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Everything posted by rkacruiser

  1. When I said on Meraviglia, the ship sailed from that Terminal (it appears to have been significantly improved since I was there) and parked in Garage G. "Keep my eyes on the road" etc., yes. I'd recommend that. It was chaotic when I was there in January, 2020. Maybe, signage, etc. has proved since then. I found the White Tent to be impossible to get to by car because of the traffic and the police officer who refused to allow me to pull into a spot that was close to the tent. "Keep moving!" was what I kept hearing, even after I protested. Not wanting a ticket, I followed her instructions. Getting to a place where I could leave my luggage with a Porter was a mess. The worst that I have ever experienced at any port. I wish you better luck.
  2. My first private island experience was on NCL's Private Island as a guest aboard Sunward II. I returned to the ship with sand flea bites. Irritating, but, it was what it was and I lived through it. Realizing that something like that could occur again, it does not discourage me from visiting the cruise lines Private Islands.
  3. I have experienced these special dinners on HAL, too, and I agree with your opinion. They were educational because the Chef and the Sommelier would discuss the courses and the wine before or as they were being served. Because all who attended were interested in good food and wine, conversations were lively and interesting. Never had them for lunch; and, after dinner, I would be so "stuffed" that any plans for the rest of the evening didn't happen. During one Carnival Cruise, I attended a special dinner like this. It was equal in the quality and the experience as on HAL.
  4. I also vote for you to continue posting about your trip. Continuing on this thread might be the easiest for people to follow. There is a rail discussion forum where people would be interested in your Rocky Mountaineer trip: Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum. There is a section near the bottom of their home page that lists the various topics called "Trip Reports".
  5. May I join your "club"? I feel the same about Hubbard Glacier.
  6. This is a great tour and worth the time and money spent to experience it.
  7. At dock in a South American port, a school of good sized Jellyfish was in the water between my ship and the pier. Interesting to watch, but, I did a double take when I saw them. Didn't believe my eyes at first. I have been fortunate seeing Flying Fish, a few whales (or whale tails and spouts), Dolphins/Porpoises, but, the most unexpected wildlife sighting was when the Zaandam was sailing in Antarctic waters. I just happened to be on an open deck and looking out to sea and over the rail. A penguin was swimming along the side of the ship. It would have made a good photo, but, my camera was resting in my cabin.
  8. A slight modification to your comment about "whales" and the bar, and this is true. I experienced it. During an Alaskan cruise in the Ocean Bar, a bartender loudly proclaimed: "The more you drink, the more whales you see."
  9. Personally, I think there is too much day trading going on that is influencing the prices for all of the cruise lines.
  10. Barry from Boston? I experienced him. I didn't care for his act. Perry Grant? Yes. That was a piano bar entertainer whom I first experienced on HAL and then on Celebrity. Currently? The Statendam Class ships may still have such a single piano bar entertainer. But, the others: the Billboard on Board concept has been installed. It's good, if the entertainers are good.
  11. I looked at the menus of the specialty restaurants. I compared them with what the YC menus were offering. Even with a comp dinner, I saw no reason to dine elsewhere. In the afternoon, if I wanted a snack, I patronized a pizza venue outside the YC and was very pleased. As as been posted, beverages outside of YC will be of no cost to you. And, in my experience, the pours will be very generous when the bartender recognizes you as a YC guest.
  12. That garage has certainly changed since I sailed from Terminal 2 on Star Princess. It appears to have changed since I sailed on Royal Princess, but, I didn't drive to Fort Lauderdale for that sailing.
  13. Thanks for posting this. When I responded to the OP, I was almost certain that you would have this, but, I could not remember how to post your contact information.
  14. You have quite a challenge ahead of you! I would give your Grandparents an "A" in penmanship, though. The handwriting appears much more readable than many I have seen, including my own. As to the deck plans, I suggest that contacts with maritime memorabilia dealers might unearth a deck plan of the ship. Posting your request on the HAL Message Board may also be productive. Good luck to you!
  15. I appreciate your post and would also like to learn what others think. I feel more secure when walking outside of my condo using a cane, but, like you, would need help with luggage as well as getting on and off the ship. I have been thinking about doing a family cruise (probably Disney as the children of my family would most enjoy that, I think). But, I wonder? Is this really a "world class" idea?
  16. This is a book that I would like to read. There are other HAL Captains that deserve such interest by someone to record their biographies. I suggest Edward G. van Zanne being one of them.
  17. I send the relevant information to my travel agent and let her arrange for the OBC. Never have had an issue.
  18. Yahoo Finance's web site showed a negative change in their short term (2-6 weeks) projection for the stock. They had been consistently positive. No change in their mid-term or long term expectations however. (Mid-term was positive; long term was stable.)
  19. When I first visited, I took a tour of the island that included the John Glenn exhibits. Very interesting; at that time, there was no museum. Another reason to visit the island and see this. My tour included a visit to an organization that was trying to help propagate Queen Conch. It's been a long time since I have seen any mention of this. I wonder if it remains in existence.
  20. Wow! I would like to have the opportunity to fly on a 787. I'd like to experience the touch screen windows and the improved air system. Don't expect that type of plane to service DAY anytime in the future. Maybe CVG or CMH?
  21. Oh? Volume and bookings are much improved from what they were 1-2 years ago, but, neither are where they were pre-Covid. I have enjoyed every visit to Canada I have ever made throughout my life starting as a child. I would like to do another one. But, I am not going to jump through another hoop in order to be able to do so. If I didn't need ArrivCan during my last visit, I ought not to need it now. The process is totally unnecessary. It's another example of some bureaucrat, this time a Canadian, devising something to justify keeping his/her job.
  22. The Market liked all three of the cruise lines today in spite of what the Fed did.
  23. I have visited Singapore a few times. One of my requirements for a hotel that has quick and easy access to the Hop On/Off buses as well as excellent service and a large, comfortable room with a view. The Marriott fits my requirements without being terribly expensive. Their restaurant choices are very good and there are many other dining establishments nearby.
  24. This is a different presentation of Lobster Thermidor than I have experienced. The Creamed Spinach also looks much different than what I am served when I am at Fleming's or a similar steakhouse. Glad to know that they were good, however. That cake looked delicious!! kjbacon, I regret that both of you have been infected. The woman whom you described on your tour who was that ill ought to have been noticed by the crew and asked for the ship's medical staff to check her before she was allowed to be on the tour. Doing so might have "ruffled some feathers", but, it would have been a prudent thing to do at this time. There is much good that occurs in our society. There is too much that is not good as well. This situation is just another example of that. It's disappointing.
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