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Who Wants an End to HAL Formal Nights Entirely?


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Keep in mind Ms. Post wrote (on everything almost) at the turn of the century.


Smooth sailing...



Gosh.... the article quotes a 2005 copyright and mentions 'business casual.' I don't think that would date to 1905.


The article is by the Emily Post Institute, not an excerpt from Emily Post's original books.

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Gosh.... the article quotes a 2005 copyright and mentions 'business casual.' I don't think that would date to 1905.


The article is by the Emily Post Institute, not an excerpt from Emily Post's original books.


I know, but these definitions are by no means universal and too comprehensive to be useful.


Really. When people use these kinds of definitions I have seen delegations thrown into complete confusion. They often send in an observer to quickly scout the venue to see what other people are wearing and then report back. This wouldn't happen in more usual circumstances, but you get the idea.


HAL has a simple code and defines it - the perfect solution.


Smooth sailing...

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Many people are uncomfortable feeling conspicuous ... and very often those who feel this was are the ones who want the dress code maintained precisely so they can keep dressing up.


Just because some people like me don't like wearing a Tux /Evening Gown, (depending on my mood) :p doesn't mean other people cannot put on their finest. I think it's quite nice for people to enjoy that part of the cruise and to do it in their finery is wonderful. I don't think they are conspicuous at all, it's the ones that try to get into the MDR in their beachwear or grubbies that are conspicuous and that should never be tolerated. The DW and I wear very nice clothes to the MDR, but since I might not wear a Jacket or maybe the DW's dress doesn't fit the "Formal" criteria we are segregated from the others. Just doesn't seem right now does it. I know..."Well just go cruise with one of those "other" lines if you don't like HAL's policies". That is an option and I think the current relaxing of the Formal Dress policies are because more people are exercising those options.

Having said all of that, with our upcoming cruise I am leaning toward leaving the suit home, not renting a Tux and using the Lido Dining option. (not totally decided yet) That's my choice as it has been presented to me by HAL, but I can't say that it enhances my overall experience. That could be important.

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Stephen, the more you post about Saga, the better you make it sound. It truly sounds like the HAL I started out with so long ago.

It's appealing enough that I am looking into some of their cruises.


My only concern is the food. The English aren't known for their cuisine. How is the dining for a real American palate?




I don't think you would have any problem at all! The food on board is EXCELLENT. I dare say, much better than HAL. When the company was first set up they had a French executive chef. He had to modify his ideas partly to suit the passengers and the result is English dishes presented with French flair. All of the usual Beef Wellington and prime rib is there... as well as lobster. If the evening menu is not to your taste for any reason you can always order the standby's like steak, chicken, salmon. Of course you can always order 'off the menu'. The Lido is excellent and they do a fair amount of BBQs. The range of food is from exotic to plain wholesome stuff. They also carry a single Indian chef whose sole job is to make special curries at passengers requests. In the lido in the evening you can request just about anything. I wouldn't say that dining on Saga ship is quite up to Cunard's Queen's Grill standard, but it ain't far behind! Oh, you can of course order off the menu for cabin service during normal dining hours. Otherwise there is a cabin service menu... very good. The main dining room is of course, one sitting. All passengers can be accommodated at one time. The restaurant opens at 7 pm and you can come in any time between 7 and 9.




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Just because some people like me don't like wearing a Tux /Evening Gown, (depending on my mood) :p doesn't mean other people cannot put on their finest. I think it's quite nice for people to enjoy that part of the cruise and to do it in their finery is wonderful. I don't think they are conspicuous at all, it's the ones that try to get into the MDR in their beachwear or grubbies that are conspicuous and that should never be tolerated. The DW and I wear very nice clothes to the MDR, but since I might not wear a Jacket or maybe the DW's dress doesn't fit the "Formal" criteria we are segregated from the others. Just doesn't seem right now does it. I know..."Well just go cruise with one of those "other" lines if you don't like HAL's policies". That is an option and I think the current relaxing of the Formal Dress policies are because more people are exercising those options.

Having said all of that, with our upcoming cruise I am leaning toward leaving the suit home, not renting a Tux and using the Lido Dining option. (not totally decided yet) That's my choice as it has been presented to me by HAL, but I can't say that it enhances my overall experience. That could be important.


What enhances a cruise experience is different for different people.


I am curious. For the sake of what is usually one night in seven would you really not follow the dress code even though you know it would significantly enhance the experience of others?


I mean we are all in the same boat, if you know what I mean.


Smooth sailing...

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What enhances a cruise experience is different for different people.


I am curious. For the sake of what is usually one night in seven would you really not follow the dress code even though you know it would significantly enhance the experience of others?


I mean we are all in the same boat, if you know what I mean.


Smooth sailing...


Good Point, so what someone else finds enjoyable may not be universally shared by all human beings.

In our case it's four nights in fourteen.

I don't believe that it is my responsibility, to significantly enhance the experience of others, except maybe my DW. If not being dressed "Formally" impacts someone else's experience (positively or negatively) then we are a very sad society. :)

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Good Point, so what someone else finds enjoyable may not be universally shared by all human beings.

In our case it's four nights in fourteen.

I don't believe that it is my responsibility, to significantly enhance the experience of others, except maybe my DW. If not being dressed "Formally" impacts someone else's experience (positively or negatively) then we are a very sad society. We are all in charge of our own experiences. :)


Thanks for the clarification. I thought as much, but I had to ask.


Smooth sailing to you...

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I've just found out that on my upcoming 22 day cruise aboard the Prinsendam I'll be enjoying 6 Formal Nights!!!! ...


Congratulations on the 6 formal nights. Its kinda like dying and going to heaven, but I can't help thinking somewhere along the line there will be hell to pay. :eek::)


Smooth sailing...

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Tell you what ... let's just drop the whole matter and meet in the Crows Nest on the Casual Night of your choice and I'll buy you a round of drinks and we'll offer up toasts to Queen Beatrix and all of HAL's lovely ships. How about that? I'm getting too excited about my next cruise to have any energy to "fight" about this or anything else. I've just found out that on my upcoming 22 day cruise aboard the Prinsendam I'll be enjoying 6 Formal Nights!!!! Wow! Of course, for those who like Casual Nights there will still be 16 of those, so never fear! :D


Sounds good to me Rev, long as I don't have to dress "Formally". :rolleyes:

I hope your upcoming Cruise on the Prinsendam is Great and I trully hope that you enjoy the 6 "Formal" nights. I can tell that this is one part of the cruise experience you really enjoy.

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Just because some people like me don't like wearing a Tux /Evening Gown, (depending on my mood) :p doesn't mean other people cannot put on their finest.


Indeed? Then why should HAL be expected to either discontinue or severely alter Formal Nights just because some people like you don't like them? If people like you, who don't like Formal Nights, succeed in getting them discontinued, then those of us who do like Formal Nights will be robbed of an opportunity to dress up. Since we're conformists, and have no desire to be conspicuous or thought of as stuffed shirts, etc. ad nauseum, we won't be bucking the Line's code and dressing up when/where it's not appropriate. And, to be blunt, a Tuxedo on Smart Casual Night is NOT appropriate.


I don't think they are conspicuous at all, it's the ones that try to get into the MDR in their beachwear or grubbies that are conspicuous and that should never be tolerated.


Setting aside, for the moment, the fact that I agree with you: why shouldn't they be tolerated? They paid for their vacation too. It's their right to wear whatever the want, where and whenever they want.


The DW and I wear very nice clothes to the MDR, but since I might not wear a Jacket or maybe the DW's dress doesn't fit the "Formal" criteria we are segregated from the others. Just doesn't seem right now does it.


You booked your HAL cruise knowing that the Line had a dress code, correct? If not, why not? If you don't like the fact that the Line has a dress code, and it matters this much to you, and if you're not post final payment, then you can always cancel and choose a Line that fits your style better. That is an option available to you, you know. I'm not telling you to do it, I'm just reminding you that if this is as big a deal to you as you seem to be indicating it is, that is an option.


I know..."Well just go cruise with one of those "other" lines if you don't like HAL's policies". That is an option and I think the current relaxing of the Formal Dress policies are because more people are exercising those options.

Having said all of that, with our upcoming cruise I am leaning toward leaving the suit home, not renting a Tux and using the Lido Dining option. (not totally decided yet) That's my choice as it has been presented to me by HAL, but I can't say that it enhances my overall experience. That could be important.


There you go. You DO have options ... even options short of canceling. Why not bring a sport jacket with you and, then, if you decide you want to eat in the MDR on one of the few formal nights, you can without having to worry about being turned away.

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Sounds good to me Rev, long as I don't have to dress "Formally". :rolleyes:


It's why i specified a Smart Casual Night, not a Formal Night! :D I find few things more enjoyable than sitting back, drink in hand, and chatting with new friends. All questions of dress codes aside, I'm a people-person and have enjoyed meeting all sorts of people on cruises ... people who come from all over the world and have all sorts of divergent opinions on many matters. I've enjoyed enjoyed meeting some people from CC with whom I disagree on this very subject! :D We agree to disagree and find out we agree on far more than we disagree, most particularly on how blessed and privileged we are to be able to enjoy our cruises like we do.


I hope your upcoming Cruise on the Prinsendam is Great and I trully hope that you enjoy the 6 "Formal" nights. I can tell that this is one part of the cruise experience you really enjoy.


Thank you! Yes, I enjoy Formal Nights, and I've given a lot of thought as to why. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that so rarely do I ever get to see other people dressed up like this. On Sundays I wear a black suit and clericals when I'm not leading worship, and formal vestments when I do; most of my church members are in slacks and polos or jeans and pressed shirts, etc. Rare are the occasions (other than Easter and Christmas, Weddings and Funerals) when I ever get to see gentlemen in suits and ties and ladies in lovely dresses. I love visual art, and seeing people dressed up like that is living visual art to me. For those people to be good friends and wonderful souls makes the art even more lovely.


Additionally, I so rarely get to wear anything on dress-up occasions other than my "uniform." I enjoy getting to put on a Tuxedo and a bow tie and be a "civilian." True, I often wear clericals on Formal Nights, but that's more for convenience sake and variation than anything else. I enjoy how I feel dressing up, and being among others who are also playing "dress up" helps me to enjoy it even more.


6 nights out of 22 is a lot of formal nights. It means I will bring my Tuxedo with my black bow tie and my black cummerbund and black vest. It also means I'll bring my black Nehru dinner jacket which I'll wear with clericals. It may also mean that I'll bring a white dinner jacket ... I haven't decided yet. We'll see. Packing for this cruise will be difficult, and I'm not sure I have enough room to bring all that I'll need.


Time to make a packing list!!!!!!!!!! July 22nd will be here sooner than I realize! :D

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In Sort, I have many reasons for not wanting to drag my Formal gear along, maybe as many as you do for wanting to bring your "Formal" gear.

I find it interesting again just how judgemental you are as a Man of God. Pretentious is the word that still seems to fit best. Again I hope you enjoy your Cruise and hope that you may allow others to do so without condemning them for their decision to not conform to your ways. Enjoy your cruise.

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I don't think you would have any problem at all! The food on board is EXCELLENT. I dare say, much better than HAL.

Thank you, Stephen. That is most reassuring!

My mother was British, and couldn't cook worth a -dam. The joke about timing your meat by the smoke detector described her perfectly.

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...I find it interesting again just how judgemental you are ...


Well, its more that people are exploring the merits of the various positions - for and against - the topic at hand.


This issue is polarizing.


Smooth sailing to you...

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Why is the Rev "judgemental"?


He is merely stating what is known to most pax BEFORE they sail on HAL. HAL has formal evenings in the MDR complete with a dress code.


Before you book your vacation you should consider whether you want to participate in those evenings that are designated "formal" by the line.


HAL does offer alternatives to those that don't wish to participate. Your choice. If you aren't happy that you will miss the MDR on those evenings it is also your choice to book on a line, like NCL, that has no dress code.


I do believe that pax who know the requested dress code and decide that they are very special and won't adhere to it are naturally selfish human beings. They realize that they are putting the staff in an awkward situation and just about "dare" those crew to ask them to change just so they can create a scene or tell us how horrid HAL is for insisting pax adhere to the dress code.


People that deliberately put crew in that kind of position are rude and selfish individuals. The crews job is difficult enough...why is it necessary to complicate matters by being boorish.

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I said it before and I'll say it again.


Formal wear threads are more about tolerance than tuxedos.


The whole issue seems to be a lose/lose situation for HAL. Too bad. I think they have struck a pretty good compromise.


Maybe sometimes a thread just goes on too long.


Smooth sailing...

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In Sort, I have many reasons for not wanting to drag my Formal gear along, maybe as many as you do for wanting to bring your "Formal" gear.

I find it interesting again just how judgemental you are as a Man of God. Pretentious is the word that still seems to fit best. Again I hope you enjoy your Cruise and hope that you may allow others to do so without condemning them for their decision to not conform to your ways. Enjoy your cruise.


I truly am amazed that you perceive me to be judgmental, pretentious, and condemning of others simply because I (1) enjoy dressing up, and (2) want formal nights retrained. Perhaps if you met me in person would wouldn't be so quick to pass such spiritual judgments upon me. My offer for drinks still stands ... in perpetuity, if need be.



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Awwwwwwwwwwrighty then!:eek: And, as usual, when the cows are home again, nothing changes!



The more things change, the more they stay the same.

The faces and screen names may change, but the arguments, points, finger-pointing and name-calling all seems to be recycled.

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The more things change, the more they stay the same.

The faces and screen names may change, but the arguments, points, finger-pointing and name-calling all seems to be recycled.


Indeed, and from both sides no less:rolleyes: Complete waste of time, but in the mean time, let's all wait for the next one:cool:

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The more things change, the more they stay the same.

The faces and screen names may change, but the arguments, points, finger-pointing and name-calling all seems to be recycled.


Geeze, you amended your post to give it more of an edge.


Sorry to see that.


Yes, plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.


Smooth sailing to you...

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Indeed, and from both sides no less:rolleyes: Complete waste of time, but in the mean time, let's all wait for the next one:cool:


Agreed on all points.

Particularly about it being a complete waste of time.

But, hey ... in-between cruises is there really anything better to do?

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