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5 nights no sleep on Radiance 3/5-3/10 + terrible response


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I know this is a long letter but I really hope that you will take the time to read it in its entirety.


My husband and I just came off our 4th cruise with Royal Caribbean (March 5th - 10th) on Radiance of the Seas and our 6th cruise in all. We have previously sailed Navigator, Explorer and Monarch as recently as November 2009.


I would like to take this opportunity, if I may to let you know how this cruise came about.


In January 2010 I was diagnosed with an incurable bladder disease known as Interstitial Cystitis a/k/a (painful bladder syndrome). I should mention that it does not kill you it's just incurable. For 12 months my husband and I traveled to 7 Doctors all across the state in total, looking for help of any kind. I even underwent surgery in July 2010 for a bladder pacemaker. I had never been sick a day in my life (I'm 55 years old and proud of it).


During that time I had lost close to 30 lbs. and being only 5'1" I really couldn't afford to lose that kind of weight. My intake of food was severely limited to approximately 6 items. Since everything passes through the bladder, I was always in extreme pain. I hardly ever left the house and became severely depressed which not only affected me but my entire family. I was the go to person, I was always the social director and here I was barely able to get out of bed.


In December 2010 my husband and I found an Angel of a Doctor. Although there is no cure for this disease she took a different approach.


For the first time I started to feel a little better. I guess you could say I was going into remission. As you can imagine this took a great toll financially, even though we have medical insurance, our out of pocket expenses were exorbitant. We'll be paying them off for years to come.


Our families got together and wanted to do something special for our 30th Wedding Anniversary. They knew how much we loved to cruise and since I was feeling better they gave us the money to purchase the cruise.


All previous 5 cruises had been spent with our children and my Mom. Not that we didn't enjoy having them with us but this was to be a special time, just the two of us and 30 years is a big deal and we had come through such a difficult 12 months.


When we retired for the evening on our first night, little did we know that we would be awakened at approximately 2:00a.m. by the sounds of banging, hammering and drills. It sounded like it was coming from our closet. We couldn't imagine what was going on. We immediately called down to guest services who at the time did not know what was happening. She assured us she would find out and call us back. She did call us and advise us that a pipe had burst and the maintenance crew were trying to fix it. It wasn't until the next morning when we got the full story. The people who were occupying the room directly below us had left the shower water running which caused the entire mess.


For the next several nights we would receive a notice in our room telling us that work was going to be done between the hours of 2:00a.m. and 4:00a.m. which would affect the flushing of the toilet and the running of the bathroom water. Also that the water would turn black and we should let it run for 15 minutes or so. Being sick I was very concerned and chose to use my evian water package for brushing my teeth. I wasn't about to take any chances.


On the 2nd night we were awakened again by the sounds of drilling and what sounded like scraping noises. We knew it must be maintenance working on the problem so there was no sense in calling guest relations. This also went on again the 3rd and 4th night.


The last night of the cruise, March 9th was the worst. We were awakened sometime around 3:45a.m. The noise was so loud that I said to my husband it sounds like someone is taking a baseball bat and just banging on pipes. It would stop for a few minutes and then start up again. Around 4:00 a.m. we called guest services. I could barely here myself on the phone. It was so loud that I couldn't believe we were the only ones who were hearing the noise. She said she would call back and see what she could find out. She did call back and was unable to find out where the noise was coming from. She said she would talk to security. The banging was incessant.


She said she would send security up to our room. Security came up at 4:30 a.m. by the time they arrived the banging was still happening but it seemed to have traveled further away. Security did mention that they could hear the banging but to no avail was anyone ever able to find where the noise was coming from.


My husband is a retired police officer from South Florida of 23 years. He worked in construction before that and he now works for Home Depot. He felt that it was a mallet that was being pounded. With his experience and knowledge of construction and tools, I seem to want to trust his instincts. In any event, we had 5 nights of constant interrupted sleep for hours on end. We never did get back to sleep that last night.


I would like to say that this was not the 30th Wedding Anniversary cruise of my dreams or my husbands. The one reason that we have traveled on Royal Caribbean is because we felt that it was a cruise ship that had a mix of people from young to old. This cruise was definitely a spring break, one of the reasons I would never cruise on Carnival, due to their reputation. This time I felt like that's where I was. Certainly when it was young people below us who left the water running. From what I understand there were 500 minors on board. We felt like we were being overtaken. If you weren't up early, trying to get a deck chair was next to impossible. We were always exhausted from not getting any sleep, therefore, we were not up early enough.


I was also very disappointed when my husband and I had reservations at Chops Grill for our Anniversary. Directly quoted from your brochure "We suggest smart casual attire in Chops Grille - jackets for men, dresses or pantsuits for women. It should also be noted that there is a sign outside the Cascades restaurant that says "no shorts, tank tops, sandals or hats". Many people apparently didn't pay much attention to that sign either.


When my husband is dressed in a jacket and tie and I myself am dressed in a fancy cocktail dress for our 30th Anniversary and we have made a reservation at Chops Grill, I don't expect to see people walk in with shorts that look like they came from the circus, mountain dew t-shirts or torn jeans and sandals. I can tell you we were not the only ones who were disturbed by this. We could hear others at tables near us talking about the same thing.


If you make a rule then you need to stick by that rule. We don't mind paying the extra money for not only the food, the service but also the ambiance. Which by the way was all impeccable, except for the ambiance when you have people sitting at tables dressed like I stated above. If I wanted to have dinner with people who wore shorts and sandals I would eat at the windjammer or poolside. It takes away from the mood and really isn't fair to those of us who not only follow the rules but look for a place to get dressed for the evening and be with others of the same ilk.


My husband and I dressed appropriately every night. If you have a sign out that specifically says what you are not allowed to wear, then those people should be turned back to their stateroom to put on the appropriate clothing or eat somewhere else. I did express these thoughts to guest relations.


I wrote letters to the RCCL web site, Rosa Torres our guest relations Manager (who offered us an excursion valued at $150 to the Ruins) Maria Mattsson, Fleet Guest Services Manager Shore Side Miami Office and finally President Adam Goldstein.


The only person I have heard from is: Ashley Reycroft, Corporate Guest Relations through the website. In her letter to me she stated the following paragraph:

I am concerned to learn of the unexpected noise you experienced in your stateroom. It is important that our guests are able to relax in their rooms. When you are unable to enjoy this part of your vacation due to our oversight, no excuse will do. I sincerely apologize for the occurrence of this matter and its affect on your overall impressions of your cruise. However, I am glad to see you were able to be compensated for this inconvenience.


I was taken aback to say the least when she wrote that she was glad we were compensated for the "unexpected noise":mad: How do you call not sleeping between the hours of 2 & 4am unexpected noise and feel that a $150.00 excursion is compensation for 5 nights of interrupted sleep. :mad:What about the other 4 nights we had to endure. They don't count for anything?:confused:


As Gold Crown members and 4 sailings on Royal Caribbean, this is not the service that I expected. My guess is we'll be looking for other ships.


I wrote to Mr. Goldstein by snail mail but if anyone has his e-mail address I sure would appreciate it very much.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.:)

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I know this is a long letter but I really hope that you will take the time to read it in its entirety.


My husband and I just came off our 4th cruise with Royal Caribbean (March 5th - 10th) on Radiance of the Seas and our 6th cruise in all. We have previously sailed Navigator, Explorer and Monarch as recently as November 2009.


I would like to take this opportunity, if I may to let you know how this cruise came about.


In January 2010 I was diagnosed with an incurable bladder disease known as Interstitial Cystitis a/k/a (painful bladder syndrome). I should mention that it does not kill you it's just incurable. For 12 months my husband and I traveled to 7 Doctors all across the state in total, looking for help of any kind. I even underwent surgery in July 2010 for a bladder pacemaker. I had never been sick a day in my life (I'm 55 years old and proud of it).


During that time I had lost close to 30 lbs. and being only 5'1" I really couldn't afford to lose that kind of weight. My intake of food was severely limited to approximately 6 items. Since everything passes through the bladder, I was always in extreme pain. I hardly ever left the house and became severely depressed which not only affected me but my entire family. I was the go to person, I was always the social director and here I was barely able to get out of bed.


In December 2010 my husband and I found an Angel of a Doctor. Although there is no cure for this disease she took a different approach.


For the first time I started to feel a little better. I guess you could say I was going into remission. As you can imagine this took a great toll financially, even though we have medical insurance, our out of pocket expenses were exorbitant. We'll be paying them off for years to come.


Our families got together and wanted to do something special for our 30th Wedding Anniversary. They knew how much we loved to cruise and since I was feeling better they gave us the money to purchase the cruise.


All previous 5 cruises had been spent with our children and my Mom. Not that we didn't enjoy having them with us but this was to be a special time, just the two of us and 30 years is a big deal and we had come through such a difficult 12 months.


When we retired for the evening on our first night, little did we know that we would be awakened at approximately 2:00a.m. by the sounds of banging, hammering and drills. It sounded like it was coming from our closet. We couldn't imagine what was going on. We immediately called down to guest services who at the time did not know what was happening. She assured us she would find out and call us back. She did call us and advise us that a pipe had burst and the maintenance crew were trying to fix it. It wasn't until the next morning when we got the full story. The people who were occupying the room directly below us had left the shower water running which caused the entire mess.


For the next several nights we would receive a notice in our room telling us that work was going to be done between the hours of 2:00a.m. and 4:00a.m. which would affect the flushing of the toilet and the running of the bathroom water. Also that the water would turn black and we should let it run for 15 minutes or so. Being sick I was very concerned and chose to use my evian water package for brushing my teeth. I wasn't about to take any chances.


On the 2nd night we were awakened again by the sounds of drilling and what sounded like scraping noises. We knew it must be maintenance working on the problem so there was no sense in calling guest relations. This also went on again the 3rd and 4th night.


The last night of the cruise, March 9th was the worst. We were awakened sometime around 3:45a.m. The noise was so loud that I said to my husband it sounds like someone is taking a baseball bat and just banging on pipes. It would stop for a few minutes and then start up again. Around 4:00 a.m. we called guest services. I could barely here myself on the phone. It was so loud that I couldn't believe we were the only ones who were hearing the noise. She said she would call back and see what she could find out. She did call back and was unable to find out where the noise was coming from. She said she would talk to security. The banging was incessant.


She said she would send security up to our room. Security came up at 4:30 a.m. by the time they arrived the banging was still happening but it seemed to have traveled further away. Security did mention that they could hear the banging but to no avail was anyone ever able to find where the noise was coming from.


My husband is a retired police officer from South Florida of 23 years. He worked in construction before that and he now works for Home Depot. He felt that it was a mallet that was being pounded. With his experience and knowledge of construction and tools, I seem to want to trust his instincts. In any event, we had 5 nights of constant interrupted sleep for hours on end. We never did get back to sleep that last night.


I would like to say that this was not the 30th Wedding Anniversary cruise of my dreams or my husbands. The one reason that we have traveled on Royal Caribbean is because we felt that it was a cruise ship that had a mix of people from young to old. This cruise was definitely a spring break, one of the reasons I would never cruise on Carnival, due to their reputation. This time I felt like that's where I was. Certainly when it was young people below us who left the water running. From what I understand there were 500 minors on board. We felt like we were being overtaken. If you weren't up early, trying to get a deck chair was next to impossible. We were always exhausted from not getting any sleep, therefore, we were not up early enough.


I was also very disappointed when my husband and I had reservations at Chops Grill for our Anniversary. Directly quoted from your brochure "We suggest smart casual attire in Chops Grille - jackets for men, dresses or pantsuits for women. It should also be noted that there is a sign outside the Cascades restaurant that says "no shorts, tank tops, sandals or hats". Many people apparently didn't pay much attention to that sign either.


When my husband is dressed in a jacket and tie and I myself am dressed in a fancy cocktail dress for our 30th Anniversary and we have made a reservation at Chops Grill, I don't expect to see people walk in with shorts that look like they came from the circus, mountain dew t-shirts or torn jeans and sandals. I can tell you we were not the only ones who were disturbed by this. We could hear others at tables near us talking about the same thing.


If you make a rule then you need to stick by that rule. We don't mind paying the extra money for not only the food, the service but also the ambiance. Which by the way was all impeccable, except for the ambiance when you have people sitting at tables dressed like I stated above. If I wanted to have dinner with people who wore shorts and sandals I would eat at the windjammer or poolside. It takes away from the mood and really isn't fair to those of us who not only follow the rules but look for a place to get dressed for the evening and be with others of the same ilk.


My husband and I dressed appropriately every night. If you have a sign out that specifically says what you are not allowed to wear, then those people should be turned back to their stateroom to put on the appropriate clothing or eat somewhere else. I did express these thoughts to guest relations.


I wrote letters to the RCCL web site, Rosa Torres our guest relations Manager (who offered us an excursion valued at $150 to the Ruins) Maria Mattsson, Fleet Guest Services Manager Shore Side Miami Office and finally President Adam Goldstein.


The only person I have heard from is: Ashley Reycroft, Corporate Guest Relations through the website. In her letter to me she stated the following paragraph:

I am concerned to learn of the unexpected noise you experienced in your stateroom. It is important that our guests are able to relax in their rooms. When you are unable to enjoy this part of your vacation due to our oversight, no excuse will do. I sincerely apologize for the occurrence of this matter and its affect on your overall impressions of your cruise. However, I am glad to see you were able to be compensated for this inconvenience.


I was taken aback to say the least when she wrote that she was glad we were compensated for the "unexpected noise":mad: How do you call not sleeping between the hours of 2 & 4am unexpected noise and feel that a $150.00 excursion is compensation for 5 nights of interrupted sleep. :mad:What about the other 4 nights we had to endure. They don't count for anything?:confused:


As Gold Crown members and 4 sailings on Royal Caribbean, this is not the service that I expected. My guess is we'll be looking for other ships.


I wrote to Mr. Goldstein by snail mail but if anyone has his e-mail address I sure would appreciate it very much.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.:)



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I have had issues with a cruise line before and the ONLY way I got any response was to dispute the charges of the cruise with my credit card. I first attempted to deal with the problems directly with the cruise line, but it got me nowhere and frustrated. Money talks and their poor attempt at compensation should not be accepted.


Good luck to you.

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You will get better results if you call Customer Service. We have had issues and letters and emails seem to go unanswered. A call to customer service started the ball rolling and we were given certificates for a discount on a future cruise.

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I would skip the parts about why you are in financial problems and your diseases. Not important to the subject of not sleeping (it would bother anyone, not just someone who had problems).


I worked in Disputes for a credit card, and writing all that useless info just wastes people's time and makes it harder to find if they have a valid point while you are skimming past the useless info. I know its important to you ...but its not important to what you want to be addressed.


clear and concise works better ... your letter is too long. Try and leave your emotions out of it.


Telling them as a gold member you expect better ... also doesnt buy much ... many people are much higher... again its important to you but not to the subject you want them to address. Dont make it so hard to find out the problem.

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The beginning of your letter is the most effective part of the letter-- I might actually cut out the parts about not being able to get a pool chair and the inapproprate dress in the specialty restaurant, if you end up sending it to anyone else. You have a very valid complaint with the noise problems every night. It sounds like the free excursion was offered to you after the first night's trouble? If so, maybe you should reply to the email they sent you and let them know that you received this compensation after the first night of noise, and have received no further compensation for the other nights of disrupted sleep. Good luck with everything. --Katie

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I agree that you are going into far too much irrelevent detail. The bottom line is really all you need to give. There was maintenance going on near your cabin every night of the cruise, which interrupted your sleep an made it hard to get a good night's sleep and enjoy your vacation.


Most of the rest of your letter just gets in the way of the main issue.

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I'm a self proclaimed complaint letter expert. I get great results. I feel bad about your story. I would keep your letter short and sweet


1st paragraph, mention that you have cruised before , that you had a medical issue and the cruise was extra special because of it. I would not go on and on about the details of it, just mention that you had an issue and that you were looking forward to the relaxation of the cruise.


2nd paragraph, mention the details of the waking in the middle of the night with the noises and the letter about the work being done. Say that had you know that work being done at night would be loud enough to wake you up, you would have picked a different vacation.


3rd paragraph, mention that you explained your problem on the ship and who you spoke with.


4. Tell him what you want. Do you want a partial or full refund? Do you want another cruise? Do you want an apology?


Do not make it more than two pages total. State the facts. Let him know that

your much needed vacation was ruined due to their actions. Do not curse. Do not threaten. Be nice but firm


If you do not get a response or an unsatisfactory response, Don't give up, try again. Good Luck. I hope that they do something for you.

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I would skip the parts about why you are in financial problems and your diseases. Not important to the subject of not sleeping (it would bother anyone, not just someone who had problems).


I worked in Disputes for a credit card, and writing all that useless info just wastes people's time and makes it harder to find if they have a valid point while you are skimming past the useless info. I know its important to you ...but its not important to what you want to be addressed.


clear and concise works better ... your letter is too long. Try and leave your emotions out of it.


Telling them as a gold member you expect better ... also doesnt buy much ... many people are much higher... again its important to you but not to the subject you want them to address. Dont make it so hard to find out the problem.


I agree. And I think the whole section about what others were wearing at Chops actually makes the letter less effective. I'd think hey, if they're that upset about what someone else is wearing to dinner maybe the whole noise thing was overblown also. And the whole disease/financial hardship intro is just too over the top to be effective -- it just doesn't matter.


Plus, I would never send this type of complaint letter without stating concisely and clearly what you want RCI to do. Give you money? A free replacement cruise? What? Your best bet at reasonable compensation is some sort of future cruise credit. RCI will definitely balk at giving cash as compensation if they think you're just going to turn around and use it as a deposit on a Princess cruise. But they will definitely consider an arrangement that gets you back on one of their ships to give them a chance to make it right.

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The cruise should provide compensation for evian water, and I agree with the others leave chops and the pool out. I would have called every night, the noise is the worst. They should have moved you out to wear the people who left the shower running and moved them into your room.


Good luck, and I agree $150 is not enough.

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You are right about my long winded letter, I have a tendency to go on and on and I was trying to make them understand how important this cruise was to us. Unfortunately I mailed out the same letter to all those people. I won't give up though. Wish I had all of your insights before hand. Thanks again!!!:)

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I'm sorry about your cruise.


I agree your letter should be shorter. (I liked the detail of the Mt. Dew tshirts, but that is for another letter.) I would take out the part about 'looking for other ships' also.

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I know this is a long letter but I really hope that you will take the time to read it in its entirety.


My husband and I just came off our 4th cruise with Royal Caribbean (March 5th - 10th) on Radiance of the Seas and our 6th cruise in all. We have previously sailed Navigator, Explorer and Monarch as recently as November 2009.


I would like to take this opportunity, if I may to let you know how this cruise came about.


In January 2010 I was diagnosed with an incurable bladder disease known as Interstitial Cystitis a/k/a (painful bladder syndrome). I should mention that it does not kill you it's just incurable. For 12 months my husband and I traveled to 7 Doctors all across the state in total, looking for help of any kind. I even underwent surgery in July 2010 for a bladder pacemaker. I had never been sick a day in my life (I'm 55 years old and proud of it).


During that time I had lost close to 30 lbs. and being only 5'1" I really couldn't afford to lose that kind of weight. My intake of food was severely limited to approximately 6 items. Since everything passes through the bladder, I was always in extreme pain. I hardly ever left the house and became severely depressed which not only affected me but my entire family. I was the go to person, I was always the social director and here I was barely able to get out of bed.


In December 2010 my husband and I found an Angel of a Doctor. Although there is no cure for this disease she took a different approach.


For the first time I started to feel a little better. I guess you could say I was going into remission. As you can imagine this took a great toll financially, even though we have medical insurance, our out of pocket expenses were exorbitant. We'll be paying them off for years to come.


Our families got together and wanted to do something special for our 30th Wedding Anniversary. They knew how much we loved to cruise and since I was feeling better they gave us the money to purchase the cruise.


All previous 5 cruises had been spent with our children and my Mom. Not that we didn't enjoy having them with us but this was to be a special time, just the two of us and 30 years is a big deal and we had come through such a difficult 12 months.


When we retired for the evening on our first night, little did we know that we would be awakened at approximately 2:00a.m. by the sounds of banging, hammering and drills. It sounded like it was coming from our closet. We couldn't imagine what was going on. We immediately called down to guest services who at the time did not know what was happening. She assured us she would find out and call us back. She did call us and advise us that a pipe had burst and the maintenance crew were trying to fix it. It wasn't until the next morning when we got the full story. The people who were occupying the room directly below us had left the shower water running which caused the entire mess.


For the next several nights we would receive a notice in our room telling us that work was going to be done between the hours of 2:00a.m. and 4:00a.m. which would affect the flushing of the toilet and the running of the bathroom water. Also that the water would turn black and we should let it run for 15 minutes or so. Being sick I was very concerned and chose to use my evian water package for brushing my teeth. I wasn't about to take any chances.


On the 2nd night we were awakened again by the sounds of drilling and what sounded like scraping noises. We knew it must be maintenance working on the problem so there was no sense in calling guest relations. This also went on again the 3rd and 4th night.


The last night of the cruise, March 9th was the worst. We were awakened sometime around 3:45a.m. The noise was so loud that I said to my husband it sounds like someone is taking a baseball bat and just banging on pipes. It would stop for a few minutes and then start up again. Around 4:00 a.m. we called guest services. I could barely here myself on the phone. It was so loud that I couldn't believe we were the only ones who were hearing the noise. She said she would call back and see what she could find out. She did call back and was unable to find out where the noise was coming from. She said she would talk to security. The banging was incessant.


She said she would send security up to our room. Security came up at 4:30 a.m. by the time they arrived the banging was still happening but it seemed to have traveled further away. Security did mention that they could hear the banging but to no avail was anyone ever able to find where the noise was coming from.


My husband is a retired police officer from South Florida of 23 years. He worked in construction before that and he now works for Home Depot. He felt that it was a mallet that was being pounded. With his experience and knowledge of construction and tools, I seem to want to trust his instincts. In any event, we had 5 nights of constant interrupted sleep for hours on end. We never did get back to sleep that last night.


I would like to say that this was not the 30th Wedding Anniversary cruise of my dreams or my husbands. The one reason that we have traveled on Royal Caribbean is because we felt that it was a cruise ship that had a mix of people from young to old. This cruise was definitely a spring break, one of the reasons I would never cruise on Carnival, due to their reputation. This time I felt like that's where I was. Certainly when it was young people below us who left the water running. From what I understand there were 500 minors on board. We felt like we were being overtaken. If you weren't up early, trying to get a deck chair was next to impossible. We were always exhausted from not getting any sleep, therefore, we were not up early enough.


I was also very disappointed when my husband and I had reservations at Chops Grill for our Anniversary. Directly quoted from your brochure "We suggest smart casual attire in Chops Grille - jackets for men, dresses or pantsuits for women. It should also be noted that there is a sign outside the Cascades restaurant that says "no shorts, tank tops, sandals or hats". Many people apparently didn't pay much attention to that sign either.


When my husband is dressed in a jacket and tie and I myself am dressed in a fancy cocktail dress for our 30th Anniversary and we have made a reservation at Chops Grill, I don't expect to see people walk in with shorts that look like they came from the circus, mountain dew t-shirts or torn jeans and sandals. I can tell you we were not the only ones who were disturbed by this. We could hear others at tables near us talking about the same thing.


If you make a rule then you need to stick by that rule. We don't mind paying the extra money for not only the food, the service but also the ambiance. Which by the way was all impeccable, except for the ambiance when you have people sitting at tables dressed like I stated above. If I wanted to have dinner with people who wore shorts and sandals I would eat at the windjammer or poolside. It takes away from the mood and really isn't fair to those of us who not only follow the rules but look for a place to get dressed for the evening and be with others of the same ilk.


My husband and I dressed appropriately every night. If you have a sign out that specifically says what you are not allowed to wear, then those people should be turned back to their stateroom to put on the appropriate clothing or eat somewhere else. I did express these thoughts to guest relations.


I wrote letters to the RCCL web site, Rosa Torres our guest relations Manager (who offered us an excursion valued at $150 to the Ruins) Maria Mattsson, Fleet Guest Services Manager Shore Side Miami Office and finally President Adam Goldstein.


The only person I have heard from is: Ashley Reycroft, Corporate Guest Relations through the website. In her letter to me she stated the following paragraph:

I am concerned to learn of the unexpected noise you experienced in your stateroom. It is important that our guests are able to relax in their rooms. When you are unable to enjoy this part of your vacation due to our oversight, no excuse will do. I sincerely apologize for the occurrence of this matter and its affect on your overall impressions of your cruise. However, I am glad to see you were able to be compensated for this inconvenience.


I was taken aback to say the least when she wrote that she was glad we were compensated for the "unexpected noise":mad: How do you call not sleeping between the hours of 2 & 4am unexpected noise and feel that a $150.00 excursion is compensation for 5 nights of interrupted sleep. :mad:What about the other 4 nights we had to endure. They don't count for anything?:confused:


As Gold Crown members and 4 sailings on Royal Caribbean, this is not the service that I expected. My guess is we'll be looking for other ships.


I wrote to Mr. Goldstein by snail mail but if anyone has his e-mail address I sure would appreciate it very much.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.:)



This happenined to us on a Panama cruise in 2009. We were in Jr suite 1092 on Jewel of the Seas. The noise at night was unbelievable. We called front desk, we went every day to guest relations. The noise didn't stop. We were right under the garden cafe and we think they were cleaning the floor in the middle of the night. We were sleep deprived.


Finally, on the eighth night of the 11 night cruise they gave us another cabin to spend the night in. Why didn't this happen sooner? Who knows!


Well, 1092 is at the stern of the ship, the cabin to sleep in was all the way forward the first balcony cabin on the port side and one floor (9) below. Our night time routine was go to 1092 grab jammies etc and treck all the way down the hall and down one floor for a nice quiet night's sleep. The first night in the new cabin was starting our OK, but the hangers in the closet banged together all of the time. We finally got out of bed and threw the hangers on the mini couch. The next night we got back to our very small sleep cabin, only to find out that there was no ice in the bucket. Talk about adding insult to injury. RCI staff assured us that the housekeeping staff would fill the ice bucket and make up the new sleeping cabin.


To get a drink of water meant going to our other cabin, what fun is that? The final night of the cruise we went back to our jr. suite 1092. I don't normally sleep well the night before we dock so OK. Our poor room steward was worried. We hadn't slept in the suite for two nights.


We got a cruise credit for $1,450 from the guest relations on the ship. We also sent a letter when we returned home. No other consideration as the one from the ship was it.


We used the cruise credit when a sale was on, our next cruise cost us $256.00. It was a good cruise but we really are not fans of RCI and will not cruise with them unless we get the deal of the century.


What happened to guest relations?:eek:

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To the OP: This isn't a criticism, but I wirte letters of complaint for a living, and I have found that isolating ONE major subject/complaint is usually best. If you only bring up the noise issue, it sounds like a focused, valid complaint, but if you then bring up how other people choose to dress, you sound a bit knit-picky. Clearly the noise in the cabin is your main issue, you might want to just stick with that for now.

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I hope you are able to get satisfaction and compensation from your complaint. Several members have given great suggestions. My sister has suffered from interstitial cystitis for approx 25 years and has yet to find long term relief. I am thrilled you have found some relief! You certainly needed a relaxing vacation. Sorry it did not work out.

Best wishes,


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This is slightly OT, but out of these handful of replies, 2 people confess they are "complaint letter writers".....I guess that begs the question.... why do people do this type of thing? Are you doing this as a job kinda thing to help people with "issues" ? I just find this interesting.......

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This is slightly OT, but out of these handful of replies, 2 people confess they are "complaint letter writers".....I guess that begs the question.... why do people do this type of thing? Are you doing this as a job kinda thing to help people with "issues" ? I just find this interesting.......


I said that. I work at a family law lawfirm, 90% of what we do is complain (for our clients) to the other side.;) Complaining is an art to be mastered, like anything else.

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I am in agreement with many posters, letters that are short, sweet and say what compensation you want are more effective.


Probably not best to mention, someone else treated you to the cruise. Because technically, all you "lost" on the cruise was sleep.


Respond back to Ashley and tell her what compensation you think is appropriate.


You might place more value on sleep than someone who does not have an illness, but don't expect the cruise line to view you any differently.


Hang in there with your illness....so glad you got away, but how disappointing.


Congrats on 30 Years!!!!!!!!!

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Radiance seems to be known for plumbing problems...& it seems they will never be corrected from what I see posted from time to time on these Boards...


We had a nice 10 day Mex Riv cruise on her last April but just two doors down (deck 8 Hump) there were plumbing issues all the time & blowers making noise to dry the damp carpets in the hallway ...


Other stateroom areas also had issues.... We would not sail on her for this specific reason which is too bad b/c that style ship is very nice & the service & food were very good.


sorry OPs trip was ruined!

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Noise while I'm trying to sleep, especially at those hours, would drive me crazy. I know there's no way to express in writing how you feel when you are woken up at 2 am by noise like that. Best of luck to you.

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