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Who cancelled a cruise because of the new smoking policy?


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...you always see the one who's flicking his butt over the side.


That's a big issue for me. Every day--or just about--I see a smoker throwing away cigarette butts or empty packages on the ground, out the car window, wherever they are. They are litter bugs even when I can't smell the cigarettes and that's gross.

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To each his own, unless it blows in my face. I like Carnival's new policy, and I wish they would extend it to include the balconies. I'm getting tired of trying to find a balcony that is upwind from "smoking" balconies.


I hate smoke in general, and have been bothered by smoke a few times from other balconies. Even on Celebrity, where it is against the rules to smoke on the balcony or cabin. But my best friend smokes, and I don't think she would be willing to go on cruises at all if she weren't able to smoke from the balcony.


Just wondering if this change in CCL policy will mean a high % of balconies will now be booked by smokers. Hoping that it won't be a fume fest every time I step out for some "fresh air."


So it looks like NCL and HAL are the last mainstream cruise lines for those who don't want so many restrictions on their smoking.

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That's a big issue for me. Every day--or just about--I see a smoker throwing away cigarette butts or empty packages on the ground, out the car window, wherever they are. They are litter bugs even when I can't smell the cigarettes and that's gross.


Yes! And they do it here in Florida where the fire danger is VERY high...not thinking of causing a fire somewhere. My husband saw that happen once. Someone flicked their cigarette out their window into brush which caused a fire in front of him and he had to call 911. It's craziness.


I have no problem with smokers having designated smoking areas but I really don't like having a balcony cabin with smokers throwing their ashes down. I wish they would stop smoking in the balconies or permit it only to the bottom balconies. And smoking in a cabin can be dangerous.

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To each his own, unless it blows in my face. I like Carnival's new policy, and I wish they would extend it to include the balconies. I'm getting tired of trying to find a balcony that is upwind from "smoking" balconies.


I absolutely agree. They could designate "spa balconies" on all the ships to give us options.


We will sail our 12/2/11 cruise to Hawaii on the Spirit. We very carefully selected a balcony 4209 where there was no chance of smokers upwind of us for at least 3 staterooms. Our cruise is at sea 10 of the 15 days and every night. So we are very confident that smoke will not prevent us from enjoying our balcony (however, fully aware that cold, wind and rain might).


Going forward, we will look first to Princess. They will get our business so we know we can enjoy our balcony smoke-free.

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I think some people were looking for a way to cancel with no penalties.. like above .. the person already wanted to cancel?


The thread here, on CC earlier, was like ok folks, if you were looking for a way to cancel, here it is .. just say you smoke.




I understand you think you know what people are thinking and why they want to cancel however in my case you are wrong as you may be with a lot of people.


Non smokers complained and said they would not book with Carnival because of their smoking policy and that was acceptable however when a smoker decides that they don't want to cruise because of a policy change that came into effect after they booked and which they feel will take away from their vacation they are foolish and just looking for a way out, ect.


I canceled my 2 cruises because I work very hard for my money and want to spend it where I feel I will get the most enjoyment for my vacation dollar. I kept the cruise in Sep only because I don't have time to change my R&R dates and my wife can't just change when she shuts down her practice. The other reason is I can still smoke in my room if I care to until Dec. After that I have cancelled and rebooked at 2 very nice All Inclusive resorts that were more than happy to get a smokers buisiness.


The nice part is that with the suites we had booked and what we spend on the ship the all inclusive resorts with flight came up to about the same.


The only thing I had to give up was the lines that form on all cruise ships, the children running around as it is couples only, and the blaring tv screen.


I still have beautiful accomadations

beautiful scenery and landscaping


5 Star service

free drinks

pools with no kids

hot tubs with no kids

free transport from the airport to the resort

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I am very happy with the change. I have asthma that is controlled and I am not anti smokers. I have also cruised 10 times with Carnival and enjoyed every one. However, I have to say that the smoking in the casino has made my time in there a lot less enjoyable. I think that Carnival is trying to do the right thing for the majority of people who travel on their ships. My favorite cruise was on the Paradise in 2003 because it was their only smoke free ship. I don't have a problem with smokers outside or in many designated areas. I just think that those of us with asthma, pregnancy and other issues etc... should have the right to enjoy our vacation too. I hope if people are unhappy with the new policies they are allowed to cancel without penalty. It seems fair to me. I do think it is just as drastic to cancel for the smokers though as it would be for people like me to not cruise because of the old policy. That's just my "fair" opinion of the changes. Good luck cancelling if it is really what you want to do.



I truly hope you enjoy your cruise much more now.


I however do not feel that my choice to cancel the 2 cruises I had booked to be drastic. I thought about it and have decided because the company I have vacationed with for so long has decided to change their policy and I felt this change was going to effect my vacation experience I would take my buisiness elsewhere.


When a company changes their business practice / policy each person and business that these changes effect have to make their own mind up if they want to continue to use the product or service. In this case I have made the decision to not utilize the service of carnival or support / be affiliated with the company. I have both cancelled my contract / cruise with them and sold off my shares of their company.


This was my choice and I have chosen to spend my vacation money elsewhere.


As I stated in the beginning I truly hope that your cruise is wonderful and that you are able to enjoy yourself even more than you have in the past

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Carnival has changed their policy on smoking and all you read about is it isn't enough. My suggestion to the ones that don't think it is enough would be to take you money elsewhere and not support a company that you don't agree with the policy in place.

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I am looking forward to these New Policies. I hope this may even make Cruises less crowded. I would rather they keep 1 isolated lounge as the only place to smoke other than a little room they could install to the Whale Tail funnel.


I agree people have a right to choose to smoke. But I have a right also not to breath in your second-hand smoke.

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Miss Diva,

If a rule makes a person make a decision that the entire group of people does not agree with that makes a person selfish. Why can you call this one person selfish because they do not want to do something they do not feel comfortable with ? Personally, I think you are being selfish minded.





One person in a family or group smokes....then they can get a balcony after dec 1 and smoke there and on the one side of deck and in the disco and casino....and on Conquest ships in the "smoking aft" lounge


It is not like they have to NOT smoke at all...they are simply more limited


Most vacation options will limit them today....all inclusives like Beaches and Sandals have been non smoking indoors since 2006.

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I am not anti-smoking in the sense that smoking should be illegal but it's been proven without a doubt that smoking is harmful to ALL. What people do in their private homes is up to them but when you put 3000 people in one place why should the majority be subjected to a proven bad habit?


I know people will say that they only smoke in their cabins or balconies but what about when you open the door? Even if 2% of second hand smoke seeps out that's 2% too much.


Do smokers even think that smoke smells even remotely good?


Oh yeah, you betcha. You clearly aren't a smoker. I've been sitting somewhere and smelled the smoke of someone else smoking, and it smells wonderful, and it would immediately make me want to light one up. That's part of the reason it's so hard to quit. The nicotine is addictive, but the enjoyment is clearly there too. I've been told the nicotine is gone from your system after 3-4 days, but all it takes is one other person to be smoking near you, and you go right back to it. I've quit in the past for up to 6 weeks, but my friend at work still smoked, so I've never made it to be totally smoke free.

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I can't imagine a whole group cancelling for one selfish person......


So say my group I travel with wants to go to NYC. Me (a non-smoker by the way), doesn't want to go to NYC. If the group decides to go to Key West instead....where I would like to go.....am I then a "selfish person" (your term, not mine)? Or is it only because the person smokes that makes them "selfish"?

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I am the OP and finally Chris41 answered my question. I had asked if anyone had cancelled because of the new smoking policy and he is the only one who said he had cancelled some cruises. He even cancelled a Nov.2011 cruise.


Chris41, did you have an "early saver" booked cruise for the Nov. cruise that you cancelled? Lucy R.

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So say my group I travel with wants to go to NYC. Me (a non-smoker by the way), doesn't want to go to NYC. If the group decides to go to Key West instead....where I would like to go.....am I then a "selfish person" (your term, not mine)? Or is it only because the person smokes that makes them "selfish"?


Well since this is about smoking what do you think:confused:

If a group of people changed their whole plans because one smoker can't man up and walk a few feet to have a smoke........I would be surprised. I really don't see that happening.

If that one smoker somehow convinced everyone to change their plans because of his addiction.......then yes that person is selfish.

BTW my dh who smokes is the one that told me that it would be selfish and I agreed.

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I did. But it had nothing to do smoking. I am not a smoker and am not too bothered by smoke. So it really doesn't affect me either way.


It's just I booked ES but wanted out and am happy to save $100.

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I understand you think you know what people are thinking and why they want to cancel however in my case you are wrong as you may be with a lot of people.


I think you or taking my statement which was general.. did not apply to 100% of people too personal. Some people are going to try and cancel, for other reasons, I already know some who are.


Lets not take a general statement of fact and say its not true because you really do want to cancel for legit smoking reasons.

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I did. But it had nothing to do smoking. I am not a smoker and am not too bothered by smoke. So it really doesn't affect me either way.


It's just I booked ES but wanted out and am happy to save $100.


See exactly my point .. some people are going to claim they are smokers to get out of ES bookings they wanted to cancel for other reasons..

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So say my group I travel with wants to go to NYC. Me (a non-smoker by the way), doesn't want to go to NYC. If the group decides to go to Key West instead....where I would like to go.....am I then a "selfish person" (your term, not mine)? Or is it only because the person smokes that makes them "selfish"?


Not even a valid comparison.


IF the Carnival didn't allow the addicted smoker to smoke at all...then I can see some loving soft hearted family members caving in to the smoker's "needs">>> but when the smoker has the option to book a balcony and smoke out there plus smoke in casino, disco, on one side of lido area....and in a smoking lounge on conquest etc class ships...yeah then the smoker would be selfish and family/friends would be stupid enablers IMHO


too much money for a balcony?? well just think of the $$ the smoker wastes on their habit...they can walk out to a smoking area if they don't want to pay for a balcony.


Really people....not smoking won't "kill" you....no one has ever died from the "rigors" of quitting smoking that I have heard of


but.....many people have died and will die from smoking. These are facts


I do think that eventually they should allow e cigs or even sell them. Ryan air sells ecigs I read about it online. That might be the "way" of the future. Not sure what they are going to do about e cigs for now but I would not mind them. I just don't like the nasty smell of real cigarettes

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Well since this is about smoking what do you think:confused:

If a group of people changed their whole plans because one smoker can't man up and walk a few feet to have a smoke........I would be surprised. I really don't see that happening.

If that one smoker somehow convinced everyone to change their plans because of his addiction.......then yes that person is selfish.

BTW my dh who smokes is the one that told me that it would be selfish and I agreed.


Guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one! With your logic, if a group changes their whole plans because one person can't man up and go to NYC instead of the Keys, that is being selfish too.


I'm not saying the smoker should make everyone change their plans....I'm just saying I don't think he/she is being "selfish" for not wanting to go on a vacation where he can't smoke in the cabin or right outside the room (and not everyone is going to have a balcony). If he is, the rest of the group is being just as selfish for NOT changing. Doing what someone else doesn't want to do is not selfish....it is compromise....and living in this world requires compromise. Failure to ever compromise....now that is selfish.

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Guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one! With your logic, if a group changes their whole plans because one person can't man up and go to NYC instead of the Keys, that is being selfish too.


I'm not saying the smoker should make everyone change their plans....I'm just saying I don't think he/she is being "selfish" for not wanting to go on a vacation where he can't smoke in the cabin or right outside the room (and not everyone is going to have a balcony). If he is, the rest of the group is being just as selfish for NOT changing. Doing what someone else doesn't want to do is not selfish....it is compromise....and living in this world requires compromise. Failure to ever compromise....now that is selfish.


So if mom and dad and kids planned a vacation on Carnival and everyone is excited and been looking forward to this vacation......and dad who is the only smoker cancels because he can't walk a few feet to have a smoke......wouldn't you say that is pretty selfish to his kids and wife:confused: Gee kids we have to change our wonderful plans because dad can't walk out onto the balcony to smoke:rolleyes:

Trying to convince a whole group would not only be selfish but ballsy IMO.....

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So if mom and dad and kids planned a vacation on Carnival and everyone is excited and been looking forward to this vacation......and dad who is the only smoker cancels because he can't walk a few feet to have a smoke......wouldn't you say that is pretty selfish to his kids and wife:confused: Gee kids we have to change our wonderful plans because dad can't walk out onto the balcony to smoke:rolleyes:

Trying to convince a whole group would not only be selfish but ballsy IMO.....


So if there is no balcony.....and they change to the same itinerary on a different ship that does allow smoking in the cabin.....still selfish?


My point at the start of this discussion was.....because a smoker wanted to change plans, they were selfish.....but if a non-smoker wanted to change plans...they weren't selfish......the only reason someone was selfish was because they were a smoker.

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So if there is no balcony.....and they change to the same itinerary on a different ship that does allow smoking in the cabin.....still selfish?


My point at the start of this discussion was.....because a smoker wanted to change plans, they were selfish.....but if a non-smoker wanted to change plans...they weren't selfish......the only reason someone was selfish was because they were a smoker.


What would the reason be for a non smoker to change plans:confused:....yes it would be just as selfish depending on the reason....not sure what part of selfish you don't understand:confused:

The reason I mentioned smoker is because that is the topic of the thread:rolleyes: Why get so defensive:confused: Selfish is selfish regardless.....this thread just happens to be about people canceling because of smoking.......I never said that non smokers can't be just as selfish.......I see you didn't answer my question about the family.......

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Although I'm a non-smoker I never felt carnival should be smoke free. It would be nice but I couldnt care one way or another. My only issue is, before a smoker comes and share a space with someone who they see is not smokeing, they should have the courtesy to ask if the non-smoker mind if they smoke. If the smoker was there first then the smoker should have priority.The non-smoker should just find another location to be. So many cruises I been on, I would be sitting with company enjoying conversation and people watching.Then someone would come and grab a seat next table and puff away with smoke driftiing in our direction. We are not confrontational people so we would find another table and the same thing will continue to happen until we give up and leave.


It sounds to me like your chosen seat was in a smoking area....

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do those of you that are cancelling your cruises realize that if you already bought and paid for your travel insurance that they do not refund it.....you may be able to transfer it to another cruise...but then again it looks as though the other lines are increasing restrictions as well......


I use Travelguard or AccessAmerica...and after a 10 day policy review period..the insurance is non refundable...regardless of if you take the trip or not...


There is a lot of overreaction going on...as expected..



FWIW..I think those that are using the new smoking restrictions as a basis to cancel without penalty......wanted to cancel anyway and now have found a way to do so without losing money.

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