what others are doing.
  17. Totally agree on all your comment… We can remember the old ‘Liner’ days on M class the venue was lovely. Like you LPC has been a twice and done for us. First time we enjoyed the novelty the second time despite a different story line it just wasn’t a Speciality experience for us. Why they don’t now change it ($$$) when we are reading of regular cancellations of second sitting I don’t know… I am not a sushi fan but I never struggle to find something tasty in Sushi on Five!
  18. Sincere best wishes for a wonderful cruise. It is a few years now since we were on Reflection. We loved lunch at The Porch on sea days. Looking forward to following your adventures.
  19. So pleased, awful when IT seems to fight itself… Sincere best wishes for a wonderful cruise!
  20. Looks like it is inhabited by stick insects…no one over 40 years old and no one weighing more than 120lb…
  21. One of the main reasons we haven’t cruised on M class for some years has been the lack of Speciality Restaurants. Like you, we really enjoy them. However, a nostalgic yearning has us back on Infinity next year… We plan on dining in Tuscan, LPC and Sushi. In addition we are definitely going to have at least one night dining in suite. We are also looking at the Chef’s market tour which would add a different type of speciality dining experience…Then there is still the Champagne Dinner we could consider or giving Chef’s Table another try. Finally there is Oceanview…In the evening this can be a really relaxing place to eat, especially after a busy excursion day…If I add all those options up I certainly won’t starve!
  22. Time for a phone call, I think…
  23. Not good! Did you complain? Whilst we have experienced the odd less than perfect tour on Celebrity we have only once had a really bad one, we complained and were refunded. It didn’t give us our day back but soften the blow…
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