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Everything posted by rkacruiser

  1. I have not had the experience that this gentleman has had nor have I visited Fairbanks, yet. But, I have spent Christmas in Alaska and drove North as far as Talkeetna (saw the mountain on a beautifully clear, cold day), and have driven out onto a frozen lake in a state park where ice fishing was taking place. The scenery is a winter wonderland and beautiful. Cold? How about minus 16 degrees with wind in Anchorage. Fairbanks would likely be colder. When we were out of the Jeep on the frozen lake, I was wearing a long sleeve shirt, a cashmere cardigan sweater, a windbreaker, and a parka with a hood over my cap. My Nephew said: Uncle rka, you look like you are cold. And, I was! But, it was a great experience and I am glad that I could do it. I agree with Don. Think outside of the box!
  2. Been to both and agree with all of the comments about both Glacier Bay and Hubbard Glacier. Solution to your question, OP? Choose a cruise that has both on its itinerary.
  3. I feel certain that Maitre d's are management. At least, on the cruise lines with which I am most familiar. On HAL, at least pre-Covid, there would be a rotation of the positions of MDR Manager (Maitre d') and the same position in the Lido Restaurant. The rotation seemed to take place at the end of one cruise(s) and the beginning of the next cruise(s). I also remember the envelopes of cash and the empty seats on the final evening. The cruise lines cannot be blamed for adopting the auto tip concept. The cheapskates that sailed before this policy had to be adopted are the reason for it.
  4. On HAL and Princess, that has not been my experience. Arriving at the Maitre d's stand, I am asked if I want to share a table or not. If I want to have breakfast alone, I am placed at a table for two. What I have needed to be on the look-out for is its location. Once, my table was in an area that was quite out of the main flow and I nearly had to fire a flare to attract the attention of a steward.
  5. We are not there and given the bi-polar analysis by the financial community of CCL, we aren't going to be there for some time.
  6. Great videos! There was a penguin swimming along the side of the Zaandam when we were in Antarctica. Where was may camera? In my stateroom! 😢
  7. Wishes for good luck for you! Please, return and let us know how this unfortunate situation develops.
  8. It's really a loss to those of us who might use it. I participate in Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum where PM is available. I don't use it often, but, I have had some interesting private chats with other members at times when what we were discussing would have had zero interest or relevance for others on AU. Being able to do so on CC might prevent some of the "thread drift" that irritates some of CC members.
  9. I did and all I found were recipes. If "tradition" is the reason, then, how did that "tradition" begin? Could be. I have a bit of English ancestry in me and my maternal Grandparents who were closest to that lineage never made Baked Beans for breakfast.
  10. I would go to Juneau for many reasons. It's my favorite port in Southeast Alaska.
  11. I have experienced such an individual and I did the same thing. The person's attitude (or at least his approach to me) changed. Regretfully, such "teaching" by a guest for some staff members is required sometimes.
  12. Maybe that's the reason the function was turned off. I think when I joined CC, the function was available. I never used it, however.
  13. I wish that feature was allowed to function.
  14. Not too late to do so, perhaps. Me TV sometimes show The Love Boat.
  15. Perhaps MSC's Yacht Club might be what you would like.
  16. I agree with your post. The area around the current cruise terminal is too congested. Shifting the port down river, but, to where down river? The Naval Base, as I remember it, extends to the junction of the Elizabeth River (I think that's the name of the waterway along the cruise terminal and the Western border of the Naval Base) and the James River that flows into Hampton Roads.
  17. If one chooses the GTY route for a cruise, one ought to be very certain that whatever cabin in whatever location that they are assigned will be satisfactory with them. It is much better, in my experience, to carefully study the ship's deck plan and make your own choice. A cabin with no public areas above you, cabins on both sides of you and, maybe across the corridor and on the deck below, are more likely to be a good cabin location.
  18. There was a post on another thread about a Food and Wine Magazine reporting on a Velveeta Martini that is going to be offered in the restaurants of an upscale restaurant chain of which I have never heard. $15 for such a "delight". I wonder if those restaurants will provide the little "white bags" that are found in the elevator foyers of HAL ships when the seas are less than calm?
  19. But, why Baked Beans for breakfast? There must be a cultural connection to the dish that I don't know.
  20. Given the cost of what such a tour would probably be with the possibility that the Northern Lights will be taking a night off, this suggestion makes the most sense to me.
  21. If they wished to do so, the devil will be in the details. As I recall, there is little undeveloped area near the terminal. (I recall a park like area near the terminal, but, would the city officials want to destroy that?) Property would need to be bought and destruction of whatever is on that land in order to begin building a parking garage.
  22. When Morgan Stanley gives a 3 rating on CCL while Morningstar gives it a 1 and 5 Star rating on CCL, no guess, it's the current reality. You are describing me. And, I hope "I have miles to go before I sleep".
  23. Too many Americans either never learned, or if they did learn, have never appreciated that the USA would not exist if it were not for the immigrants. I wouldn't be an American if my ancestors had not immigrated from Germany and England. How about you, whomever reads this? Social Security will not become insolvent. The fury that we saw by some on 1/6/21 will pale to the fury that senior citizens of the future will display if told that there will be no more SS checks. As Congress usually does, when their "back is against the wall" on an issue, it is 12/31/? and its the final session of a Lame Duck Congress, a solution for potential insolvency will be found.
  24. Thanks for the photos. All of the food looks delicious with nice plating for everything. The Caesar Salad, with its cheese slivers, really appeals to me.
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