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Costa Concordia SINKING!


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I would not put much faith in anything a *unamed offical* says.


There are said to be 10 salvage frims now putting together plans to either raise and/or cut up the wreck for removal. The plans are to be ready by the end of Febuary and with be reviewed by the local groups/experts, Costa, surveyors and underwriters. The firm picked will be expected to start work immediately after that.


Even if the plan calls for the wreck to be floaded..........later conditions, ie the hull conditions, may still reqiure the wreck to be cut up.


She will never sail again in any case



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After all of that - I blame the rock. :D


How can you come to that conclusion?? It's very obvious that it was the mermaids that MOVED the rock, and put it on a collision course with the Concordia.


After all, had not the captain of the Concordia accomplished his "fly by" many times in the past?'


Please be reasonable in your thinking here! It was the mermaids!!:D:D



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How can you come to that conclusion?? It's very obvious that it was the mermaids that MOVED the rock, and put it on a collision course with the Concordia.


After all, had not the captain of the Concordia accomplished his "fly by" many times in the past?'


Please be reasonable in your thinking here! It was the mermaids!!:D:D




The Rhine River has a siren called the Lorelei, which legend says bewitches sailors and causes them to crash on the rocks and sink. These Giglio mermaids must have been the captain's own Lorelei. :D

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Yep - you're quite right. Thanks for setting me straight. Sometimes I don't know my left from my right. :o So if the captain took the lifeboat from the port side he would have had to deploy it sooner than later lest it be one of the last 3 that did not deploy? Or do I have it all backwards again? HELP!


Do you realize you are looking a picture of the port side of the ship, not the starboard side?
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The captain's private behavior, like anyone else's, is nobody's business as long as it remains private.


Unfortunately for the captain, running a ship into an island and killing about 30 people is a highly public act.


An analogy: it is nobody's business if you are having an affair with a certain person. However, if that person is sitting in your lap while you are driving, and you have an accident, your private behavior becomes public. The affair is not directly linked to the accident, but it causes the behavior that causes the accident, so the accident cannot be understood without understanding the affair.


This being said, I am not making any factual statement as to what the captain did or did not do, or with whom. But the pattern of behavior which has been alleged so far is so consistently rotten that it seems likely that any inquiry into any aspect of the captain's life has a fair likelihood of turning up the same type of self-absorption, deception, self-pity and recklessness. Not saying it's a fact, but if I were a betting person I know where I'd put my money. On any wager involving the captain's morality I take the "under".



I'm very glad that you posted this comment. I'd wanted to make the same point but was having trouble finding an appropriate example. Your analogy was perfect. Thank, you.



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The Rhine River has a siren called the Lorelei, which legend says bewitches sailors and causes them to crash on the rocks and sink. These Giglio mermaids must have been the captain's own Lorelei. :D



judybee.......thanks for helping me with a little humor, on this very serious thread.:)



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This thread (where everyone is talking about what was said, or heard, or reported) reminds me of a game we did as kids. I cannot remember the name of it, but we would all sit in a circle and whisper into the ear of the kid next to you. For example, the first kid would say "Peaches & Cream," and by the end of the circle, the words would be changed (lost in translation as the words were passed on) to "Apples & Oranges." :D

We call it Chinese whispers:D

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The Rhine River has a siren called the Lorelei, which legend says bewitches sailors and causes them to crash on the rocks and sink. These Giglio mermaids must have been the captain's own Lorelei. :D



Some of the earliest reports of "Sirens" bewitching sea farers and taking them to their doom go back to Homer's Odyssey telling the 13th century BC saga.



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How can you come to that conclusion?? It's very obvious that it was the mermaids that MOVED the rock, and put it on a collision course with the Concordia.


After all, had not the captain of the Concordia accomplished his "fly by" many times in the past?'


Please be reasonable in your thinking here! It was the mermaids!!:D:D




You do make a good case for an alternate theory.

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Thanks for that helpful information, Aplmac...so now I've been able to add you to my ignore list.

What amuses me is that, of course, you won't know that because this post will not appear in your listing.

Oh, what fun we have! ===> You have no idea, dear boy! :D


Two things really amuse me.

One is reading posts from contributors who are so eager to censor, ban, prohibit or delete any post of which they deem to disapprove.... whilst, of course, retaining their own right to post whatever they like!

The other thing I really enjoy is reading the confused logic that some posters apply to their reasoning. ===> Up to a point, I do too.

But then that point is reached.....


I'm still waiting for Millandra to explain how/why it would be a logical consequence that if Captain Schettino allowed himself to be distracted by the presence of Miss Modovia when he should have been concentrating on steering his ship, then no attractive lady can ever be safe from the attentions of a male working companion.

It takes some mighty convoluted reasoning to make that connection! ===> Reasoning you might be willing to wade through, but I am not!

Dear Hebersgyll,


Thank you so much for adding me to your Ignore List!

Your life is now that much further simplified, since you no longer have to put up with my drivel!

I'm sure you'll come to appreciate the Ignore List even more as time goes by

and you add more such Annoyances to it! :)


Strangely however, we are still in communication with each other, and therefore I suspect that your action is rhetorical only.

I understand your sentiments expressed above

however as you spend more and more time on these message boards

you will from time to time come across particularly-aggravating individuals that simply "rub you the wrong way"!



I signed up May 30th. 2007 a short while after my marvellous First Cruise

(a few months before you did)

and in the nearly-five years of participation I have a mere six people on my Ignore List

which is not bad going, I reckon.



Incidentally, I notice you have few friends on CC and so I have just sent you a CC Friendship request

since we seem to get along just fine. ;)



Kindest Regards to your wife and family

and we hope to see you in the Caribbean sometime in the near future.


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The Court of Grosseto has contacted us to advise that an enquiry will take place into the grounding of the cruise ship Costa Concordia. The judge, Ms Valeria Montesarchio, has ordered an admission of evidence of the incident and a hearing has been scheduled for 3 March 2012 at 9.30 am at the Teatro Moderno in Grosseto. The Court has asked us to contact passenger involved in the accident and have asked that they be notified of the hearing date so that they may arrange for legal representation. The case number assigned by the Court to the enquiry is 12/285 NR 12/117. The judge appointed for the preliminary investigation is Ms Valeria Montesarchio.


The Court has provided an English translation of the Court Ordinance


Text begins:


N. 12/285 R.G.N.R.

N. 12/117 R.G.GIP


Office of the Clerk of the Preliminary Investigations Judge



By order of the Judge for preliminary investigations, Valeria Montesarchio,

the injured parts below are notified,




- that with regard to the criminal proceedings against Francesco Schettino born in Naples on 14/11/1960 and Ciro Ambrosio born in Torre del Greco on 29/10/1983, charged with the crimes referred to in Articles. 113, with reference to Article 449 ². 428, 589 ³ (both), and Art. 81, 591 penal code and Art. 1097 Maritime code (Schettino), committed on the Island of Giglio on January 13th 2012, the Judge, on 01.24.2012, issued the order for the admission of evidence of the incident and set the hearing for March 3, 2012 at 9:30 pm in the theatre, Teatro Moderno in Grosseto in 33/35 via Tripoli;

- that a full copy of the Ordinance issued by the Judge has been published on the following sites :

- www.tribunale.grosseto.it under “news”

- on the electronic newspaper of the Ministry of Justice “newsonline” available on the web site www.giustizia.it under "alerts and notices",

- on the site of the Tuscan Region www.regione.toscana.it under “emergenzaesicurezza””emergency and safty”.


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Gosh, all the bickering.


I suggest a Caribbean pattern. Stop in Jamaica.


Then head over to St. Anns Parish/Nine Mile and take a tour of the Bob Marley grounds.


While you are at it take part in some of the ethnic activities that occur there.


All the negativity, message board mongers and so called forum cops won't have a worry in the world.

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Gosh, all the bickering.

I suggest a Caribbean pattern. Stop in Jamaica.

Then head over to St. Anns Parish/Nine Mile and take a tour of the Bob Marley grounds.


While you are at it take part in some of the ethnic activities that occur there.

All the negativity, message board mongers and so called forum cops won't have a worry in the world.

Loving your suggestion!!


Ethnic activities have a wonderful calming effect that the world is currently denied

but when eventually liberated will have profound effect

particularly on the industry that partially? intoxicated whoever made a bad judgement at the helm

that awful Black Friday night of 13th. January 2012.


Perhaps if the helmsperson had participated in ethnic activities instead..

helmsperson woulda been a darned sight more careful?! ;)



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mcikey_d, they are sticking with the dates I posted a few weeks back. Now, what is it they expect of you, just to be represented by an attorney or would they rather you be there in person?

I noted the this case involves the Captain and Ciro Ambrosio. I don't remember Ambrosio's part. Guessing an officer on the Bridge?

Hope you are doing well.

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I just hope that the ship will be recovered soon!

So I also hope that the pumping out process starts soon, and I wait until March, when one of the 10 companies gets the task to recover...






Weather could be better...

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Thanks for this info Michelle!


How are you and your daughter holding up since the accident? Do you have nightmares? Flashbacks? Does it seem like a distant thing or is it still much on your mind? I can't imagine what you must have gone through. Is there a group of Australians banning together for support on this?



The Court of Grosseto has contacted us to advise that an enquiry will take place into the grounding of the cruise ship Costa Concordia. The judge, Ms Valeria Montesarchio, has ordered an admission of evidence of the incident and a hearing has been scheduled for 3 March 2012 at 9.30 am at the Teatro Moderno in Grosseto. The Court has asked us to contact passenger involved in the accident and have asked that they be notified of the hearing date so that they may arrange for legal representation. The case number assigned by the Court to the enquiry is 12/285 NR 12/117. The judge appointed for the preliminary investigation is Ms Valeria Montesarchio.


The Court has provided an English translation of the Court Ordinance


Text begins:


N. 12/285 R.G.N.R.

N. 12/117 R.G.GIP






Office of the Clerk of the Preliminary Investigations Judge



By order of the Judge for preliminary investigations, Valeria Montesarchio,


the injured parts below are notified,




- that with regard to the criminal proceedings against Francesco Schettino born in Naples on 14/11/1960 and Ciro Ambrosio born in Torre del Greco on 29/10/1983, charged with the crimes referred to in Articles. 113, with reference to Article 449 ². 428, 589 ³ (both), and Art. 81, 591 penal code and Art. 1097 Maritime code (Schettino), committed on the Island of Giglio on January 13th 2012, the Judge, on 01.24.2012, issued the order for the admission of evidence of the incident and set the hearing forMarch 3, 2012 at 9:30 pm in the theatre, Teatro Moderno in Grosseto in 33/35 via Tripoli;

- that a full copy of the Ordinance issued by the Judge has been published on the following sites:

- www.tribunale.grosseto.it under “news”

- on the electronic newspaper of the Ministry of Justice “newsonline” available on the web site www.giustizia.it under "alerts and notices",

- on the site of the Tuscan Region www.regione.toscana.it under “emergenzaesicurezza””emergency and safty”.


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The Court of Grosseto has contacted us to advise that an enquiry will take place into the grounding of the cruise ship Costa Concordia. The judge, Ms Valeria Montesarchio, has ordered an admission of evidence of the incident and a hearing has been scheduled for 3 March 2012 at 9.30 am at the Teatro Moderno in Grosseto. The Court has asked us to contact passenger involved in the accident and have asked that they be notified of the hearing date so that they may arrange for legal representation. The case number assigned by the Court to the enquiry is 12/285 NR 12/117. The judge appointed for the preliminary investigation is Ms Valeria Montesarchio.


The Court has provided an English translation of the Court Ordinance


Text begins:


N. 12/285 R.G.N.R.

N. 12/117 R.G.GIP






Office of the Clerk of the Preliminary Investigations Judge



By order of the Judge for preliminary investigations, Valeria Montesarchio,


the injured parts below are notified,




- that with regard to the criminal proceedings against Francesco Schettino born in Naples on 14/11/1960 and Ciro Ambrosio born in Torre del Greco on 29/10/1983, charged with the crimes referred to in Articles. 113, with reference to Article 449 ². 428, 589 ³ (both), and Art. 81, 591 penal code and Art. 1097 Maritime code (Schettino), committed on the Island of Giglio on January 13th 2012, the Judge, on 01.24.2012, issued the order for the admission of evidence of the incident and set the hearing forMarch 3, 2012 at 9:30 pm in the theatre, Teatro Moderno in Grosseto in 33/35 via Tripoli;

- that a full copy of the Ordinance issued by the Judge has been published on the following sites:

- www.tribunale.grosseto.it under “news”

- on the electronic newspaper of the Ministry of Justice “newsonline” available on the web site www.giustizia.it under "alerts and notices",

- on the site of the Tuscan Region www.regione.toscana.it under “emergenzaesicurezza””emergency and safty”.



Hi Michelle


I played around with the hyperlinks at the bottom of your notice from the Tuscan Court and then with search engines to try to find the bio and photo of Judge Valeria Montesarchio but to no avail.


I wonder what is her background?


A photo would be nice, as well. We could create a photo collage of the three women in Captain's life: Wife, Paramour, and Judge :eek:

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Hi Michelle


I played around with the hyperlinks at the bottom of your notice from the Tuscan Court and then with search engines to try to find the bio and photo of Judge Valeria Montesarchio but to no avail.


I wonder what is her background?


A photo would be nice, as well. We could create a photo collage of the three women in Captain's life: Wife, Paramour, and Judge :eek:

I did a google search and found this:


image.jpg THE JUDGE. Valeria Montesarchio







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The Court of Grosseto has contacted us to advise that an enquiry will take place into the grounding of the cruise ship Costa Concordia. The judge, Ms Valeria Montesarchio, has ordered an admission of evidence of the incident and a hearing has been scheduled for 3 March 2012 at 9.30 am at the Teatro Moderno in Grosseto. The Court has asked us to contact passenger involved in the accident and have asked that they be notified of the hearing date so that they may arrange for legal representation. The case number assigned by the Court to the enquiry is 12/285 NR 12/117. The judge appointed for the preliminary investigation is Ms Valeria Montesarchio.


The Court has provided an English translation of the Court Ordinance


Text begins:


N. 12/285 R.G.N.R.

N. 12/117 R.G.GIP






Office of the Clerk of the Preliminary Investigations Judge







By order of the Judge for preliminary investigations, Valeria Montesarchio,


the injured parts below are notified,




- that with regard to the criminal proceedings against Francesco Schettino born in Naples on 14/11/1960 and Ciro Ambrosio born in Torre del Greco on 29/10/1983, charged with the crimes referred to in Articles. 113, with reference to Article 449 ². 428, 589 ³ (both), and Art. 81, 591 penal code and Art. 1097 Maritime code (Schettino), committed on the Island of Giglio on January 13th 2012, the Judge, on 01.24.2012, issued the order for the admission of evidence of the incident and set the hearing forMarch 3, 2012 at 9:30 pm in the theatre, Teatro Moderno in Grosseto in 33/35 via Tripoli;

- that a full copy of the Ordinance issued by the Judge has been published on the following sites:

- www.tribunale.grosseto.it under “news”

- on the electronic newspaper of the Ministry of Justice “newsonline” available on the web site www.giustizia.it under "alerts and notices",

- on the site of the Tuscan Region www.regione.toscana.it under “emergenzaesicurezza””emergency and safty”.



It is interesting that the court document lists the full names, nationality, and birth dates of every single person on board the Concorda for 98 pages. All are listed as plantiffs. Here is the English version in PDF format:




The top level webpage with the announcement is:



The court documents are available in multiple languages.

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