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Everything posted by eclue

  1. They gave each person a $100 OBC and 35% of the fare paid for FCC...this was very generous of Princess as they cannot control the weather and we all take a chance cruising this area during hurricane season....by the way, my Internet was fine...not as fast as at home but totally functional al all times.
  2. The free cruise offer is different from the one you receive from the points in the casino which is good for only one sailing and almost always accompanied by freeplay, drinks, wifi and gratuities.
  3. At this time it is way too early to predict the path of this storm...just watch and be aware.
  4. Last month in Bar Harbor - price was $30 for a lobster roll....we took the blueberry pie instead and it was amazing!
  5. Yep....we are using Carmel on Sept 17th from LGA to Brooklyn also. Have used them several times in NYC and they are very reliable.
  6. I have been on several cruises this year and the only one with limited capacity was way back in Feb. The ones in March, end of June and beginning of August were full.....
  7. I also heard no more discount on sale items.
  8. We disembarked the Caribbean Princess on August 15th after ten days from Quebec City ....The cruise was great. No issues from us. The ship was quite cold so a sweater or jacket was needed. As for the rest of it, it was simply great. Played slots in the smoke free area and no smoke, our cabin steward was amazing . I called him the clean up fairy - every time we turned around the room was cleaned.....the food was good. service the usual Princess good .......so for us, it was great and that was #40 on Princess so we have a lot to compare.
  9. We got off the Caribbean Princess on MOnday after a 10 day New England cruise. There was a woman in quarantine very , very ill transferred to the hospital in NY wiht covid pneumonia.....It still needs to be very careful out there.
  10. You can call them or they will call you if you book online. Give them your arrival time. When you have your luggage, the driver will have called you and he will be waiting and describe the location .
  11. Look up Carmel Car Service - they are great and efficient for all transport needs in the NYC area. We just used them again last week and never fail .
  12. The package is great - it includes specialty coffees and bottled water. My husband loves to get a milkshake. It is not only alcohol....
  13. well stated....those that discredit Princess have not cruised a lot. We have had 30 cruises on Princess...were looking forward to Sept trip from San Diego but if you don't have the crew, you can't go . If you go, the whiners will complain about a lack of service. It's a tough situation....All cruise lines are definitely dealing with the same issues.
  14. Carnival now has dropped pre testing on cruises of 5 days or less as of Aug 4th. I believe vaccination requirements are still in effect or at least I hope so - I also am an RN and highly recommend being vaxxed and boosted.
  15. If you have cruised on NCL or Carnival, believe me, they are no competition for Princess - they are a totally different crowd. Hoping Princess continues with Galveston - we will be sailing at least every month.
  16. We are on the Caribe deck port side - thanks for posting your cabin #.
  17. YEP - did this one before and it is an amazing itinerary.
  18. YEP - did this one before and it is an amazing itinerary.
  19. We also like the older ships - the Ruby being our favorite - just sailed the Ruby from JUne 29th to JUly 9th ( Alaska) and was one of the best ever and we have done a lot on Princess...just goes to show we all have different opinions....
  20. Please tell us the cabin number.....we are scheduled to go on the Caribbean Princess in two weeks....Hope it is not our cabin!!
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