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Hi Greg.....


We knew what you meant. :)



As to the Marketing 101 comments,

I think we all know WHY Celebrity's President sent the e-mail.

What we have different views about are how effective and/or appropriate it is.

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I also want to say that I am appalled at some of the comments in this thread. Such nasty comments being stated with postings that sound like school yard kids fighting. Even a few posts from CCers that may have not ever posted on the HAL board because they are fans of X but yet had to come here to post to help their fellow X fans.


........................... Should all the cruise lines send this out, YES but just barely over a week seems a bit early but they are obviously trying to save sales for Wave Season.


I have to have missed a page because I didn't see the appalling or nasty posts, but I do think I skipped one page ... maybe they were there.


I just don't see where this has anything to do with which cruise line we prefer. As others have said this affects the cruise lines industry wide and is certainly not confined to Carnival.


Truthfully, if anyone is jumping on the bandwagon to make money off a tragedy it's some media vultures, not another cruise line. Only this morning on the Today Show they had an entire segment warning people how few rights they have and how the passengers on board this ship are pretty much out of luck since in order to sue they need to return to Italy and hire an Italian attorney.


So as Lisa pretty much seems to suggest, the trouble really started when the media decided to have entire shows discuss the horrors of cruising. At the same time, people should be aware of the contract they essentially sign when booking a cruise and I was appalled, truthfully, to see people say they have never read any of it ... didn't even see it! One woman on the show whipped out her boarding pass thinking that was her contract!


Sorry, off subject I know. But let's not blame other cruise lines for addressing the situation even though Carnival hasn't. I don't think it's too soon because now is when everyone is being bombarded by media horror. I don't blame anyone for doing whatever they have to in an effort to calm the waters (pardon the pun).

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I wish Hal would send a letter assuring us that toilets and air conditioners have been checked and rechecked on all their ships per their "Signature of excellence" program.


Now this is a topic worth discussing - not this ridiculous "make-work" silly question. And, yes, I know the toilet/air conditioner question has been discussed thoroughly, but no real info has really been received or made public.

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Now this is a topic worth discussing - not this ridiculous "make-work" silly question. And, yes, I know the toilet/air conditioner question has been discussed thoroughly, but no real info has really been received or made public.


In all honesty, other cruise lines have issues with vibrations, air conditioning or toilets. This happens from time to time. It's a risk on any ship. ;) I'm not excusing it, just stating the facts! On other lines, we have had a non working toilet, a small flood, ventilation that had to be addressed, etc. Ship happens.


Hal has posted on the FB page that the issue has been addressed. I take that to mean fixed and no more complaints so we have to assume so.


What would be nice is that if passengers had to endure this, that something was done for them to ease their cruise or help them with the next one. Whether it be an obc, a couple bottles of wine, free PG dinner, whatever. When something is done to show empathy, people have a totally different attitude. JMO;)

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I haven't seen any evidence of nastiness here either, just the usual back-and-forth comments.


How soon is too soon for cruise lines to assure passengers (or potential passengers?) of their concern for safety?


Isn't that what companies do after a major incident? When people were getting sick from eating "bad" cantaloupe, our grocery store was quick to post signs that its cantaloupe was from another source and not contaminated.

It happens all the time when there's a recall.


I think it makes more sense for Celebrity to send the email now, as opposed to a month from now. The question of safety is on people's minds now.


It's a very compelling story, and it will stay in the headlines for a long time. People are still fascinated by the Titanic ...

The photos of the Costa ship are frightening -- and available. So are videos of what took place aboard. There are any number of people who want to come forward and share their experiences.

So it will remain in the media, because people want it.

Think of the long thread here discussing the tragedy, and how many links to various stories were posted.

People want to read about it, and each time something new was written or broadcast, a link was posted.

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May I share something that did strike me as a bit presumptive. I did eventually get the letter (but not the one from RCI) and was a bit taken aback by this paragraph:


"Whether you’re a longtime cruiser, or have yet to sail with Celebrity, I hope you’ll help us reinforce the fact that cruising continues to maintain the best safety record of any industry in the travel business."


Why is Mr. Hanrahan suggesting that I have to select either one or the other. I happen to feel that I currently fall into both camps, and resent a suggestion that my many voyages with Carnival, Crystal, Cunard, HAL, Silversea, RCI, Windstar, and a number of smaller lines do not qualify me as an experienced cruiser.



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.....Hal has posted on the FB page that the issue has been addressed. I take that to mean fixed and no more complaints so we have to assume so.



My former management position sometimes involved coming up with weasel words,either in contracts, letters of intent, or written propsals , that were purposely ambiguous.


I would in not assume that an issue is fixed because the company uses the word 'addressed'. Addressed can mean anything including they have plans to fix whatever it is during the next drydock.


IF it was fixed, they would most likely use the words 'resolved' or 'fixed' somewhere in the reply.

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For some reason this continues to trouble me and I'm pretty sure that the only people who feel the timing is wrong, or are offended in some way by 1 or 2 emails, are those who are taking it personally, i.e., assuming RCL is slamming Carnival in some way when that just doesn't seem to be the case.


The time to address a situation such as this is here and now, not when (and if) it's had time to blow over. It's an issue right now when people are most nervous about upcoming cruises they may have booked. I wish I knew when you all feel it's appropriate to address issues of safety and the competency of the officers who master the ships.


As to "knowing" why the letters were sent, I think there are several reasons and none of them are wrong. Sure it's about marketing, but it's also about being pro-active. I'm just not getting why anyone feels anyone is besmirching Carnival (or HAL). There is simply no implication of that in the letters.


And frankly, I see this event as human error. Had it been a mechanical problem then pointing fingers at a particular ship or line might be in order. But this was caused by a living human being or beings for reasons we may never know positively. And what went wrong from there was first a result of no one being the leader, stepping up to the plate, and making sure all safety measures were being followed to get everyone safely off that ship.


Truthfully .... with a debacle such as this was, I'm absolutely astounded that there weren't more deaths. There were more than 4000 people on that ship and most of them made it to safety. No lives should have been lost, not a single one, but I consider it a miracle and a testament to all the people helping other people even as they faced enormous danger themselves.

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May I share something that did strike me as a bit presumptive. I did eventually get the letter (but not the one from RCI) and was a bit taken aback by this paragraph:


"Whether you’re a longtime cruiser, or have yet to sail with Celebrity, I hope you’ll help us reinforce the fact that cruising continues to maintain the best safety record of any industry in the travel business."


Why is Mr. Hanrahan suggesting that I have to select either one or the other. I happen to feel that I currently fall into both camps, and resent a suggestion that my many voyages with Carnival, Crystal, Cunard, HAL, Silversea, RCI, Windstar, and a number of smaller lines do not qualify me as an experienced cruiser.




Don't see your point at all

One can have numerous cruises on several lines and be considered a "longtime cruiser" but have yet to sail with Celebrity

Too much is being inferred by the comment

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I think some people are wanting to take this eMail from RCL/Celebrity in a direction that was never intended.

I perceive no “slight” against Carnival and by implication HAL in the eMail.

What I do see is a cruise company reaching out to past, present and potential customers, reassuring them and frankly I think it is the right thing to do.

I have been looking for a similar letter from HAL, but to date nothing. That is too bad because given HAL’s demographic I would think a letter offering reassurance about the safety of their ships would be appropriate.

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WpgCruise: Right On!


HAL is already late in getting in touch with their customer base. If they don't do it soon, they will leave a marketing vacuum that other cruise lines are already trying to fill.

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I am not feeling the least bit insulted as to the text of the emails what I am having a hard time grasping/understanding is what constituted who they sent their emails to.


I have sailed both Celebrity and RCCL within the last 16 months. I have been a member of Crown and Anchor since 2002 and am also a member of Captain's Club. I did not receive this email from either cruise line. Yet several here that have never sailed either Celebrity or RCCL and in several cases have not sailed either cruise line have received this email :confused:

I could see if there was a mass email to all that have sailed both of these lines but that is not the case.

I do get rather frequent emails from Celebrity and RCCL and those do not go to my spam mail. Just curious why so selective with this email.

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Well HAL better get there email out because I just received an email from NCL......At least NCL sent me one :D


This is most of what Kevin Sheehan sent out.


We want to take this opportunity to assure you that the safety of our guests and crew is, at all times, our number one priority.


We operate all of our vessels to meet and exceed the requirements of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention and the International Safety Management Code maritime standards, the international safety requirements which govern the cruise industry. Every crew member is well trained in the Company's stringent safety protocols, participating in weekly safety drills onboard every one of our ships.


Our Captains are experienced seafarers with an average of 33 years at sea. All of our Captains come up through the ranks progressing from Second Officer to First Officer and then Chief Officer up to Staff Captain before they can become Captains. On average, it takes 15 years for a Captain to be promoted into that role. We further ensure that our Captains regularly undergo rigorous simulation training on navigation and bridge operations.


To assist our Captains and Officers while at sea, we have extensive navigation protocols in place. Our bridge operations are based on a two-person team approach. Accordingly, there are always two officers in charge of bridge operations, mandating strict adherence to operating procedures. Furthermore, our bridge teams follow pre-set voyage plans which are thoroughly reviewed and discussed by the Captain and bridge team prior to port departures and arrivals. In addition, all of our ships employ the latest state-of-the-art navigational equipment and technology to ensure that our bridge teams have the most accurate data regarding the planned itinerary.


Prior to every cruise setting sail, we hold a mandatory safety drill for all guests during which important safety information is reviewed and demonstrated. We also show an extensive safety video which runs continuously on the stateroom televisions should further information be required.


We appreciate you choosing Norwegian Cruise Line.

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WpgCruise: Right On!


HAL is already late in getting in touch with their customer base. If they don't do it soon, they will leave a marketing vacuum that other cruise lines are already trying to fill.


Actually Someone on this thread mentioned that HAL has addressed this safety issue in their Face book pages..However, I wonder how many of their customers subscribe to Facebook..

Re the insults which Lisa mentioned..I agree with her..There have been several short one sentence insults that are uncalled for..

I see no reason for not being civil to one another..I may not agree with the OP, but I've always tried to be civil..

Recently, I've started reporting insults to the Moderators...Maybe if more of us would do it, those whose posts are pulled would get the message! Use the little reporting "exclamation point" ! , which is to the right of the post No.,in the top right hand corner of the offensive post which you believe is an insult or harassing.. The Moderators will decide if they should be pulled or not..

Just my opinion..



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For Betty - in all honesty - this board is kind when i compare the Carnival and Costa threads (I have been following because of the tragedy). Doesn't excuse anything here - but I have to say this is mild.


For Lisa (LaffnLasVegas) - I agree - this is marketing 101 - I think the only reason some were upset is how close it is to the incident. all the bodies have not been found yet. (I would like to hope that there are survivors, but i don't think that is possible at this stage of the game).


I don't know why they are reaching out to people who haven't sailed on them in years - perhaps to recapture lost market? Maybe they think recent cruisers are not at risk? i don't know.


For Heather In Florida - everyone reacts to tragedy in different ways - some may well take this personally as this may just be too quick for them. Timing is everything. I know it's 'wave season' but all the bodies haven't been found yet.


I don't see a lot wrong with the letter other than timing. I totally understand marketing 101 but I also understand empathy, understanding and giving people a time to adjust and grieve. JMHO:)

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I don't see a mystery here. They sent out a mass market letter to as many folks as they could and probably used a cruise critic list. I signed up for that when I signed on. I really don't think someone sat in a back office all week wondering who to send this letter to. They sent it to known cruisers more than likely.


For anyone who didn't recieve it, I wouldn't waste a second being insulted by it. Life is to short.Emails get lost. Lists do not always work. What matters is how many people got it and that some of them felt reassured and they answered some questions that inquiring minds will be asking.


Although immediate surveys showed known cruisers will cruise, they want us to remember when others who have not cruised freak out that the industry still has a nice safety record. I imagine lines with new ships to fill care a lot about that. And just because a survey says everyone will keep cruising it doesn't mean new information won't make some hesitate. Or given time people slow down their cruising because this is in the back of their minds.


News about the mutiny today, gave me a little pause. A mutiny??


The news is giving a lot of negative press aobout cruising lately, some of that may stick. Not to HAL cruisers of course, to some.

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If HAL has done nothing other than a Face Book posting, they are missing a lot of their market. There are an untold number of HAL passengers who never go near Face Book.


As for timing, of course a respectable amount of time should pass to acknowledge the saddness and anguish of those affected by the grounding of Concordia. With the beginning of salvage operations, some would say that time has passed.

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If HAL has done nothing other than a Face Book posting, they are missing a lot of their market. There are an untold number of HAL passengers who never go near Face Book.


As for timing, of course a respectable amount of time should pass to acknowledge the saddness and anguish of those affected by the grounding of Concordia. With the beginning of salvage operations, some would say that time has passed.


Not much of salvage has started. they are still waiting for permission.


Just me, and yes, I guess, it's personal, there's still a lot of people to find (I hope for the sake of their families and their relatives).


Totally agree that HAL has to reach people other than facebook and I would hope that they would do it. But I am pleased that they have chosen to wait more than one and 1/2 weeks to send out the message.


Three weeks is fine timing for me or sooner if all the bodies are found.


Wave sale or no - there needs to be some respect for those who have passed (I know, it's personal again, sorry)

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For Betty - in all honesty - this board is kind when i compare the Carnival and Costa threads (I have been following because of the tragedy). Doesn't excuse anything here - but I have to say this is mild.


For Lisa (LaffnLasVegas) - I agree - this is marketing 101 - I think the only reason some were upset is how close it is to the incident. all the bodies have not been found yet. (I would like to hope that there are survivors, but i don't think that is possible at this stage of the game).


I don't know why they are reaching out to people who haven't sailed on them in years - perhaps to recapture lost market? Maybe they think recent cruisers are not at risk? i don't know.


For Heather In Florida - everyone reacts to tragedy in different ways - some may well take this personally as this may just be too quick for them. Timing is everything. I know it's 'wave season' but all the bodies haven't been found yet.


I don't see a lot wrong with the letter other than timing. I totally understand marketing 101 but I also understand empathy, understanding and giving people a time to adjust and grieve. JMHO:)




Good post, Kazu.


Thank you.





If HAL has done nothing other than a Face Book posting, they are missing a lot of their market. There are an untold number of HAL passengers who never go near Face Book.


As for timing, of course a respectable amount of time should pass to acknowledge the saddness and anguish of those affected by the grounding of Concordia. With the beginning of salvage operations, some would say that time has passed.



I agree with your comment about Facebook. Many of us have no interest in it.


HAL seems to want to communicate through Facebook as much as possible and they are missing a large audience with trying to make that a primary information vehicle IMO .... if that is, indeed, what they are doing.


Sure lots of folks go often, some go occassionally and some don't go to Facebook at all.


I would not welcome an e-mail of the sort I received from Celebrity anymore than I welcomed theirs. JMO....


I try to add IMO when I post the sort of posts that are just my opinion.



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The cruise lines don't know when [or if] all the bodies will be found. I think they waited enough time -- it's not as if they sent out the email one day after the tragic event.


People want to talk about timing, respect for the dead and missing, etc. -- what about the thread on this board that popped up right after the event, discussing the effects on CCL stock?

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Not much of salvage has started. they are still waiting for permission.


Just me, and yes, I guess, it's personal, there's still a lot of people to find (I hope for the sake of their families and their relatives).


Totally agree that HAL has to reach people other than facebook and I would hope that they would do it. But I am pleased that they have chosen to wait more than one and 1/2 weeks to send out the message.


Three weeks is fine timing for me or sooner if all the bodies are found.


Wave sale or no - there needs to be some respect for those who have passed (I know, it's personal again, sorry)



Well said. Recovery operations are now underway. There are more bodies to recover. Salvage operations are also commecing.


I don't need HAL, Carnival or or anybody telling me how safe their ships are right now. Take care of the current business, recovery operations, etc.


A little respect for our fellow cruises who have passed.

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