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Everything posted by Coralc

  1. We really liked it. It is a lot of food though. They start with cheaper skewers of meat and filets are the last course. One suggestion, you can skip ahead if you want and go to the filets. And don't fill up at the salad bar.
  2. The thing about the pool screens really annoys me. Princess installed them to have "Movies under the Stars". And then RC jumped to copy them and didn't maintain them or properly utilize them with blankets and popcorn and promotion. And now they have just gone to c***, like the rest of things that they were too quick to install, but not maintain. Just like the revolving bars, bionic bar, bungee trampolines, and other things.
  3. "The screen for the outdoors movies needs replaced badly. It’s pixilated and looks like the original from the time the ship was built. One member from our group tried to watch a movie at night but gave up. They were just in dry dock – not sure why they didn’t replace it then. They should just turn it off – it seems more embarrassing to show it the way it is." I 100% agree! Very nice review. Royal Caribbean has become severely lacking in a lot of things that would improve the guest experience.
  4. Kids break a lot of things. In Junior high/high school, many students had a cast or crutches at some point. Sports, skateboards, roller skates, dirt bikes, bicycles, skiing/snowboards, and just general falls. Mine was on my horse, riding. He didn't like a turn, bucked and I went flying and dislocated and fractured my elbow. I was bareback. That was fun walking home, with the reins over my shoulder and clutched under my armpit and trying to hold my wrist with the other hand. (not) I'm sorry to hear about Andy and Owen. Especially for Andy and Bonnie, these things are much more difficult and slower to heal when you get older.
  5. On Radiance TP, we had the 5 night dining package and both Izumi and Samba Grill were included. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't be included in the UDP.
  6. Yes. the $10 upcharge is for the hibachi only. Or Teppanyaki, or whatever it is called. You should be able to use the BOGO on Radiance. Pay for maybe Izumi and then use your free meal at one of the other, more expensive places.
  7. Radiance doesn't have Izumi Hibachi, unfortunately. Although Radiance does have more restaurants than the rest of the Radiance class. The 3 nights might be more reasonable. That's what we plan to do on Serenade.
  8. That's nice of you. But if you are just using them for at home testing, it doesn't even matter if they are expired. They don't suddenly, "Go bad".
  9. Western Bluebirds. Here is a photo of the birdhouse residents this year. We usually have chickadees and have learned that insect eating birds are really, really messy. Here is the female. And here is one of the babies.
  10. Does it have cloves if you peel it some? Although, as I recall, when I grew garlic from store cloves, it looked like that too. Tasted fine though! And yours are a nice size.
  11. I'm not being critical, but how do you know? There have been a lot of reports about covid being worse for people with comorbidities. What if people haven't yet been diagnosed with diabetes, COPD, and how much overweight is obese? It just seems like people should be able to take it if they wish to. There seem to have been all kinds of people that died early on in this, that weren't known high risk.
  12. IMO. Don't bother with them. Royal has a very convoluted third-party gift card redemption policy.
  13. Junior Suite deposit is still only $100 per person. (7 night) We are fine with Junior Suites.
  14. We do here in our county in the SF Bay Area, because we are under a recently reinstated mask mandate.
  15. Oh. Sorry. We already own the stock. So, it doesn't cost anything to try and submit it on any cruise, for us.
  16. I think false negatives might be more common than false positives.
  17. It doesn't cost you anything to try and submit it?
  18. IMO, the pool screen on Navigator should be turned off as well. It is green all over with orange squares scattered around. It is horrible trying to watch anything.
  19. It is usually better to set up the jeep rental before you arrive and then just go and pick it up and complete the paperwork once you are there.
  20. They are strict enough, that I don't think you would want to test the policy. Good thing you caught it and have enough time to fix it. Have a great cruise!
  21. @Gregoryfo Thank you! That is very interesting. There are all these other things they don't tell you, like signing up for the Health Trackrx portal. And I can't see any reason why they would need your booking number! We all just want the negative test results with the least amount of inconvenience. Apparently OnPoint has physical pop up test locations here as well. They advertise, "Bring your own test". Thanks for the procedure summary. And Bon Voyage! Have a great cruise.
  22. If it is from RC, it will show up in a banner, and also in the upper right corner. You will be asked if you want to use it during checkout. If it is from a travel agency, it will not appear until you are onboard.
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