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.... to get some OBC or other perk if you're a first-time cruiser?


We're sailing on Princess in November, to the Panama Canal, and will be celebrating a special anniversary. I'm not a pushy person by any means, but based on some stuff I read here on the boards, I asked our TA whether we're eligible for any OBC, if he had any extra or leftover coupons, or any tips or ideas he could share with us.


Well, nada. We picked this TA because he has been on our ship multiple times including special 'member' cruises and was designated the #1 agent by his company at one point. We thought he'd be full of good stories, suggestions and advice, but honestly everything I've learned about the the ship and itinerary has been from these boards. He did ask for an egg crate mattress for us - after I'd read about it on the boards and asked him to reserve one.


Is this common? Do first-timers typically get treated like hamburger while the repeat customers get filet mignon? How do you expect to get a repeat customer if you treat them like you don't care if they have a good time or not? :confused:

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Some TAs give OBC and discount Princess and some say their service is worth it and are adamant about not sharing their commission with you (which is what you are asking for).


People receive OBCs for other reasons than their TA. They own 100 shares of CCL stock and you could get $100 OBC on a 7 day cruise from that.


Next cruise, if you buy a FCC, you can get that applied and that is worth OBC. Some cruiselines allow combining of OBC and some do not.


The time to ask about getting OBC was before you booked unfortunately, not afterwards, as unless you are before final payment and can cancel without penalty and the price has not gone up etc .. you are pretty much now at their mercy.

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I think you'll have a great cruise even without any onboard credits. They're very nice to have, but basically the experience is about the same without them. The only big thing repeat passengers get on Princess is a cocktail party on the second formal night. A lot of past passengers don't even bother showing up for it.

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Sometimes you and the booking you chose will fit into a special offer and sometimes it will not.


Sometimes you will get an OBC because the TA might have a group on the cruise you booked so you get a little something off.


Usually, give the low prices most are paying these days, there is little left for extras. TA's are working on very slim commissions and most of the extras they might give come from their earnings. They also have families to feed.


Sure, you'll read all sorts of things on all the boards but you'll get the idea to not 'buy into ALL of it'. :)


If you thought the price was worth the cruise to you when you decided to book, then the price is still a good price and the cruise is still worth it.


You agree to what you think is fair and then stop looking for 'gimmes'. They often do not materialize and then you're disappointed.



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Do first-timers typically get treated like hamburger while the repeat customers get filet mignon? How do you expect to get a repeat customer if you treat them like you don't care if they have a good time or not? :confused:


Wow. How does not getting an advance on-board credit add up to being treated like hamburger? I've cruised 5 times, I got an on-board credit once and nothing on the other cruises. It had nothing to do with first, second or third cruise, or with who I am. It had to do with the economics of whether either the cruiseline or the TA wanted to fill up that cruise and offer incentives.


And I had an equally excellent time on the cruises with or without the $100.


Go on your cruise, enjoy yourself, be optimistic. You're your own worst enemy if you think that way.

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Is this common? Do first-timers typically get treated like hamburger while the repeat customers get filet mignon? How do you expect to get a repeat customer if you treat them like you don't care if they have a good time or not? :confused:

They get repeat customers by how you were treated on the ship and if you enjoyed the whole experience, not before you even step on it. A few dollars in OBC does not equate to having a good time.;):)

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Many times special fares have OBC. I have found lower fares to equal the "OBC fare" less the OBC. ie You can choose either-

One fare is $1,0000pp and you get a $100 OBC

or a fare for $900pp with no OBC.

You are paying for the OBC.


Usually we have OBC for Port Tax Refunds, Stock Ownership and Cruise Certificates.


Price matching can lead to some OBC. Some cruiselines allow you to price match lower fares at any time, some only when you book special fares, ie Carnival's Early Saver.


Only time we had a HUGE amount of OBC was during the Swine Flu debacle. Cancelled, rebooked, got upgraded and OBC.

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.... to get some OBC or other perk if you're a first-time cruiser?


We're sailing on Princess in November, to the Panama Canal, and will be celebrating a special anniversary. I'm not a pushy person by any means, but based on some stuff I read here on the boards, I asked our TA whether we're eligible for any OBC, if he had any extra or leftover coupons, or any tips or ideas he could share with us.


Well, nada. We picked this TA because he has been on our ship multiple times including special 'member' cruises and was designated the #1 agent by his company at one point. We thought he'd be full of good stories, suggestions and advice, but honestly everything I've learned about the the ship and itinerary has been from these boards. He did ask for an egg crate mattress for us - after I'd read about it on the boards and asked him to reserve one.


Is this common? Do first-timers typically get treated like hamburger while the repeat customers get filet mignon? How do you expect to get a repeat customer if you treat them like you don't care if they have a good time or not? :confused:


I think it just depends on the sailing, because we sailed on the Sea Princess from Ft. Lauderdale to San Francisco (15 days) Panama Canal in May and even though we are repeat customers on Princess (just turned Platinum on that cruise) there were no perks or onboard credits offered and alot of times we have them, but for some reason on the Panama Canal cruise there wasn't. You will have an amazing time! One of our favorites! Enjoy!

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You've not even cruise yet and you are moaning and whinging.

Maybe better if you just cancelled and stayed at home.


I'm a great believer that the cruise experience is what makes you return.

It would also be argued that someone who has sailed 15 times with the same company should be treated better than a Newcomer and his loyalty should be rewarded.


Or you one of these that believes in something for nothing?

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Sometimes a TA will give OBC, but if they discount your cruise fare, that's a better deal. We get OBC with our Future Cruise Credits, good deal for us and for Princess.


As for your anniversary, when you go to your cruise personalizer there is a place for you to put special events. Princess will acknowledge it with a sign and balloons at your cabin and give you a certificate for a special cake in the MDR.


With 3000 people on a ship at every cruise, most having some special event like birthday or anniversary, Princess can't give "filet mignon" freebies to everyone without passing the cost on to the consumers! Bring your own stuff to celebrate. Unlike some lines, on Princess, you can bring champagne or wine for your cabin.


PS. A TA, no matter how good he is, can't make your cruise good or bad, only you have control of that!

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One online site I use has it listed if that sailing has an obc. So I know before I make the call. This leads me to believe that it doesn't matter if your a first timer with that line or not.


As the other poster stated you may find it cheaper without the obc on another site.



If you are happy with what you paid. That is all that matters.

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Yikes! Yes, we'll go and have a fabulous time and we're happy with the overall cost and when I said it felt like being treated like 'hamburger' it was not just because we didn't get any OBC or leftover coupons, it was also because he didn't even bother to answer the questions and we got no information about the ship or excursions from this TA who has sailed on it numerous times. Information is free and costs nothing but the TA's time.


There is the server who politely gives you your menu, delivers your food and takes your money, and then there's the server who tells you what's really good that night and suggests a good wine to go with dinner, you know?? It matters how you are treated.


Many thanks to those who offered civil and informative replies.

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The time to look for OBCs is before you book! It is quite easy to shop around among multiple TAs and the cruise line's own web site on the internet and look for an agency who is offering some decent booking incentives. There certainly is no harm in doing some due diligence (by shopping around) before you book with your favorite TA. You can always ask your TA if they can match the other offers and if not, perhaps you have the wrong TA.



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OP - As others have said, the best way to get perks is to shop around before you commit. Check with several TAs and the ship to see who offers the best package - cruise cost and perks. I've never gotten OBC.


Cruise Girl Forever - do you mind sharing the website with the list of OBC?

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I probably cruised 9 or 10 times before I got anything. Receiving no OBC, no wine, no strawberries... wasn't the deciding factor in making me a repeat cruiser (shall I say addicted cruiser?). It was simply the wonderful experience of the cruises I had been on.

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Yikes! Yes, we'll go and have a fabulous time and we're happy with the overall cost and when I said it felt like being treated like 'hamburger' it was not just because we didn't get any OBC or leftover coupons, it was also because he didn't even bother to answer the questions and we got no information about the ship or excursions from this TA who has sailed on it numerous times. Information is free and costs nothing but the TA's time.


There is the server who politely gives you your menu, delivers your food and takes your money, and then there's the server who tells you what's really good that night and suggests a good wine to go with dinner, you know?? It matters how you are treated.


Many thanks to those who offered civil and informative replies.


Of course a TA should answer your questions. But let me ask you about what kind of information about the ship and excursions you expect. Did you give the TA any idea of what you are interested in doing or did you expect him to run down every possible excursion (there can be hundreds available on any given cruise--no kidding, each port might have 30 or 40 choices)? You might think he should tell you all about the excursions he has taken and enjoyed, but how can he know that they are what would be good for you unless you tell him? If you don't and just ask, "What should we do?" then you're expectations are overly high because the information you seek is overly broad. Same goes for the ship. IMO, you would be well advised to research a bit about the ship and the onboard activities before asking your TA to fill you in about the details. There are so many things to do onboard and, again, if the TA doesn't know your tastes and preferences, then you're expecting him to spend quite a bit of time just telling you what is available.


Wouldn't it be better to leisurely take your time reading on the website(s) and brochures to get a feel for things and for what excursions might be available on your specific cruise (not all have the same options)? That way you'll have an idea of what kind of questions to ask your TA. Yes, you're only asking for his time, but it's a far cry from the waiter running down a few items on a menu. It could take hours to detail you through the ship, the cruise, and the excursions. Yes, he should earn his commission, but IMO it sounds like what you're expecting is too much. His personal preferences may not be the same as yours and he may be concerned that if you don't have as good a time doing something he enjoyed, then you will be disappointed or upset.


He is a TA and should be helpful, but he should not be expected to basically plan your days for you. Now, that may not be what you are asking him to do, but it does sound like it.


If you do not feel he will give you enough time or personal attention, then it might be best to transfer the booking to a TA who believe will fill your needs better. You will find that no TA gives OBC and other freebies for every cruise or to every passenger. I agree with others that it would be more logical to give those to repeat passengers, especially ones who cruise often and/or who book with an agent regularly. Often the OBC available will be from the cruise line through their varied special deals. In that case, everyone who qualifies is eligible and it would be included as part of your booking, but not be related to your TA specifically.


Regarding your anniversary and as others have mentioned, nearly everyone onboard will be celebrating something special. Special anniversaries (10th, 25th, etc.) and other events are not uncommon on cruises. It's not reasonable to expect the cruise lines to give many perks and freebies, especially things like OBC or upgrades, to everyone. Of course your anniversary is special, but you will need to be the ones to make it a special cruise.


I'm sorry that some of what you read here has given you some possibly unrealistic expectations. Keep in mind that this is a small segment of the cruising population and that we are more likely to come here and write, "I got OBC or coupons or whatever," then "I booked and all I got was a good fare on my cruise..."



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No wonder one of my co-workers told me she hated this site some of you attack new posters like a pack of hungry wolves. :mad:


Bottom line is that the OP got a bad TA with a bad attitude. Beachchick you were very harsh in your analysis without knowing the circumstances, it could be that the OP did ask specifics but the TA was just too disinterested to provide answers and was just in a rush to get to the next cu$tomer.


OP hope you have a great cruise!

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No wonder one of my co-workers told me she hated this site some of you attack new posters like a pack of hungry wolves. :mad:


Bottom line is that the OP got a bad TA with a bad attitude. Beachchick you were very harsh in your analysis without knowing the circumstances, it could be that the OP did ask specifics but the TA was just too disinterested to provide answers and was just in a rush to get to the next cu$tomer.


OP hope you have a great cruise!



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I have to agree with the OP and Doug R that people can be a little unforgiving on CC. To have jumped on the OP for asking is rude, and to suggest that the OP just skip the cruise because he/she might be "moaning and whinging" (whatever "whinging" is, though I think I know what was intended if misspelled) is a bit over the top.


As for the TA giving OBC, it is really up to the TA. Some do it to essentially give a discount since the cruise lines frown on actual discounting of fares, and many lines prohibit it. So the TAs sometimes (emphasis on "sometimes") give some OBC to make their services more attractive than another's. Again, just because they are business people, some may give OBC to repeat customers or to customers that refer other passengers. Do understand that their margins are getting squeezed all the time, and they are giving this out of their income.


As has been mentioned, some cruises offer OBC with their prices. You usually do pay for this one way or the other, though sometimes when they are offering "sale" prices on cruises that they estimate might not be completely full, they will offer a discount and some OBC. Ours has given us a little, has sent flowers to our cabin, etc., but we have also referred other people to her and had friends book with her to go with us.


As for being helpful, the TA should be helpful if he/she wants to keep you as a customer. If you want help with excursions, I would ask a specific question whether the TA knows anything about the excursions on your specific cruise. The TA might have been on the ship before, and he/she might have taken many cruises (TAs often get free, short cruises), but if they had not been to the same ports, and the TA has not traveled to those ports, it is unlikely that he/she will offer much information.


Excursions are something DW and I tend to do privately, getting people who are with us and people on the cruise's roll call to join us to keep the costs way down. We prefer private excursions as they are cover more ground, can add things we find out on the Ports of Call section and/or get from others who have been to that port, and are in small vehicles that are more nimble. A TA who has been to a given port should be able to help with this as well, and if you like your TA, the TA can book some of the excursions for you and get some commissions from that as well. They earn the commissions by making the arrangements for you.


If the TA doesn't know anything about the places you are going that is one thing. If the TA does nothing to help, that is another thing, and you should likely look around for a TA that provides the service you are entitled to. Some salespeople look to make many sales to different people, and are just looking to close one deal. Others look at the customer as a long-term customer and want to earn a larger share of the customer's purchases over a long period of time. The latter type will offer better service and (at times) some perks such as OBC, etc.


Alpenglow, you deserve a courteous answer and not to be picked on for a fair question. You may have had misconceptions about OBC, and hopefully they have been cleared up. You ought to have a TA that is appropriately helpful, and if the one you have does not meet your expectations, then you should try to find one that does. Most of the people here on Cruise Critic will try to help. Sadly "most" not "all."

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There is the server who politely gives you your menu, delivers your food and takes your money, and then there's the server who tells you what's really good that night and suggests a good wine to go with dinner, you know?? It matters how you are treated.


Iv had both servers on cruises and much perfer the one who doesnt think I dont know the menu by heart and feels they have to go thru the spiel of what they think is best to eat. And then some who want to suggest excursions in the ports??? Im thinking you dont know a thing about what I want, please shut up.


If that server in the MDR would ask me what excursions I planned and want to discuss them thats fine, but I think its high handed to tell me what they think I should eat and do in the ports. Hate servers like that.


OP if there is anything you want to know about your cruise.. ask away. People love to talk about cruises on CC.

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Let's see ... after looking at the ship's itinerary and route map, I told him we wanted a port-side cabin and he said don't count on getting the best view from the port side because sometimes ships reverse their itineraries and you'll get the best views from starboard. (The ratio of available rooms at that point was like 10:1 in favor of starboard. Wonder why?)


Never heard anything about reversing itineraries before or since. Kinda weird ....


That was probably the longest sentence I ever got from him. Oh when I asked about OBCs he also said "Don't believe what you read on CruiseCritic, most of it isn't true." :D


What the posters said about so many people having 'special' anniversaries and such makes total sense, and puts it in the right perspective. We had a laugh about the ships offloading like 300 bottles of champagne every night for someone's special event. :) It also makes sense that people who do get extra perks are more likely to post about them than the majority of folks who don't. Thanks for the reality check. We found Princess's "anniversary celebration packages" page and it's pretty funny.


I told the TA my husband and I are very active people - athletically, into backpacking and wilderness and kayaking - so did he know of any specific excursions or private tours that we would like? "Oh no, they're all fun, you'll have a great time whichever one you choose." Um, okay. :rolleyes: This was before we found the excursions info on the Princess site. Would've been nice if he'd told us about that.


Unlike what Beachchick suggested, I never asked for or expected a long, drawn-out conversation. I'm not a diva. The total number of emails back and forth was less than five, all of them very brief, and the two or three phone conversations were also very brief.


So yeah I guess we just got a dud this time. No biggie. Thanks to everyone for the comprehensive information and insights; it's much appreciated!

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Iv had both servers on cruises and much perfer the one who doesnt think I dont know the menu by heart and feels they have to go thru the spiel of what they think is best to eat. And then some who want to suggest excursions in the ports??? Im thinking you dont know a thing about what I want, please shut up.


If that server in the MDR would ask me what excursions I planned and want to discuss them thats fine, but I think its high handed to tell me what they think I should eat and do in the ports. Hate servers like that.


OP if there is anything you want to know about your cruise.. ask away. People love to talk about cruises on CC.


I don't memorize the menu as it changes. We had one server who, after we asked, gave us insight as to what looked extra good and what didn't every night. One night he said "Everything but the fish". I noticed most of the dishes that had a lot of food on them after dinner were fish.

We saw him in a line to use a cell phone a local had set up on the pier. When we asked, he told us those in line were crew who only had an hour or two off, and if we wanted to make a call, gave us walking directions to a place in town that charged half as much.

Great service!

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