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Everything posted by Charles4515

  1. It is Total Wine not Total Beverage. Total Wine is a national superstore chain and you can find good wine at discount prices. There is also a Publix at 17th St. The stores are in a shopping center behind the Embassy Suites.
  2. On the left side of every post at the top is a large ^. Click that to vote. You can’t vote on your own post. I don’t think they give any instructions. Probably only curious types click and find out about clicking the ^ .
  3. The tunnel goes under Los Olas. There are streets alongside on each side. I walked up the street on the west side on the sidewalk. The tunnel does come up and merge with the street close to Broward but the sidewalk continues. You get to that huge intersection at Federal and Broward and cross with the lights.
  4. CVS has a wine selection. There was a small fancier wine store a few stores past CVS. Don't know if still in business.
  5. There are sidewalks but you have to go on the west side. I have a feeling some went on the east side.
  6. I didn't find the west side of Federal to be bad but if instead you take 8th Ave, go out to the right on Las Olas then left on 8th you can avoid Federal until the intersection of Federal and Broward which is to the left on Broward. That intersection has traffic lights so I didn't find it that bad except waiting for the light.
  7. There are several keywords that automatically cause posts to be moderated. Like the website R——. Apparently there is a concern we might be steering people to that site. So I abbreviate in this thread.
  8. Not sure what you have in mind as walking distance. There is a large CVS that is walkable but it is a few long blocks. I have walked there four or five times with no problem.
  9. Funny thing is before the dock was opened they didn’t allow passengers to to use what is now called Adrenaline Beach. There were keep off, no swimming, that claimed dangerous currents. Etc.
  10. A major issue for me is that when I open a thread I can not longer go to the last unread.So it is no longer a thread. It is just as you say, a muddle.
  11. My SonicCare electric toothbrushes does not have to be left in the charger. I have gone 2 weeks or more without charging it, When it needs a charge it takes about 12 hours to recharge. I don't plug it into the charger until it needs a charge.
  12. It is on for individual posts. I see upvotes now. Some have done upvotes. It just isn’t in the tally where I was looking. So why have both upvotes and Likes?
  13. It has only been a day or so so I guess it is fair to give the test more time but I don’t see anyone upvoting. Right now it look like zero upvotes. I did plan a couple of hours and then withdrew my upvotes. All they did was change up the sorting by date, sorting by date is what I prefer.
  14. I disagree. That site is very useful as a source for information. It often comes up in Google searches. But I don’t pay attention to the upvotes. I don’t find the upvotes there of any value. I have to read all the replies.
  15. When I spell it out the forum algorithm seems to force the mods to apporove the post. Since we are discussing an R feature, not steering people to use R for cruise discussion I thought I would save them some work.
  16. You can't vote for yourself. On R some buy votes but I think that is against their rules but rules get broken.
  17. They ask you to post something on social media. It is not ongoing. It is like the webinars and quizes. When there is a PUP opportunity involving social media there is an end date deadline to complete to get the PUP points..
  18. You can choose to sort a thread you are reading by date rather than votes. I discovered that after a few hours. Not immediately obvious.
  19. It is clear that the flip phones that are being discussed are dumb phones. Some don’t want to use smartphones. They want dumb. Flip to them means dumb. The flip design has nothing to do with. They don’t want smart.
  20. Possibly the idea is to draw more involvement. However in my opinion they are missing the way R and F are getting more involvement. Both have apps that people use on their smartphones.
  21. The way it works is that the “best answer” is decided by the upvotes. So far I don’t see any upvotes so the test is a total failure to this point. I did do several upvotes to test what effect they would have. They moved the upvoted posts to earlier in the thread. As I was just making the upvotes as a test I withdrew the upvotes. They have upvoting on other forums like Reddit but they have a whole different culture there. Not surprising that it has been unpopular here. Starting with cruise critic members have always been resistant to changes. Second it probably takes more involvement than we want. Likes are probably enough involvement in judging posts.
  22. So I found that we can choose to sort by votes or by date. So I didn’t change the order for everyone by upvoting a few posts.
  23. I was standing in line at a liquor store and the person in front of me was asked to show ID. He presented a passport. The clerk would not accept it. They had a sign with a drivers license and a date they changed every day to show who was legal to buy alcohol. He could not get her to accept the passport and he said he was going to get her fired. Poor woman was just following orders from the owner to only accept state DL or ID. She didn’t get fired. She was still working there when I went another time.
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