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WARNING!!! This is a 'sour grapes" post. "Special Rates" Those professions left out.

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Most of the posters here are American.

In the UK , when the aeroplanes transport the bodies of the military from Afghanistan they land at an Air Force Base. There is a simple ceremony.

Then the hearses leave and pass through the nearby small town where most of the residents turn out each time to pay their respects to the fallen. People also come from nearby towns to line the streets.

They have declared that they will carry on doing so because they feel indebted to them .

Recently a Regiment finished its term of duty and returned home. They paid tribute to their lost comrades. In front were a number of soldiers in wheelchairs, with amputated limbs, blind or horrific burn injuries.

Fair enough not all the military risk their lives but on the whole if the cruise line is going to give a discount then I can't think of a better section of the population.

I'm sure the same happens in America.

Sorry for bringing such serious thoughts into the thread


They are quite appropriate thoughts and put the discount into perspective - although I am not sure if they have the military, fire & police discounts in the UK - maybe they should consider this since the US & UK armed forces work so close together in many areas of the world.


Also, I would like to see the lifeboat men get discounts too, in the UK we have the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institute) who as you would expect are the people who put their lives on the line rescuing people from the sea (boats, swimmers, storms etc) what's more remarkable is that the people who do this are all unpaid volunteers. Not sure if you have a similar organisation in the US, they are not only heroes but they would also be very useful in a disaster at sea ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
With the current fiscal crisis, Chicago and other Illinois school districts are laying off hundreds of teachers. It is a fairly recent development, just the last few months, but job security is not what it used to be.

I'll grant you that for the teachers with lesser tenure, there is certainly more risk of job loss very recently than there has ever been in the past. All in all, though, most teachers who have been at it for awhile are in much, much better shape regarding job security than those in the private sector. That's my main point. Teaching is not a perfect job by any means, but I do bristle mightily when I hear about discounts for them because they are so underpaid or so special. Many of us are much more underpaid by comparison when doing a true apples to apples comparison over the lifetime of the career in question (and many of us are in fact unemployed) and also consider our work/profession special. Once again - I am speaking of Chicago suburbs, not the whole country necessarily.


If the cruiseline wants to give discounts to certain groups just to get the business, that's their capitalist right and another story.

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Shame on the cruise industry for giving special pricing on slow selling cruises to those who put their lives on the line to give freedom and safety to those of us at home.


Thank you to all of you who put you lives on the line to keep me free and safe.

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I would also like to bitch about resident discounts. I know that they are trying to fill the ship, but somebody who lives in South Florida also doesn't have to pay airfare to get to the ship. Just one state away in Georgia, we do not get any discounts.


Also, why should someone from Pensacola, FL get a discount that someone from Atlanta would not? Pensacola is actually further away from the South Florida Ports. If it is about distance shouldn't they give the discounts only to certain ZIP codes?

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I would also like to bitch about resident discounts. I know that they are trying to fill the ship, but somebody who lives in South Florida also doesn't have to pay airfare to get to the ship. Just one state away in Georgia, we do not get any discounts.


Also, why should someone from Pensacola, FL get a discount that someone from Atlanta would not? Pensacola is actually further away from the South Florida Ports. If it is about distance shouldn't they give the discounts only to certain ZIP codes?

It's not distance that is the issue, it's because the cruise line wants Floridians cruising with them and don't want people from Georgia on their ships. It's that simple.


By the way, Shalimar (my town if you looked up to see that I'm from Fla) is right near Pensacola and it is a heck of a drive to S Fla!



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It's not distance that is the issue, it's because the cruise line wants Floridians cruising with them and don't want people from Georgia on their ships. It's that simple.


By the way, Shalimar (my town if you looked up to see that I'm from Fla) is right near Pensacola and it is a heck of a drive to S Fla!





Since you live in LA, do they also give you west coat discounts? :eek:

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speaking as a nurse I have to say that when I go to work, barring something really bizarre happening, my family does not have to worry that I might get killed on the job. While accidents happen all the time, I think other than the police ,fire, and military, most of us are not putting our lives on the line for others on a daily basis. I think the stress for both those actually doing the jobs and those waiting for them to come home has earned them special consideration. I for one am glad that these groups are given discounts. I feel nothing but gratitude to these people and marvel that they are able to do what they do everyday and stay sane!


That is an unexpectedly lovely and generous response, Peg.


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I'll grant you that for the teachers with lesser tenure, there is certainly more risk of job loss very recently than there has ever been in the past. All in all, though, most teachers who have been at it for awhile are in much, much better shape regarding job security than those in the private sector. That's my main point. Teaching is not a perfect job by any means, but I do bristle mightily when I hear about discounts for them because they are so underpaid or so special. Many of us are much more underpaid by comparison when doing a true apples to apples comparison over the lifetime of the career in question (and many of us are in fact unemployed) and also consider our work/profession special. Once again - I am speaking of Chicago suburbs, not the whole country necessarily.


If the cruiseline wants to give discounts to certain groups just to get the business, that's their capitalist right and another story.


I don't object to teachers receiving discounts (not that that happens a lot) since teachers are so limited as to when they can cruise. Most other jobs and professions can schedule their holidays with some flexibility. Teachers (in our area at least) can only go when school is not in session and the cruise rates are SO much higher. The small discounts that are offered to teachers come no where close to levelling the playing field as far as price is concerned.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there,


I have no problem with our military, police and fire fighters getting special discounts. They lay their lives on the line for us every day.


For me the bottom line is, everyone can think of a reason why they are "special" and should be given even more. Everyone wants a bigger piece of the pie. It is human nature to take all you can get.


The discounts have to stop some where. :D

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I am ducking already because I can hear the thunder on the horizon :o but here I go.


Every cruise line out there has "special rates" for Military, police and fire. For example, an online TA has pricing on the Solstice Aug 15th sailing, there's discounts for military and fire and police. The difference between those "special" rates and the ones the rest of us pay is $ 849.00 instead of $ 1,199.00 for a standard balcony. :eek: $350.00 less!


Now I appreciate the guys and girls in the military and fire and police very much and please don't question that, but what about teachers, nurses and care givers. Are they not deserving now and then too?


I did warn everyone that this is a "Sour Grapes" thread... but why are some of the professions always left out of 'special rates"?

I will not flame you but will give my opinion. I am a nurse but am also the mother of a son who is in the National Guard and has served in Afghanistan. Until you have to live through a year of having your child serve in such a dangerous spot you don't really understand what they and their families go through. Even though it has been almost two years since he returned there are still effects on him and his family. I watched my daughter in law deal with an angry and sad 1 year old who couldn't understand where Daddy was. So.... if giving them a discount so they can relax and reconnect after what they all had been through is what is needed, I am all for it. There are times when as a nurse I am in difficult situations but nothing like anything my son has gone through. I hope that these discounts can continue for all who put their life on the line for all of us.

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NONE of us are ENTITLED to any sort of discount based on our job/career alone. to begrudge ANY other prfession for getting any sort of break on whatever is selfish and mean spirited. you want a discount on cruises? then the recruiter is down the street. Might I suggest the Navy. Great QoL, Terrific educational opportunties and you get to travel the seven seas a lot more often than 7 days at time. Great for those who prefer lots of sea days. some of the best port calls around too. Singapore, Vladivostok, Hong Kong, Citevacchia, etc. I will admit one major downside is the lack of alcohol allowed on US vessels. sorry. Food is pretty good on Subs though.


if a vendor wishes to extend discounts.. great, that's their prerogative.


I can assure you that teachers in some areas get discounts wher emilitray DO NOT simply because they are teachers.. one that comes to mind is book stores.. many of the stores that cater to educational materials grant discounts to students and teachers but DO NOT extend those dscounts to military. believe me, I asked.


for cruises, yes I'll be honest I have checked 'yes' when they ask about being Military. but I don't let it affect whether or not I cruise if I don't get a discount. my budget is my budget, if I can stay within it, huzzah, I won't whinge because somebody else paid less. not my problem. I know what I can and cannot afford.

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To be accurate, the occupations cited are not true professions, they are only quasi-professions. I am happy for any of those in those occupations who receive discounts; and, I do not envy them for receiving same. On the other hand, I do not denigrate the cruise line for not offering said discounts. To involve oneself in the latter endeavor demonstrates the epitome of sour grapes.

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I am ducking already because I can hear the thunder on the horizon :o but here I go.


Every cruise line out there has "special rates" for Military, police and fire. For example, an online TA has pricing on the Solstice Aug 15th sailing, there's discounts for military and fire and police. The difference between those "special" rates and the ones the rest of us pay is $ 849.00 instead of $ 1,199.00 for a standard balcony. :eek: $350.00 less!


Now I appreciate the guys and girls in the military and fire and police very much and please don't question that, but what about teachers, nurses and care givers. Are they not deserving now and then too?


I did warn everyone that this is a "Sour Grapes" thread... but why are some of the professions always left out of 'special rates"?


The answer is very simple and I am surprised you even needed to ask:


The people who get these discounts put their lives on the line every day in order to protect all of us.


They deserve any and all discounts which any company is willing to offer. I applaude Celebrity for being one of those companies.

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I am ducking already because I can hear the thunder on the horizon :o but here I go.


Every cruise line out there has "special rates" for Military, police and fire. For example, an online TA has pricing on the Solstice Aug 15th sailing, there's discounts for military and fire and police. The difference between those "special" rates and the ones the rest of us pay is $ 849.00 instead of $ 1,199.00 for a standard balcony. :eek: $350.00 less!


Now I appreciate the guys and girls in the military and fire and police very much and please don't question that, but what about teachers, nurses and care givers. Are they not deserving now and then too?


I did warn everyone that this is a "Sour Grapes" thread... but why are some of the professions always left out of 'special rates"?


I know that NCL has special rates including military and union members. Many teachers/educators belong to unions as do some other professions.

I personally have saved hundreds of dollars per cruise using "union" rates on NCL.

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I just read an NCL post/review and the writer said that his son who is active military did not get a discount but he, who retired 40 years ago, did. Go figure.


Tucker in Texas


On Celebrity, just being on Active Duty qualifies. I can't speak for NCL.


There's a tab "Why do we ask?" next to the Military box that explains all of the qualifications.

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I don't think they do this scheme in the UK. It's a tricky one, where to draw the line ....
They do not offer this in the UK, If we were allowed to book with a US travel agent qwe might be able to take advantage of these special rates. Most of the cruise lines now will not allow it. I think Carnival and NCL will still let you book in the US, so if you fall into this category and live in the UK, you could give it a try.
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I am retired military and have cruised several times but I only once used the military discount and only received a minor discount at that. I received a much better over 55 discount on my RCCL cruise this past Feb (you younger people should complain about this working, just over 55 old man, getting a discount (oh and my wife is still in her 40's and she got the discount too since I booked the trip :) because he is older than you. Oh and I got a AAA discount on a hotel recently. Personally I think the whole military discount thing is blown out of proportion. Although some cruise lines offer military and other occupational discounts further from cruise time they are usaully offered closer to sail time (within the last 90 days or closer to sailing there are of course exceptions) and many sailings do not offer any at all. They are used to fill up the ships. Up until the recently I would imagine this had something to do with not having to lower the fare for everybody and offered this discount to a select public service career field as a reward for public service. (not sure if this will change with the recent changes). There are of course exceptions but there is one TA that shows the latest military discounts and they are usually better as it gets closer to sail time. Oh and one other thing I will mention is that while on active duty it was almost impossible to book a cruise or any major trip for that manner any more than a few months in advance because we just never knew when would deploy or even transfer. We all have stories about about not being able to take that well planned trip of a lifetime due to an unexpected deployment (... still dreaming of that trip with reservations in Munich during the Oktoberfest in 1983 that I never got to take). I had a great career in the military and never asked for any kind of a discount but if some organization wants to reward me or more importantly the young men and women currently serving by offering a discount then I am going to take it, as should they. With few exceptions we can all join the military I made that choice and apparently you did not so stop complaining. Or you can join AAA (then some will complain because they don't drive) or turn 55, etc.

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The line gets fare paying pax onboard and they get a patriotic plug in... and the discounts are no substitute for good fare shopping.


It's cultural... We feel good about soldiers, cops, and fireman... Teachers... ehh! Is that a socially healthy attitude? (Rhetorical question)


Is it socially healthy that the military and government (including teachers) are about the only folks these days with employers that provide 'traditional' benefits including decent pensions?


Is it a little 'weird' that military get to pull 'combat pay' for an entire month if they are on duty 24 hours in Athens or Istanbul or Egypt? Is it a little 'weird' that a few veterans believe that they are entitled to government provided medical services for life - but the working taxpayor funding it isn't?


Isn't culture interesting? It's why I cruise...

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Is it a little 'weird' that military get to pull 'combat pay' for an entire month if they are on duty 24 hours in Athens or Istanbul or Egypt? Is it a little 'weird' that a few veterans believe that they are entitled to government provided medical services for life - but the working taxpayor funding it isn't?



Not at all

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No problem raising the question. We should be able to discuss this issue without emotion.

I agree with the military, police and fire discounts. These individuals protect us, and serve in jobs that involve long hours (military works 24 hours a day) and involve danger.

Having served in the military, I do not see the comparision with teachers.

Teachers may teach in some schools that involve danger, but not in the way the others.

Further, the military members are frequently deployed to the arm-pit places in the world. There is true sacrifice.


I question why AARP members merit any discounts. AARP is for people over 50, most of the wealth in America is in that group. Further, why should union members merit any discount.

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I do not understand why a teacher, nurse, etc should get a discount.


Yeah, by the same token why not the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker?

Really, I find it hard to believe that there are people who do not seem to understand the difference.

No one is saying that these other professions are not important to society (every profession/job benefits society in some respect or it would not exist) but none of them place the individual in situations which may require the ultimate sacrifice. If that does not merit some recognition by the rest of society then we are truly not deserving of that ultimate sacrifice.

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