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Everything posted by clo

  1. Sorry, I mis-wrote. In our case it's totally refundable. Sorry, folks.
  2. I don't usually make this point but will here. A "direct" flight isn't a nonstop but rather makes a connection. Let me tag this on to make it clearer. "Though the term 'direct' is used interchangeably with 'non-stop', the two are different. In a direct flight, you do not change planes and you have only one flight number. Unlike the non-stop flight, the plane makes a stop en route to the final destination for refueling and picking up and dropping off passengers.
  3. We feel the same. And using points it's all refundable for any reason. (Have you been to the EWR Polaris lounge? Incredible.)
  4. 100%. I work very hard to cut out the middle people.
  5. It seems that's a no-no in quite a few countries. I'd do some serious research before trying to take those. Research as in contacting that countries consulate.
  6. Our daughters are in their mid40s and both have very responsible jobs. They eventually made the commitment to themselves that they weren't reading emails at night or on weekends or on vacation. There had been that self-expectation and they eventually they figured out that they were simply not that important.
  7. I did a little quick study and, yes, there are certain drugs not allowed into certain countries. I laughed (kinda) when I saw that Pepto Bismol is banned in France!
  8. Rather judgmental. We have wonderful things that we've bought flea-market-esque type places and "others." We call them "Art with a capital A" and "art with a lower case a." And cherish them equally. Unfortunately we have no more walls or flat surfaces to display. The first is made from a small rock of the tram to St. Teresa in Rio and other from a some place 🙂
  9. Well, we didn't eat there again. But we choose travel for the destinations. IIRC our next cruise was a Patagonian/Antarctica expedition with 400 pax and I don't even remember the food the trip was so amazing. And after that was a Norwegian coastal cruise with 100 pax and the food was outstanding. spare ribs, red cabbage, vegetable risotto, salad
  10. Yep and you're unlikely to give or get a drink order as the server was nowhere to be seen.
  11. I think waiting 20 minutes to get a minute is cause for annoyance. And the rest of the service was similar. And I KNOW what's acceptable and what isn't.
  12. Ah, so not from Brazil. They speak Portuguese.
  13. I've not said this previously but our only experience with the GDR was our last. Slow doesn't describe. We didn't get menus for 20 minutes and the rest was similar. So the specialties and the TC were it and great! We'll give it another try in July on Nautica.
  14. I actually saw a CC thread from a couple of years ago that discussed this at length, naming the name and it's still there.
  15. From the unknowing like I: What is the meaning of coulibiac? noun. , French-Russian Cooking. a fish pie usually made with salmon or sturgeon combined with buckwheat, hard-boiled eggs, mushrooms, scallions, wine, herbs, and spices, and served in a brioche or puff pastry. COULIBIAC Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com dictionary.com https://www.dictionary.com › browse › coulibiac
  16. I agree. And, honestly, we just enjoy each other's remote company 🙂
  17. Okay, That's not how I read it but honestly too tired to reread.
  18. And how does any of that mean that they can 'fix' system/company wide problems? I think people are looking to complain. Who has contacted Mr. Del Rio? I'm a firm believer of going to the top when my first method doesn't work.
  19. If you do it now - five months ahead of time - seems like you'd have plenty of time. One thing I don't know about cruise lines is there mail sent non-air mail?
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