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Everything posted by MicCanberra

  1. BTW, there is free wifi at the Opera Bar and at the Opera House, also other spots around the Sydney CBD and ferries.
  2. We have normally used the shareholder benefit at carnivalaustralia email address with no issues.
  3. Don't worry, they will pick up, we have always emailed in for the benefit within the 3 months of the sailing.
  4. Yes, very much a similar story for us as in the original purchase price has been redeemed already
  5. Applying for the ETA is pretty simple, just make sure you use the official government site, .(gov.au)
  6. Hope you are feeling better Les, a cruise or trip and all the planning is always good to perk me up.
  7. I am fine, as I only had a little sinus congestion for a day or so, Some hay fever days are worse.but I agree, plenty of water and rest is good for most things and es good for covid.
  8. I think the real issue is not so much that there are dinosaurs on cruise ships but what type of dinosaurs are on them. Are they diplodosauruses or T Rexes, one just gets on with life with others while the other seeks to take the life from the others.
  9. Nice ships, one an ocean liner, the other a cruise ship.
  10. Shame about the Swans, heard there are quite a few injuries as well
  11. I would prefer to cruise for free, big line or small, but this has rarely happened, so I am prepared to pay for what we want.
  12. I think the long haul flights are worst as I even end up with bags under my eyes
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