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Everything posted by Tom-n-Cheryl

  1. That was my thought - perhaps things are a little tighter than they would have us believe ! Tom
  2. Interesting -- I just received an email offer yesterday, but it was for a former employee. I take my staff on a cruise each year, and she was only on Celebrity once with us - in 2016, and she might have only played $20-$50 in the casino for fun over the course of 10 days. It came to me, as I made/paid for all the bookings, and all of them were put in under my email address. Out of nowhere, she gets an offer for a free balcony... CRAZY ! Tom
  3. We're in a RS on the Reflection - B2B over Thanksgiving. I just received an offer to bid on a Reflection and Penthouse suite. I promptly deleted it (with a smirk and shaking head) when I saw it was $5000 pp min bid for the Reflection suite. I don't think a nice shower and a little more elbow room is worth TEN GRAND. We're paying about ten grand for the two weeks to begin with (Blue Chip Club rate). Tom
  4. I'm not so sure that there is a "new clientele". I rather think that it's the same mix of people, and that some of those fringe folks have just become a little more emboldened - just like we see with society as a whole. Tom
  5. You might want to try getting a couple notches on the bedposts of a couple other lines in the meantime - then you can hit the ground running later. 🙂 Tom
  6. Gotcha - you were referring to something you've seen on shows. Tom
  7. Perhaps I've been in the dark (and that could explain some late departures), but I've never heard of that. Given what they typically make - you'd think they'd be Johnny-on-the-spot ! Tom
  8. With as little as Carnival does for suites, it would truly be a shame if they started trimming around the edges! (Carnival - pretty much the only major line which does not offer coffee makers in suites, let alone most cabins) Tom
  9. But, for those Diamonds who are IN a suite - do they get to step onto the ship FIRST? lol Tom
  10. Any idea what the current occupancy level of the ship is - much lower than capacity I'm guessing? Tom
  11. I'd be ok with "Double Diamond" - it would give me something to look forward to (and only be a few sailings away) 🙂 Like was previously mentioned, this will likely take some time (they haven't even hired anyone yet, let alone given them a YEAR OR TWO to bounce around and implement ideas)! Tom
  12. Yep - that would be an additional thorn for me as well ! Tom
  13. Celebrity has the best (IMO) approach to points as far as booking different cabin types. We've stayed several times at the CS/RS/PH level, and have been able to collect lots of points that way. You can also choose to partake in their "Go Green" program whereby they'll give you an extra days worth of points (at whatever cabin level you're at) if you forgo a twice daily room service. Good for them, good for you! BTW - I did not capture the points offered for their Iconic Suite - 24 per night! Of course, you can easily spend $30-50k for a week in one of those ! Tom
  14. They need a level above Diamond - perhaps where real/tangible perks might be found (free or discounted CHEERS and/or WiFi). The "once in your lifetime" steakhouse perk for attaining Diamond is pathetic. They need to offer additional points beyond 1 point per day. Such as extra points for booking certain promos, cabin levels, onboard spend, etc. This will incentivize people to spend more (good for the corporation) - especially if the carrot at the end of the stick has real appeal. Carnival needs to step up to the plate... Tom
  15. Yes, it is supposed to include the (extra charge) room service items. However, when we sailed on the Mardi Gras (last August and November), those items were charged to our room. I didn't even realize it the first sailing, but I did in November, and called guest services. They said something along the lines of "yes, we realize there's problem with our system, but should have those reversed by the end of the cruise". Did that ever happen? I have no idea, I never bothered to look again (I shouldn't have to waste my vacation time making sure they're doing their job) - actually, I forgot! It is my understanding, however, that others have been reporting that they were not charged. ENJOY ! Tom
  16. One would like to think these things would be free. I mean, I understood (and accepted) when we were on the Epic having to pay for bowling, but golf and darts? As long as we don't start seeing these on the public toilets! Tom
  17. I'd be OK with that. Everything beyond $18 puts me in the black. Tom
  18. Not sure where things stand now... We're sailing next week. Let's say I take a (not required) unproctored self test a day or two before the cruise and it shows "+". What am I then to do -- call and inform Carnival? Are they going to simply take my word for it and, what, issue a cruise credit? Tom
  19. Yep - at this point they want anyone who can fog a mirror onboard, in hopes of selling them something/anything!! Tom
  20. My take on this?... you can save a ton of money on a Studio !! Tom
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