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Everything posted by rkacruiser

  1. No attempt to kill the messenger. I respect you too much to do so. No, I don't follow those types of threads. I have no interest in doing so. I depend on what I read in the reports I receive yearly from CCL regarding the OBC. There have always been the situations that disqualify one from getting the OBC. If one who expects an OBC because of this doesn't understand that, that is their problem.
  2. Scratch the Smoked Salmon, but the other items is my preferred preparation. I would like the eggs to be done, but, when my fork pierces the eggs, the yolk will be runny. Crab in place of the Canadian Bacon, I like. Eggs Florentine? Yes. I like Spinach. To absorb the yolk that the English Muffin doesn't, a well prepared serving of Hash Browned Potatoes would be a preferred an addition to my plate.
  3. This is not "new" news. There has always been some quibbles in the policy.
  4. Well, Bermuda, I disagree. So, those of us who hold CCL stock should continue to be punished because of the suspension of dividends and the price of our investment? There are people who are making investments in CCL in order to obtain those OBC based on what I read online. Excellent long term investment decisions? Not at this time. But, what would happen if these "buys" were not happening?
  5. You are quite correct. This is a failure of the cruise line in, probably more than one, department to properly illustrate what the venues on the ships are and for what purpose they are used. It's a failure on several levels. 1. No hard copy brochures with deck plans shown that make it easy to see and compare the deck plans. 2. With the lack of those brochures, lacking is a better description and photos of the facilities and showing how they are used. On the cruise lines web site, I don't get the "same sense". 3. A guest's common sense? A guest's lack of doing the research needed to prevent a stateroom choice that they don't like once aboard? 4. A guest doing their booking on their own when they really don't know what they are booking. 5. A guest doing a DIY booking and dealing with a cruise line representative that has never experienced the product he/she is selling and cannot accurately answer any question, with any certainty, the guest may ask. Buying a cruise is not the same as buying an Amtrak ticket. The disappointed ones learn that to their dismay.
  6. For several years, based on what I recall, MSC would base a ship in Port Everglades for a Winter season. Lirica, Opera come to mind. Press releases often began to state that a year round presence in the North American cruise market was coming. Didn't happen. Lots of press when Divina was going to be based year round. And, then, it wasn't. I think the appearance of Orchestra was the beginning of a change of deployment thinking, then, followed by a couple of years (or more) of the deployment of Poesia. Reviews, I remember, of Orchestra were all over the map with more negative than positive. The reason I remember this was when I shared an elevator in the Mid-Port Parking Garage returning to our cars from a couple from Orchestra. I asked about their cruise and they had nothing but complimentary comments. I'd be interested in remembering what you recall.
  7. Yes! Visiting the site of the tectonic plates division, the wind was so strong that the rain was horizontal. I needed "windshield wipers" on my glasses to really appreciate what I was seeing. And, one hand was always on my hat.
  8. The best tip for Half Moon Cay that I can offer is to save your money on all of the "residential" extras. Spend your time/money at the "I Could Stay Here Forever Bar".
  9. The original concept of the Piano Bar with a quality and willing to interact with the guests artist was most successful. But, the entertainment guru in Seattle must have decided a change was required. Billboard on Board has the same potential to be as good, but, the interaction with guests needs to improve. Some of the artists take requests. Some don't. (Some sight read music better than others?) Is this still true for the Rolling Stone Rock Room. When I sailed on Nieuw Statendam, the members of the group were very good, but, there was little to no variation in the music they played from night to night.
  10. My only "World Stage" entertainment experience was during the early sailings of Nieuw Statendam. I was most disappointed in what I experienced in view of the hype from HAL. A modern dance company that was "interesting". But, one performance was enough for me. The use of the theater's technical abilities were woefully used. (But, that has been true for all of the main theater productions on all of the Vista and Signature Class ships, in my opinion.) Recent posts that I have read indicate that there has been improvements in the programming. That's a hopeful sign. BBC Earth? Yes, on some sailings, such programming does still exist, I believe.
  11. Why does anyone book a stateroom under any lounge or venue (i.e Lido DecK) that has a potential for producing noise?
  12. Agree! One out of three is a very large number. (I have contributed to that statistic.) The Lounges are often already packed, as you know, at prime departure times. I used to buy a day pass for Sky Clubs if I was not qualified for entry based on my ticket/itinerary. Enjoyed it; money well spent. Can't do that anymore!
  13. 😀 I have never thought of some of my disposable funds to be "sloshing around around out there". But, I guess the amounts that have been in my ultra-low paying checking account has been doing that for awhile. With rates rising, some of those "lazy" dollars are going to be put into harness. But, when I read my second quarter account statements, there is less to "slosh" than there was at the start of 2022. I wander how that figure could be obtained for CCL and NCLH? I wonder how much, if any, of that figure represents advance booking deposits and not just deposits for cruises currently booked.
  14. It seems to me that some other large companies tried to dip their toes into the travel industry many years ago. Maybe AT&T? In the early 1980's, I got a nice discount on a cruise using a travel agent affiliated with AT&T because I bought two of their Western Bell Division phones. If so, that didn't last long. As a Chase customer, this is very interesting news. There are some changes taking place in their banking business that, as a customer and very small shareholder via mutual funds, is difficult to understand. Safe deposit boxes? No longer available for rent. (If one already has one, you can keep it and your rent is being increased.) Yet, the vaults are still there with safe deposit boxes. Increased fees for some services for some customers. I needed a couple of weeks ago to stop payment on a couple of checks; I was told that the fee was "X". The account statement that covered that request showed the fee was less than what I was told. (The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing?) The Chase branch that I use has much unused office space available where a "travel counselor" could occupy. Maybe this unused space exists in many of their other branches and this "adventure" may be an attempt to make that space productive.
  15. There are several cocktails that were once very popular that are not ordered frequently now that a new generation of bartenders aren't familiar with them. During a cruise recently, I ordered a Bacardi Cocktail on the rocks. The bartender wanted to give me a shot of Bacardi Rum. I had to explain what a Bacardi Cocktail was. Then, he was able to make it. A Brandy Alexander made with ice cream is delicious!
  16. I have flown through all three of the airports. I prefer ATL.
  17. Agree. But, it does not look like the Peking Duck that I had in Beijing.
  18. The last dinner like this I attended, I returned to my cabin, so stuffed, that I was almost sick. Went to bed and was so much in discomfort that I never went to sleep until almost close to morning. I decided then and there, such a special dinner like what I had experienced was my last. My suggestion to avoid such an experience is to only take a few nibbles of the various courses and a few sips of the wines. Attempting to consume all that is offered is something that I once could do. No more! It's the experience and what I learn by attending this type of dinner is what I most enjoy. To have such a dinner for Lunch? I'd tell my Cabin Steward to leave me alone and I'll see you tomorrow morning.
  19. Dolly is one of the legendary guests that have sailed on HAL. Kissing Annie is another one. May Dolly enjoy a sail through eternity with the knowledge that she has contributed to so many others cruise memories.
  20. How much of this volume is by what type of investors? Is there a way to determine this?
  21. The "BB King" moniker does not really match what the music what one experiences. Time for a new music designation along the Music Walk, I suggest. How about a Country Music title of some type? Country music, in my opinion, crosses over a good deal into other types of music at times.
  22. I didn't learn about these until it really was unwise for me to try to snorkel. I have had to be satisfied with glass bottom boat trips and those submarine type excursions to view the undersea geography and life.. Those have been good. One excursion I booked was on a small deep sea sub that held very few people that traversed down the Cayman Wall. The weeks before I was to go on that cruise, a hurricane hit the Grand Caymans. The sub was so severely damaged when it was in port that it could not be repaired. No replacement was ever made. If I had been able to experience that, I think that could be my #1 favorite shore excursion.
  23. The Berry Islands! I could not recall the area when I made my post. Thanks. Nor have I. Snorkeling is something that I have not tried. I can swim, not well, but, good enough that I passed my swimming PE requirement when I was in college. And, needing to wear corrective lenses to really be able to see, I never thought it worth trying to do.
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